Chereads / Crucible of Ideas / Chapter 20 - Pokémon Wack 3

Chapter 20 - Pokémon Wack 3

After beating Manglo in iCity, you can go north to Route 10, but west of iCity are the Slums.

You are able to enter them before beating the gym, but the police officer recommends you at least beat the gym before going there.

The slums are controlled by a gang, which has recently invaded a rich guy's house.

You can go into the sewers and fight the gang members, and when you reach the gang leader, beating him lets you flick a switch to drain the sewers.

Doing this lets you find an entrance into the rich guy's house, which is also full of gang members for you to fight.

Eventually, you find a gang member who reveals his plans.

The rich guy designed Solareno, a Pokémon which created a lot of energy, so the gang plans to steal it for a lot of money.

After you defeat the gang, the rich guy lets you catch Solareno.

After that, the only thing left to do is go north to Route 10.

Route 10 connects to the Nuclear Forest, which connects to Cherno City.

Cherno City was once a thriving town, but it was nuked back in the day so now it's pretty sparse.

There is a nuclear power plant though. In the power plant, you meet Hiroshima, a samurai and the gym leader of the city.

He tells you that he has a grudge against the Juvites for bombing his city, but he realizes that Team Wack is going too far.

Team Wack has invaded the power plant because it contains a legendary Pokémon that they want to control, so you and Hiroshima fight them.

At the end of the power plant, you fight Manglo again, who wants to control Nuclissheno.

After beating him, you can catch Nuclissheno, and you and Hiroshima escape the power plant in a fridge.

After that, you fight Anne, who wants to train her Pokémon some more.

Beating Anne lets you access the Cherno Gym, the Nuclear-type gym whose puzzle is the same as the one in Sabrina's gym.

When you get to Hiroshima, he explains his backstory again and challenges you to an honorable battle.

When you beat him, he tells you to follow a path of honor and respect for your Pokemon.

After you get the 7th gym badge, you can find Zaydolf north of Cherno City.

He tells you that he always desires to fight you, as it is the only thing that excites him.

After defeating him, Zaydolf gives you the HM for Waterfall (which is useless) and tells you to go to Cybergate City.

He tells you that you will stand up for your ideals when the time comes, but he will as well.

You can go through Route 11 (which softlocks you if you don't have Fly) to get to Getcha Town and Cutcha Town, but those aren't relevant.

When you go to Cybergate, Anne is at the front door.

She tells you that the only people allowed in Cyberspace are Juvites, but she smuggled in Juvite ID cards.

You can talk to the woman at the front desk and she will take you to the Cyberspace hub, which has a Pokemon center and a PC.

Two tiles are open, one to the Data Fields and one to the Corrupted Crags.

An NPC explains that the Pokemon in the Corrupted Crags are much stronger than the ones in the Data Fields, so the Data Fields are the first place to go.

There is a Juvite member at the entrance to the Data Fields who explains that the trainers you have to fight are manifestations of data on the internet.

The Data Fields have many different areas to explore, like Ledditgag and PokeChan, but the only mandatory area is the Data Mine, which takes you to the Deep Web.

In the Deep Web, you find Juvite Admin Silverman, who tells you his plans to awaken an ancient cybernetic Pokemon.

You fight twice, once against his regular Pokemon, and once against the legendary Pokemon Datagon.

He and his grunts escape, and you return to the cyber hub. The Corrupted Crags are the next stop.

An NPC tells you that this used to be the first virtual simulation of reality, but many viruses have infested it.

Another NPC tells you to go to the cave entrance.

Going to the cave entrance takes you to the Forgotten Depths, the first surprisingly creepy part of the game.

At the entrance, there is a youngster who tells you to "not let it get you", referring to an enemy on a bike who chases you and brings you to the beginning of the Forgotten Depths if you aren't fast enough.

If you manage to complete the Forgotten Depths, you get teleported to an area not unlike the one where you fought Silverman.

This time you fight Shlomo, and you have to fight him twice like with Silverman.

In the second fight, he uses Ultirus, the virus counterpart to Datagon.

Now that you have completed the Data Fields and the Corrupted Crags, you can go down to "The Core", where Goldberg awaits you.

He tells you that his plan is to control the masses with the power of Datagon and Ultirus when Shlomo and Silverman arrive.

He fights you just to humor you, and after you beat him, he admits he was holding back.

He didn't want his daughter Anne to know who he was, and he felt bad when she found out.

He explains that you re-ignited a flame within him, and he is ready to rule the world.

He says that Shlomo and Silverman should be here any moment, but instead of them, Zaydolf arrives, with a ton of Team Wack grunts behind him.

He tells Goldberg that Shlomo and Silverman are gone, as well as revealing himself to be the leader of Team Wack.

Zaydolf then goes on an Omnicidal Maniac speech, while Goldberg taunts him by claiming that the Juvites have the power of the two legendary Pokemon.

Zaydolf reveals that Team Wack found something much more powerful than Datagon and Ultirus in cyberspace, which allowed them to defeat Silverman and Shlomo.

He then takes Goldberg to the purification camp. Zaydolf asks if you want to join him, and you don't.

After that, Zaydolf begs you to stop him, revealing that a strange being has taken hold of him, and that you are the only one able to stop him.

After that, you are able to go beneath the core to catch Datagon and Ultirus.

The next stop is the Purification Camp north of Side Town.