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Isekai 1O1

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

I slowly opened my eyes. I'm surrounded by darkness, or more like nothingness? Actually I don't feel a thing. My arms, legs, nothing. I try moving them but I still can't feel them. Oh well who gives a crap. I'm dead, so I guess this is hell? I doubt that I would go to any place other then hell after what I've done. Oops I don't want to think about that, what done is done can't change it now....

Wait a second if this is hell shouldn't I suffer, or burn or something? It sure doesn't feel like hell.


Echo, nothing but echo. Well I tried at least..... Then in a corner of my eye I see something. Numbers, number 4567 to be precise. Suddenly I felt a burning sensation in my left arm, well my left wrist.....

Fuck don't think about it. That sensation disappeared after a few seconds and the result of it is a number 4570 on my wrist. What is this shit? Then I notice that the big number increased to 4568. So it's counting to something, but what could it be.... Similar to when you are at a bank and have to wait In a fucking line. God damn I hate that. Oh well I'll wait until it reaches 4570.

Wait..... maybe I'm going to get tortured and I'm just waiting for my turn. Hopefully not, well this is hell after all..... Damn that was a scary and a dark thought. Well I know my self, I'm no stranger to those. I just floated there, thinking about nothing special for good 30 minutes. In the middle of me thinking about how they butchered one of my favorite TV shows, which made me more and more disappointed the more I thought about it something that I could only explain was a mini wormhole appeared before me and sucked me in.

Part 2

An office space..... no more like an an interrogation room. A chair, a small grey table and an another chair sitting opposite of the other.


I hear a feminine voice in my head, telling me to sit. Hmm it sure is a weird feeling.

"I said sit. Don't make me repeat my self again."

Whoa, whatever it was it has a bad temper. A demon maybe? Maybe a sexy demon succubus!? If it is I wouldn't mind getting tortured by her. Whoa, whoa going little bit to far..... Ah I'm dead anyways so who cares.

Sexy succubus lady! Sexy succubus lady! I sit down whit excitement, although I usually get disappointed.....

The door handle slowly turns and... Crap..... I knew it I would get disappointed in the end, well not totally. She still looked like a woman in plane office clothes and a ponytail. Although that skirt reveals her nice long legs. Definitely a strong point of hers, considering that she in not that well equipped in the breast department.

"Hello." I greet her reluctantly and she just looked at me for a second and sat down. I guess she does this a lot. But still she could've at least greet me back!

"So you are number 4570?"

So we begin whit that huh? I should answer before she gets angry, she is probably some kind of demon? Whatever she is she must be powerful. Best to play it safe. Just listen and answer what she asks? I take a deep breath and say.

"Yes I'm number 4570."

"So 4570 I bet that you are confused where you are now. As it is protocol I will tell you. You are in purgatory."

Purgatory! Like the Purgatory!? Where souls are sent to clean them selfs of sin?

"Marcus Greenwood. 24 years old. Committed a suicide after he lost his never ending fight against depression that was a result of the death of both of his parents"

How does she know all that? Is she some sort of and angel? From what I know there is no demons in purgatory. Well if she is an angel that would explain how she know all that.... Or maybe!

"Are you God?"

Ooo crap that gaze of hers pierced my soul. Scary, scary! Sorry plz don't kill me.

"Pfff hahaha!"

What's so funny!? You scared me to death right now! After having a good laugh she says.

"God? No, I would never be close to his greatness. I'm just one of his humble servants."

Like I thought.

"Angel?" She answered whit a deep nod. Well that makes me relieved, at least I won't be tortured or something...

"Anyways let's continue. You committed a sin of suicide, for that reason you will spend a lifetime in purgatory."

"Lifetime, but I'm dead."

"Let me finish will you."

Oh yeah don't wanna make her angry. Go on, go on.

"You will be given a chance to redeem your sould by being given an another life in purgatory.

Meaning your soul will be given another life in another world. Choices you make will reflect your final sentence when you die again."

Confused. I'm confused, another life? So I will be allowed to live another life in purgatory and at the end of it I will be judged? Hmm I think I got it figured out somewhat. Well let's just go whit the flow.

"But there is a catch. If you die in this new world you will be reborn whitout your memories and your soul will be given a new life as a child of this world's inhabitants."

I knew it! That there was a catch somewhere. But wouldn't it be easier for them to judge me now and be done whit it. Strange.

"May I ask you something."

"Sure ask away."

"Why? Why a system like that? Wouldn't it be easier to just cut to the chase?"

"Only God knows why, he wished it to be like this so it is like this. I can only tell you my interpretation. Interested?"

I just nodd in reply.

"You humans are not perfect. Result of the crimes committed by the first Man and first Woman."

So Adam and Eva right. Everyone knows that, tricked by the devil to eat the forbidden fruit.

"You committ stupid mistakes and sins that you regret in the end. As I said before you are not perfect and because of the you are given another chance. After all you humans are his children that he loves dearly."

I see, makes sense I guess....

"Now whit that out of the way follow me."


I answer like some damn dog. I sure feels like one, only thing missing is a fucking tale.

Huh? As she opened the doors I notice something. I managed to catch a glimpse before when she entered. There was nothing but darkness, same as before. Nothing but..... well nothingness, but now there is clearly some sort room there. Man who cares anymore, if I think anymore my head will explode. I get up and follow her through the doors.

Part 3

Another room similar to the last one, no windows, not second doors, nothing. Well beside the big fucking map floating in the middle of the room. It looks similar to what you would have in sci fi games or movies. When I get closer I notice that it is awfully similar to UK, just little bit different in some places.

"This is the wolrd you will live in. Name: Caldria. Population 13 million. Out of that 13 million there are 5000 souls."

5000 huh, crap..... I wished I was only one there. Or better something like get a world of your choosing, like an mmo or an anime, something like that. It would be fucking cool, wait what is this world anyway?

"Can you tell me little bit more about it?"

"Of course, that's the protocol. Its one of many world's made for souls like yours."

"Souls like mine?" Fuck I interrupted her. She sure looks frustrated, like she had enough of this job. Well if she deals whit people similar to me, I would be frustrated too....

"You liked mmo games, anime and that stuff right?"

"Yep I loved them." I basically just done that for the last year of my life.

"Well this world is similar to an mmo. Its made for people like you who loved similar stuff like you. Of course there are hundreds of different worlds like this one but that's not important."

"So I get to live an another life in an mmo!?"


Holy shit that's cool, like my dreams came true. Yes!! I can't wait.

"Send me! Come on do it already!" I can't hide my excitement! Can you blame me!? It an mmo, an Isekai!

" Hmm I see that you are excited to start your new life!" Then she snaps her fingers and a door appears in a wall left of me.

"There you go, open that door and enter you dream world!"

"Yes!" I run to the door and just as I am about to open them she gives me one last warning if you could call it.

"Remember choices you make will have an effect in the end when you step in front of God. And also if you die before reaching old age you will be reborn as a child in this world. Whit no memories of your previous life, meaning that your soul will forever be lost."

Forever lost..... what a scary thought.

Still! I will live a good life, I was given a second chance, I will not waste it! And when I die of old age, when my soul goes to be judged I will reach Haven!

"Here I go!" I'm pumped, I can't wait!

"Good luck little soul!"

Whit that I take a step in the new world. My new life that will be better then the last one!