The magical realm as kakuriyo many kingdoms lie within kakuriyo and are protected by its MANA. Among them, only a few kingdoms allied to provide balance. The Tyrus kingdom, Nercil kingdom and the Novus kingdom are one of the allied kingdoms. The Tyrus kingdom is very well known for its mage and its ranks. They categorize people into peasant, commoner, the noble, and royal family named Lon it represents the powerful will and ready for battle. In the year 998, Tyrus kingdom got attacked by one of our allied Nercil kingdoms. king Neptune killed all current the royal members and became the king of the Tyrus. The younger most princess who is only 5 months old were now where see after the battle. No one knows whether she is alive or dead. This is the past of Tyrus's kingdom.
Tyrus has three levels of terrain The royal lives in the topmost terrain knows regiis terram. It's known as the most flourished place in the entire kingdom where all the exotic foods, the limited edition of clothes and the last but not the least one is the best I heard that many handsome tourists come there. Well, I want to go there once in my life but to that, I need to find a job there in regiis terram which is impossible another is to become a royal knight they are the elite knight.
The next terrain pars terra is for noble this is where most of the people live. It said that people over there are warm-hearted and loving to everyone then the place I live is known as culta secat its also known as farmer land yes all the food are produced here send to the upper lands.
Hey hey, this is my story and I'm being introduced late. ahem! I'm Kayla a simple girl who's 8 years old. From my childhood, I never knew my biological parents. there was a kind man who took me under his wings and brought me up, and that's my foster father his name is William Nox. he is a merchant. Will is very protective of me, no he is overprotective of me. Well, I know that I'm beautiful that doesn't mean that I have to stay in the house all the time. "Will!! When are you going let me join knight academy I shouted. William coolly answered, A brat who can't even control her MANA is unfit to join knight academy. ". I glare at his will and run off to the seeking stone. The stone helps people to control their MANA but for some reason, the stone doesn't react to my MANA but after I lose control of my MANA. Then I heard my name — "Kayla your father asked me to check on you....did something happen" spun around to see who. it was my best friend Selena is a noble the only one who doesn't care about people's status and treats everyone as equal. "Hey, Selena how did you find me". Selena said "I know you....when you feel frustrated you come here to control your self",
Kayla asks Selena to spar with her for some time. "Kayla I know you're strong but I can't beat you in a fight plus I don't possess much MANA like you" she replied. Selena, are you are tough, but she never accepts that will she... fine I need to cool down a bit so spent some time with me will you. Selena sigh, and. Accepts the sparring match; don't hold back Sel; "water magic! Water pistol! " Selena defense herself with earth creation — rock wall. Wow, to withstand my pistol sel but will you be able to defend my next spell "water cyclone" Selena smirked and said "it seems you haven't realized that you are already under my spell earth magic quicksand" I was surprised. Expected you're. Strong Selena. "Fine I let you win this time but next time I will be the one wining and become the royal Knight"
Fine...I will take you on, but I will be the one to become the royal knight. Selena replied and grabs my hands and starts to walk. Selena — Kayla you have such a high density of MANA you still haven't mastered that MANA that's all. I know Kayla works hard more than anyone in this village, so I have to work hard too just to stand next to this person...Se...Selena I called her but it seems she is lost in thoughts. Kayla shouts! SELENA!. "What that's for I can hear you know" she replied. Liar I called you many times but there was no response! Then Selena walks fast saying "slowpoke I will go ahead and finish eating all uncle will hamburger steak by myself blah!" wait for me Sel!!.