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people wonder how earth and humans where formed. well i have answer for that. The development and evolution of humanity was feared and envy by animus. now they are going to annihilate all humans. but some group of good animus risk their lives to protect earth, from other animus they are know as the beast heroes. Let’s find of the true story of animus and human form the story.

Chapter 1 - Beginning chapter#1

( Author's Note: Hello Friends ! If you're reading this Thank you so much for taking an interest on my work. English is not my native,I am sorry if there is any mistake and I am pleased to hear them in comments . Again, Thank you and enjoy! )

Some where on the lands of animus, planet morues.

On that night, the moon shine likes a white pearl. Everything was visible under the moon light but everything is gonna change, the history is repeating again. The moon is going to witness chaos and destruction anytime soon, it's just a matter of time.

Zion groaned and woke up from his sleep. He was breathing heavily and sweating. His face reveals that he had an unpleasant dream. He looked into his right hand like the hand did something terrible in his dream and he repeatedly says "it can't be happening, no this isn't true".

Suddenly someone knocked the door. Hearing the sound zion was startled Maybe he was thinking too much about the dream.

He slowly walks toward the door and opens it; it was his elder brother metron.

Zion was shocked to see his brother for no reason, he stood freeze like someone guilty caught red handed.

Metron: "brother I heard some noise for here, everything alright? you don't look so good?"

Zion: "nothing, just a strange dream."

Metron: "okay. Good thoughts before sleep would help to catch some sleep. Fear and bad thought won't help, it would only end up in nightmares. Goodnight brother".

Zion said goodnight and closed the door. And went back to his bed But he couldn't sleep . when he closes his eye the haunting dreams appear.

Metron made sure that his brother went back to sleep. He pulled the hood side over his head. And he heads to mount qana.

Exactly two hours before the midnight. Metron the king of the planet morus met vega the captain of the revolutionary army black flag. The black flags are terrorist group who against the policies of government .

The meeting was held secretly on the valley of mount qana, in the presence of full moon. They glared at each other without breaking the silence. Vega cleared this throat and continued,

Vega: "this meeting means won't change who we are and what we are"

Metron:" I know how determined you and your boys are, I just came here to see my old friend"

Vega: "friend? Is that a joke?"

Metron:" we may be enemies by faith but you are still my friend"

Vega: "stop blaming faith. you always had a choice but you didn't choose it"

Metron:" I'm not like you. I'm a king; I need to take care my people and value their decision and I can't betray my brother"

Vega: "that scum, your brother is the one who started this"

Metron glowered at vega and said:" don't talk like that about my brother. Do you want to settle this in a fight?"

Vega:" hell yaa! I won't deny a challenge"

Both of them up their sleeves and stands in a position to start the fight.

Out of nowhere a pure breed human entered into the world of animus. That human was astonished to see the world beyond the boundaries. He was partially frozen, so he couldn't move due to the shock. Its too much information for the young man's brain to handle and too much vision for his eyes to capture, his ears were not functioning at that time.

Both metron and vega sensed a distinctive odour out of this world, they got dismayed. Vega launched into air and tracking down the odour. He was dread and moved quickly as possible.

His greatest fear has come true. His nose tracked him near to the human; without any second thought he plunge a mana attack "blossom thorn". Huge thorn vine burst out of the ground and bewitch the human, so that he can't move a muscle.

Animus has special ability called mana; each individual has unique mana ability. Vega moved towards the human. The human was shocked to see an animus, his eyes bug out and mouth were wide open. Vega's veins were pumping like never before and steamed up. He asked:" how did you got here? who brought you? who is behind this?". but the human pass out.

Metron:" we can't let other to see him. It would lead to a war; innocent people gonna die. I can't let that happened."

Vega:" I have my doubts, this is not an accident. It's pre-planned, maybe this is a part of his act. Its somebodies game."

Metron:" get moving, we don't have much time. We have to get to the fortress; we can use the tele-x-er to get this human back to earth. Then we can investigate about this later, but now the time is ticking". Vega used a "seal of bark" mana to seal the human safely in a bark; so that other animus won't be able to identify the human nor his odour.

At a long distance, someone is watching the act in the shadows. The bright full moon in the background makes the scene more dramatic, with a malicious grin.

Vega and metron leaped from one branch to another. Vega was carrying the sealed human in a bark over his back, toward the fortress.

Vega: "why are you doing this? You could have just killed him; instead you choose to save him? Why?

Metron smiles and replied: "you are right, I never lived my life like the way I desire. I was acting throughout my life as a king. I never wanted to be a part of the decisions that I made while I was a king. Actually, I never made any decision. The people and government involuntary made me to take such decisions. I regret about my past; throughout my life I had no choice". he paused for a moment and catch his breath; assuredly said: "not anymore. If I don't have a choice, I will create one. To me all life is equally important. whether it's an animus or a human, both matters to me. Once a life is gone its gone forever. So, we must protect him at any cost and everyone's life is in our hand. We must act wisely"

Vega: "it took you so long to figure that out. Never act in life, never pretend to be someone else. Live your life for you ". vega with a Duchenne smile in his face.

Vega: "But how we gonna break into the fort?"

Metron flicks his chin and said: "It's a bit tricky..., in order to break into the fortress; we need to get pass through the main gate. It is surrounded by 20 feet wall and 8 archer towers; in addition, we won't be able to climb over the walls. Its sealed with booby traps, it's too risky.

Above all of that, even though if we manage to get pass the main gate; the tele-x-er is in laboratory room which is guarded by 21 s ranked soldiers."

Vega: "guess we have to move to plan B. KNOCK KNOCK AND SMASH"

Metron: "light bulb; I have a plan"

Metron whispers his plan to vega. After hearing it vega feels gutted and said: "guess I don't have a choice."

They have arrived near the portcullis. Metron: "stick with the plan". He moved towards the portcullis.

Guard1: "hoooiii, the king has arrived. open the gate"

Everyone placed their spear right across their thorax and stand still to show gratitude and respect to the king;

Guard2: "my lord, what's the big bag over your shoulder? Let me carry that for you; my lord"

Metron: "no thanks" he flicks his hair and smile. "this is my prized hunt; I don't want other to touch it. It took lot of effort to hunt this animal down"

Guard3: "yes my lord; it's a quite a big hunt you got there. I never saw anyone hunting such a big animal. I wonder what animal is inside the bag?"

Metron cleared his throat and replied: "I am in a rush; I could show you some other time"

He went for a safe place inside the castle where there is not guard. He placed the bag down safely; a razor-sharp claw teared the bag form inside and here comes out vega.

Vega cleared the dust in his cloak suit and said: "worst idea ever, I was never humiliated like this before"

Metron: "no time to argue, the tele-x-er is that way. quick, move your ass before someone spot us"

They reached near to the laboratory. Both of them were surprised and little cautioned to see that there were not a single solider to guard the entrance. They both felt something strange is going on.

Metron: "I will go first"

He slowly walk and opened the huge door, a warm breeze had through the opening. metron peeped inside through the opening. He was petrified after seeing it.

vega was curious to know the current atmosphere inside. He banged at the door. He couldn't believe his eyes too. He blinked his eye for a moment to whether it's a phantom or not. No, it's real, he saw thousands of animus army heavily armed in a flying wedge formation; waiting for the orders.

without any doubt vega and metron understand the situation. When each second passes, the air becomes more and more tensed. A wrong move could bring chaos.

Vega: "metron, you are the king; talk to them"

All of a sudden someone landed with a dramatic entrance and said: "not anymore, he is not the king. I'm the king now" it was none other than metron's young brother zion.

He continued "brother you had violated the laws of this nation. You held a meeting with most wanted criminal gang the black flag and aid them to break in to fort with a human".

The whole army growled. Zion: "In the eyes law you are no longer worthy to be a king. As your brother and your heir for now onward I be taking over your position. My beloved army I am giving you my first command as a king of the planet morues, capture my brother and the caption of blackflag vega"

1000s of hands were raised to air. Shouting and roaring to show their strength. Every animus army clutched their weapon and tighten their armour. Giving a clear gesture that they are prepared to fight till their last breath.

Zion: "brother, this is your last and final waring! Surrender. Get in your knees and give that human to us. We need some answers and information from that human."

Metron: "if I give this man to government, he won't be back in one piece. Brother, this is not the right patch. Its not too late to turn back. We can talk this out. If we don't act wisely now, a war gonna break out and a war is not a solution for this. It just brings bloodshed and destruction on both side".

Zion fumed at metron and replied: "the greatest fear in minds of every animus has come true. When you become a king, you took an oath that you will protect the life of every single animus and protect their will. Look what you are doing now. A human had found our existence, if they find about their true past, do you think they will forgive us after what we animus did to them. They are threat to animus and planet morus, they are greedy worthless piece of god's creation. If they came to know the truth. They will slaughter every last one of us and takes away all our resource. As I am the king now, its my duty to protect my people and my planet at any cost, even if I have to give up my life. This human is a threat to us. He had discovered the truth. So, he must die along with his findings. So that our existence won't be known to rest of the humans. the history is repeating, it's a faith. We can't stop what's coming."

Vega: "zion. It's a selfish act. There is no wrong in accepting that our ancestors had done some terrible stupid act in the past which all ended up like a huge mess. Now it's our responsibility to clear up that mess. Killing this human won't be a solution for that. We need to know the truth "how did he got here?" I am having my doubts, someone is playing behind this. We know that humans are still not capable of building a teleportation machine. This human is innocent, we black flag will protect this human to bring the truth from the shades."

Vega yelled "boys get ready. We gonna fight for justice"

Kaboom; the front entrance cracked open. The whole army stepped back and unease. Moonlight were rushing through the crack and scattered by the dust creating a natural stage light for the blackflag crew members.

vega smiled. Air became more tensed and worse. A war could break out in any second.

Metron: "how did they got here?"

Vega: "I got a bad sense of feeling from the very beginning. I knew something like this would happen, so I called my brothers for aid."

Vega shouted "brothers, we are blackflag we will fight until the true justice is served. Until every evil gets eliminated. Humans and animus are one. We can't allow these lunatics to touch this human, lets show our true power" deep inside his mind he says: "sorry minno, I couldn't keep my promise. It's the only choice, forgive me"

Zion moved a step head and said: "show no mercy, don't let any of the blackflag to escape. Neutralize them, CHARGE"

The whole army charged toward the blackflag with hatred and anger. Their intension was to kill, not to be killed.

buxie (3rd commanding officer of blackflag) lashed into air, buxie: "witness my power, 100 WALL OF FROST" suddenly the whole area was trembling and vibrating like an earthquake. Floor cracked and huge walls of ice emerge from ground. The whole army stopped and shouted "incoming; everyone "fall back", fall back and run". The huge fall of ice separated blackflag and army. All blackflag crew leaped to the top of the frost wall in a dramatic stance, waiting to show their real strength.

someone shouted: "destroy the wall, use fire mana and melt it down".

From the side of army: "dragons' breath" "larva splash" "hell flame" ...

Demos (blackflag crew) came forward and laugh: "too late noobs, eat this "tsunami splash"". Huge waves of tsunami; came out of nowhere, with great potential energy. Eliminating all the enemy attacks, charging toward the army and wiped them out.

Buxie : "great, now it's my turn. WIND FROST". That mana froze the tsunami, taping the army in it. clever move.

Metron pointing towards the tele-x-er: "now, everyone run toward the tele-x-er". The whole blackflag crew run toward the tele-x-er, to carry out the human back to earth.

Zion: "over my dead body, jackass. Now Die you outlaws".

He lifted his arms and knuckle cracked his finger. A sonic boom was created and it rushed toward the crew by rumbling and knocking the surrounding, even the air got compressed and vacuum was formed.

Vega took a defence stance to block this incoming attack at any cost but metron was already set in motion to stop the attack

Metron: "leave this to me, "ALLMIGHTLY, 7 SEA AND 8 MOUNTAIN, 10 PAW PUNCH""

The punch ceased the sonic boom attack. The collision of the 2 powerful mana attack shattered the surroundings, teared the ground apart and knocked out the people who where close to the collision.

Metron: "you're 100 years too early to fight around brother. Vega head to the tele-x-er, I can handle this"

Zion: "you are in my way brother; stand a side or I shall show no mercy"

Both of them head toward each other, unsheathed their katana. Their movement where so fast that our eyes won't be able to track it.

Their mana had been passing through their katana; makes the katana shine and even the color had changed. Both of them swing their katana, the katana pierce through the air in a fast forward motion; metron's katana whistled through the air as he parried Zion's attack.


the katanas strikes each other, whining and a huge shock wave was created.

Both applied their full force on katana to push their opponent apart. Zion noticed a small crack in his katana. zion got frustrated, if the katana breaks, he would be defenseless against metron; He won't be having much time for his next defense.


metron shattered Zion's katana, without defense zion was right open for metron's attack.

Metron delivered an almighty punch right into the Zion's face. Receiving such a tremendous force punch zion was blown far away and crashed to a wall behind, just like villains got punched by heroes in movies. Nobody could see what's happening due to dust from fight. Everyone was in deep silence and curious to know what happen next.

The dust started settling, breaking the silence someone laugh: "haahhaa, I underestimate you brother".

zion was still able to stand on his feet. A normal animus won't be able to withstand metron's punch. He was bleeding wildly, he and his brother never hurt each other before but now they are fighting like a nemesis.

Zion wiped the blood over his face and planned for a strategy. Zion suddenly felt that something had passed through his side. He flicks his head to right and he was aghast and wide-eyed after what he saw.

He saw metron in full rage right next to him. next punch straight to his stomach. The punch makes him fly through the air. all his veins and nerve cells where squeezed and the pain was out of the scale. His stomach was burned and pulped, He retches blood and his eyes where bugged out. He was nearly passed out. He stands in his feet like a drunken, this time he didn't said anything and stands in a bizarre way like a drunken who is about to loss his conscious.

Metron: "you don't want to die like this; surrender and I will forgive you".

zion roared at metron; giving a clear nod that he is not giving up yet.

Metron: "you asked for it; eight trigram punch".

zion didn't move an inch; like he had planned something to counter metron's attack. Metron was astonished to see Zion's reaction. zion completely neglects metron's incoming attack.

The next thing what happened really shocked metron and whole audience. Zion stood grasping metron's punch with his bare hands and looked sharply right to metron's eyes.

Eight trigram punch is the one of the powerful mana attacks, it's not a usual scene that someone catching an eight-trigram punch. The impact of the punch would mangle the bones of the opponent without a single scratch on the surface and pushes the life force out.

Metron sensed something was wrong that the fight shouldn't be prolonged.

He created a smoke screen and moved to Zion's blind spot; behind.

Metron: "Iron sand claw" all of a sudden, his claw turned into black iron and sizable. he went for a gash attack but the claw couldn't pierce through his cloak, like something was blocking his claw.

metron couldn't believe what he just saw, it was the most unrealistic thing on planet.

Zion had summoned a devil's eye also known as dio.

Dio is a killing machine that can be summoned to protect the user. The devil's eye would be the darkest version of the one who summoned it. it would be your third vision and act independently to protect the user.

Dio stared at metron. Even that thing had a mouth to speak "I shall suck your lifeforce out of your body" said dio.

It opened his mouth and its tongue stretched like a chameleon with a tonne of force and thrashed right to metron's chest. The hit blown him 100 yards away and forced him to cough blood.

Metron pulls a face at zion and said: "what have you done? How did you awaken a devil's eye? it's impossible; I thought it was a myth"

Zion: "not anymore, nothing is impossible brother. Awaking a devil's eye wasn't easy; it required some sacrifice".

Metron: "what?"

Zion: "I had to sacrifice 100 prisoner's life as a cost for this eye. At least it's all for a good cause, to protect my people and my planet. But how could you justify you actions brother, fighting against your own people and joining with some outlaws?".

Metron clutched his hands against the floor and replied: "you diabolic, you are no longer my brother, I must eliminate you at cost for the sake of all the people and peace."

With a wrathful grimace zion replied: "seems like the game is getting more and more interesting. I never had such a good fight in years; bring all what you got, fight me"

Vege: "metron, stay back you can't fight him in this condition. let me handle him that satanic"

Metron: "no,this is my fight; I am responsible for his actions so I'm the one who should stop him. Get to the tele-x-er that's our aim. Hey zion is that all you got? Its time to use my trump card; you shall witness my true power".

Metron ripped off his cloak and he closed his eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, they were red hot, he suddenly gained weight and muscle. His veins pumped blood rapidly and nerve cells accelerate. Steam was coming out of this body.

Metron transformed into a colossal mythical beast (type: lion) which was twice the size of normal animus. The whole crowd was astonished to see the set or chain of events happening one after another.

Nobody had ever even tried to perform a colossal mythical beast because it requires a herculean strength and mana or you may die by pressure of your own body.

Zion was gob smacked to see his brother's true power. Everyone was shocked after seeing once in a blue moon event expect vega.

vega smiled and he said: "show them what you got".

The transformation was out of this world. You guys would be on goose bumps if you had seen them live. It was so good that the strong and strike and pillar man sound track would fit rightly in the background.

Zion: "fear not; my fellow comrades. Our unity is our strength, nothing can defect it. fight with all what you got; fight for your motherland"

Metron: "vega; now is the time, move on and save that human's life. Whatever happens don't look back, keep moving. This is the least I can do for her and you. I hope she would be happy for my decision"

Vega: "she always loved you, no matter what your decisions where. I heard you my lord. Everybody keep moving".

Thousands of army men charged with full force towards the blackflag to stop them from getting away at all cost.

Metron leaped in to air and launched a "colossal mighty punch".

The punch washed away everything in its path and making a clear path for blackflag to escape.

Metron: "now it's your turn zion"

Zion though to fall back but it's too late; metron already launched his attack. All zion could do is watch his brother's mighty strength. The hit blows him away.

This time zion was seriously injured. His ribs and bones were fractured, some of his internal organs where ruptured. now he had double vision and puked a lot of blood but not dead yet.

zion saw the blackflag getting away and he was so frustrated about it. if they managed to make through the tele-x-er all his effort is for nothing.

zion never liked losing; according to him losing is equal to a death. So, he does anything to win.

Zion: "I must stop them at any cost. Death is much better than losing to these pest". he suddenly panicked, he couldn't feel his hands and legs any more. All he could sense was the unbearable pain.

Zion: "dio, I can't move my body. lend me some power and heal me"

Dio: "with pleasure, but in order to use my mana. You have sacrifice something equivalent; an eye for an eye."

Zion looked all around; he couldn't find anything for a sacrifice, he must do something before it's too late.

Zion : "take my right eye as an equivalent exchange, I don't care if I loss my half vision, I could bare the pain of losing my eye but I couldn't bare the pain of defect, anything expect defect".

dio plucked out zion's eye and devoured it. dio gave his mana and recovered zion. Zion was back in his feet, without sparing any second, he rushed to stop the blackflag.

Metron was busy stopping an entire army of animus to aid blackflag for their getaway. All different kind of weapons and mana where charged at him. He defended most of them but some of the enemy attack was successful and was able to make serious injury for metron.

metron didn't quit, he was so determined that he will fight till his last breath. At that moment metron saw zion was making his way towards the blackflag. If zion reaches near the blackflag; it would be the end of the game.

metron could launch a colossal mana attack, that will propel the blackflag into the portal, so that zion can't lay a hand on them. If he launches the attack, he won't be able to defend against the army, which would be a suicidal.

In a low and steady voice, metron said: "vega, thanks for helping me out to find who I really was. I be soon joining her, so long partner".

Without any second thoughts or regret, he launched a full scale colossal almighty punch. The attack wiped out everything in its way and pushed all the blackflag crew into the tele-x-er and shutting it down by bring down the half of the castle by the impact of his punch.

The whole area was covered in dust. No one could see what happening, all they could hear is the collapsing of the castle. All where in panic and rushing towards an exit. Half the castle was now open for the moon light to enter.

Metron's smile was gleamed under the moon light. He keeps smiling knowing it's a clear victory. Atlast he had a meaning in his life.

At least once he lived his life the way he desired and the joy he had from it was priceless. But all that costed his life, cherry blossom red flows from his mouth but he kept smiling. He had many scars his chest but not a single scratch over his back but now hundreds of swords, bows and spears were cover in his blood, stabbed and pierced right through his body but he kept smiling, none of that bothered him anymore ,even his death because he was enjoying true happiness in the last minutes.

Vega (for other side of portal) crying: "I need to help him, that bastard is dying for us". another crew member holding him and calming but nothing in the world could calm him. Because they were true friends, even though they were rivals. Nothing is more painful than the feelings, when you are helpless when the loved one is dying in front of you.

Zion scowls and itches his face. He couldn't accept his defect he went crazy and mad with rage. In a whip-flash moment he appeared right before metron. blood was flowing all over his hand. They were not his blood. they were warm blood pumped out of metron's heart. Zion's hand had penetrated through the skin and ribs, holding metron's pulsating heart.

Zion: "the dream I had last night was an augury, I prayed to gods that nothing in that dream should not happened. I saw you dying by hand and human where laughing behind. It all happened, everything in that dream is coming to life. Why brother? We were on same side, why? I wished a day like this would never come. We could have fight side by side but brother you choose death instead. It's happening, the human is coming for revenge. Nothing can stop faith. I couldn't save you but I promise I will save the lives of rest of the animus and make things right. Your death would be a reason for my existence"

with raging anger zion continued: "vega is the reason for this chaos. he could have just handed over that human, look what it had cost; my brother's life and that by my own hands." tears were running for his eyes.

Metron coughed blood and said: "you are blind brother; the world isn't what you see or the way you see. You will understand it one day. Mark my word "the earth is under the protection of beast heroes" you can't lay a finger on earth.

So quit your dreams and die. the least I can do is to correct your vision. You shall not see the world with that filthy eyes of yours.

Metron: "life curse mana"

metron sacrificed his dying life to curse zion's left eye.

The eye came off and ruptured. zion could no longer see the light any more, he had entered into the world of darkness. He screamed again in agony as the pain seared through his body. He was defected and now he lost his eyes, he was clueless. He never felt this much pain ever before in his life.

Metron smiles and at the same time tears setoff from his eyes. He falls toward the morus and hugged the mother nature; thanked for this wonderful life.

Zion kept moving in the darkness,

dio: "you need to get some rest to heal yourself"

Zion: "not till I succeed my ambition. I will get my revenge for making me to kill my own brother. I will annihilate both blackflag and earth "