Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

Over the next 6 months we got into a good routine working on the project. Nate volunteered to go to the meetings with art donors while Alexander and I continued working on the slide show and organizing the event itself. That meant we spent a lot of time together and shared many more meals. One night after finishing our work and stuffing ourselves with pizza, we decided we needed to move in order to feel comfortable again, so we went to the video game area and played Dance Dance Revolution. He surprised me with how well he moved but it still wasn't enough to beat me. After that night we went to play games there often when we were finished with work, and we would talk about everything under the sun. A lot of times we would choose classic games like Mortal Kombat, Mario Kart and 007 Golden Eye. Sometimes we would work on our paintings together while listening to music too. We started to leave the door open between our offices and eventually ended up in the same office working. He was becoming my best friend and as time passed the space between us when we sat down next to each other lessened. I couldn't help the draw I felt toward him, not only physically but emotionally too. We even added each other on social media.

The dirty thoughts I was having were definitely getting harder to keep at bay. Nate always had this stupid grin on his face when he left us, and it seemed like he was dipping out on purpose. Nate was a good friend to both of us now, but I don't think either Alexander or I really minded when he left. Lily kept pressing me for information about how I felt about him basically every day after I got home now. She thought I should make a move on him because to her it seemed like he felt the same way. I was honestly scared to try anything though because if he didn't feel the same way as me then it could ruin our friendship. Plus, it would be super weird at work after that. On the other hand, it could be a plus that our offices are attached to each other if it did work. This thought sent me into a fantasy land of 50 shades of Gray on his desk. Basically, I've been talking myself into and out of doing anything for months now. It was getting harder to talk myself out of it.

Today at work I was finalizing a play list for the DJ that was going to be at the Charity Auction after party and after that I started to finish my painting since I had a little time to kill on my hands. I decided on a picture of myself I had taken when I was very happy. I'd actually never tried to paint a self-portrait before, so it was a new skill I was trying to master. Alexander and Nate walked in to see what I was working on today.

Nate was the first to comment, " Whoa, that's turning out to be really cool. I love the colors you chose; they suit you."

I beamed in response. Alexander stood there studying my work and it made me nervous that he hadn't said anything yet.

Finally, he said, "Would you want to put this in the auction tomorrow night?"

My eyes got huge as I let what he had just asked sink in.

"You think this is good enough to be in it?!" I squeaked out.

He looked at me and said very seriously "I wouldn't have hired you and given you the position I did if I didn't think your art was impressive."

I jumped up and down like a child and impulsively ran over to hug him. We both went still in surprise at my actions but then he slowly wrapped his arms around me. This quickly got more intimate than I realized it would and my heart was racing from his touch. Nate cleared his throat and made the excuse of having something to do to escape. Alexander still hadn't let me go and when I looked up at him, I saw his beautiful green eyes looking down at me tenderly. I blushed and tried to step back a little bit flustered by the close contact, but he held me right where I was.

He cleared his throat, "So I have something I've been wanting to ask you....."

He seemed to be struggling with himself right now and took a deep breath before saying the words I'd fantasized about for the last 3 months. My heart was hammering in my chest.

"Would you go to the benefit with me as my date?"

I stopped breathing for a second but then recovered, "I thought you would never ask. I would love to."

'Holy Fuck, I just agreed to be his date! I needed to get a bomb ass dress tonight. Lily is going to freak!' I thought to myself.

He let out a breath that he had been holding and said, "Oh thank fuck, that would have been so awkward if you didn't feel the same and rejected me."

I laughed nervously. It's not like I'd never heard him curse before because we both get competitive when playing a game, but I hadn't expected that response.

Before I lost my nerve, I blurted out, "Don't worry, I had the same thought which is why I hadn't tried anything on you myself. I'd have eventually talked myself into it though."

He smirked sexily at me and said, "Oh really? I'm curious to know what you would have tried."

Fuck my life. Why does my mouth always respond before my brain can think through the consequences? Now I either have to come clean or come up with a clever way out of that. I thought for a moment and decided I would do something else entirely. The urge to provoke him came over me and I couldn't resist playing this dangerous game with him.

"Maybe I'll show you some time. Right now, I should probably finish my painting so it's ready to take tomorrow Mr. Gideon. Plus, I am rethinking my dress choice now that I have a date." I winked at him. 

He hadn't expected that response so his mouth hung open for a second and I used that opportunity to push him back into his office.

"See you tomorrow. I'll text you the address you can pick me up." I said as I smiled innocently at him before closing the door on him. I knew what I had just done to him but the thought of those consequences only excited. 

***Alexander POV***

After she closed the door, I silently celebrated in my office. I got the vibe that she liked me too, but I wasn't 100% on it so I did not know how that was going to go. I hadn't been able to get Penelope out of my head since I met her, and Nate had been finding every opportunity to leave us alone together. I can't say I wasn't thankful for that because the more I got to know her the more time I craved with her. I couldn't stay away from her nor did I want to. We loved a lot of the same stuff and I thought she was kind, funny, intelligent and beautiful. I wanted to know all of the expressions she makes. Especially the ones she would make when I made her cum. I've imagined those a lot lately. I don't think I've thought of a woman this much since Elise and that was short lived. On my way home that night I called Nate.

"Hey! Did she say yes?" Of course that would be the first thing he said.

"Yes!" I replied happily.

"That's great man! I'm really happy for you two! I knew you all clicked early on." He said.

I laughed. "Yeah, you were right. I'm just so glad she agreed to go with me. I think she's incredible."

Nate choked on whatever he was drinking.

"Damn, it sounds like your smitten. From what I know about her though I can see it. You all already almost act like a couple anyway." He said encouraging me.

If anyone could see it, then it would be Nate, but he still threw me off a little. I thought he would make fun of me and not be so serious, but he's been known to be serious on occasion. It's why we can run a business together.

"Yeah, I have a good feeling about her. I feel so close to her in a way I've never felt with anyone before. Sorry, but I don't want to have sex with you Nate so it's different."

He laughed, "I understand, no hard feelings. I'll save my lingerie for the next man who walks into my life. Well, I should probably let you go so you can plan out your date."

I laughed. "Ok, see you tomorrow." I said before hanging up. Nate always knew when I wanted to be alone with my thoughts, so he didn't linger, he knew when to end a conversation. That's one of the many things I loved about him.

I needed to call my driver to make sure the preparations were made for tomorrow evening. I knew we would probably be drinking so I didn't want us to drive ourselves.

Penelope POV***

I left work after finishing my painting and called Lily.

"Hey babe what's up?" She asked.

Words just started tumbling out.

"He fucking asked me to be his date to the benefit tomorrow!! We have to go shopping, meet me at that dress boutique we love ASAP. Oh and I'm buying a new lingerie set too. I don't know if he's going to see it or not but I'd like to be prepared."

She dropped her cup and I heard it shatter.

"Lil are you ok?" I asked.

She didn't even care about the cup, all I could hear was, "Holy Shit you are going on a date with your hot ass boss! See I was right, I knew it would happen!"

I couldn't stop smiling.

"I'm so glad you were. Ok, I'll see you at the dress shop!" I said hanging up before she deafened me.

She was waiting for me when I pulled up, she was bouncing in her spot. She wanted to know exactly what happened, so I told her all the details including how I sort of hinted at wanting to do sexual things shocking him before I pushed him in his office and closed the door on him. She was pretty proud of me for that. We ended up finding the perfect dress. It was a red, strapless, backless, ankle length dress that hugged my curves and had a slit on both sides all the way up to the top of my thighs. The corset boning in the front of the dress was so well constructed that I felt secure enough to move without flashing the world. I'm still going to use double sided tape to keep it in place though. He was going to die tomorrow when he saw me in this, and I couldn't wait. Lily looked at me approvingly. We celebrated by going to the nail salon and stopping at a sushi restaurant on the way home. We spent the evening planning out my entire wardrobe and makeup for tomorrow. It was Saturday so I had all day to pamper myself and get ready. I went to sleep thinking about how I wanted to feel my body against Alexander's tomorrow even if it was just dancing.

I woke up the next morning feeling extra excited, anxious and refreshed. I made myself some oatmeal and a protein shake for breakfast. When I finished, I pulled out my phone and texted Alexander my address.

He very quickly responded with, "Can't wait to see you!"

I was feeling kind of flirty so I shot back, "I can't wait till you see me in this dress."

I laughed because in like 10 seconds he sent, "On second thought, can I come sooner than 4pm?"

I thought on it for a moment before responding with, "I'm getting ready to go to the gym if you want to join me."

He sent, "Be there in 15 minutes."

Ok, I needed to get ready. I went in and put on a super cute purple/grey legging and cropped compression tank set and put my hair up. I wasn't going to wear make up till later. I don't know if he's ever seen me without makeup, but I wasn't about to turn back on my choice now. I didn't want to sweat it off at the gym and clog my pores. Sure, enough in 15 minutes I heard a knock. I grabbed my bag and opened the door where I saw him standing in athletic shorts and a form fitting spandex tee. He looked me up and down as well. This is the most we've seen of each other's bodies.

I looked up embarrassed, "Um, should we go?"

"Yes," he breathed, "we can go to my gym if you don't mind. What are you working today?"

I loved that he was just as serious about lifting as me.

"It's legs for me, you?" I asked.

He smiled and said, "Me too. We matched up. Cool now we can do a workout together."

We made our way down to his car and drove to the gym. I liked the setup of his gym, it had everything I needed. I set up the rack with 185lbs for my first lift, squats and he did a double take.

"Are you going to lift that?" He asked.

I laughed, "Yes, for 3 sets of 8-15 reps."

He smiled, "Alright, I'll spot you."

I could tell in the mirror where I checked my form that he was impressed but also that he was definitely looking at my ass when he got the chance. It sort of turned me on. When it was his turn, his lifts were pretty impressive too. His squat was 415lbs and he lifted it like it was nothing. When we got to the end and did some abs I got caught staring at the lower V of his abs when his shirt came up. I blushed and looked away. When I finally looked over, he had a satisfied grin on his face. We finished up and I had him drop me off at my place so I could get ready for tonight.