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Watching the World Grow as a God

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So, this used to be something different, but it has outlived its use. Now it will be about an MC who became a godly being by chance and wishes to heed the prayers of others. Something he wished had happened to himself. Also, a bit of a self-insert. There will be an exploration of culture and watching a civilization grow underneath the presence of a godly being and other such things congruent to it like slavery or territorial expansion. While saying all these big words, I am actually a stupid person, so you might come to not like this story. So be it.

Chapter 1 - So, I Guess I am a Divine Entity, huh.

I felt myself compounding from nothing. I have all these memories from when I was a human, no, from when I was a living being. Multiple different lives merge, all appearing from nowhere, forming from nothing, all to become what I am. A being born of the void.

However, out of all of my lives, one stood out the most, and that defined me. That was the original me. All others were mere aspects of that one person, that one man, so I became that man once again. Though not completely. My face, while human-like in shape, resembled that of a purple night sky. The stars were likened to freckles on my face. Two of the more pronounced blue stars shine as my eyes, with no mouth to speak of. My short hair is made of otherworldly energy, flickering like flames. My body was dyed like my face, yet covered by a white ethereal trench coat. A coat, that I noticed once I fully formed, seemed to have black holes as buttons.

That was not the only thing I noticed; I had also discovered that I was not alone. I could feel other beings much like myself floating around in the endless abyss. A purple womanly figure that towered over all others, though that height was merely a false bravado, as size held no meaning to beings like us. Must be a personal preference. I can understand as I made myself to be 5'10" (178cm), the same as my original self. Another was a cat-like creature, who seemed to be in the process of creating a new dimension. There was a tentacled eldritch horror, a wisp-like spirit, and all sorts of other beings.

Despite our colorful differences, we were all the same thing. Near omnipotent gods. Speaking of which, one of them seemed to be approaching me. Specifically, the tentacled eldritch horror. Within a flash, it was right next to me.

"Hello there. Welcome to divinity!" It seemed to screech on purpose, most likely to annoy me. I then instinctively shifted my understanding of its communications to make it sound much plainer and more human. It was what I was used to. I felt it notice my shift and applauded, "Oh goody, you are already getting the hang of your nigh omnipotence!"

"What are we?"

"Well, we are gods of course, formed from a conceptual fragment of any individual that seems compatible to the void and fights against its dispersal. Such a miraculous thing only has one/infinite chance of happening you know."

"Why do we exist?"

"Who knows, what I know is that we are eternal and all-powerful, with the freedom to do nearly whatever we want."

"What can't we do?"

"A smart question, good. While we can warp reality to our very whims and desires. There is something even impossible for us. Here is the run-down.

We Cannot:

-Grant others or ourselves Omnipresence or Omniscience (though their ways to get close to those abilities).

-Directly or indirectly kill another Void God (that is what we like to call ourselves).

-Create another Void God.

-Directly enter or influence a Void Reality without placing a minimum of restrictions on ourselves.

We can:

-Kill ourselves permanently (though a bit difficult to do).

There are some other restrictions, but those are the primary cans and cannot. Got it?"

"What is a Void Reality?" That was my last question.

"We can create a universe/reality and do whatever we want in there, and just like the Void created us, it can also create its own reality. They are nearly indistinguishable from ones we can create but they are made from the Void. A Void Reality is basically (for a lack of a better term) our lesser cousin. The Void, being the big boss of the whole family, limits our access to Void-made universes without first imposing satisfactory rules/limits on our powers. Of course, such rules are only applicable in that reality. Good enough?

"Ye-" I was cut off before I could finish.

"Never mind, that's enough of this. I don't care if you have more questions or not, I'm off to mess around in my world. Just do the same thing I did for you and give a brief run down to any newborn Void God nearby. Toodles."

That was interesting, so that was how it feels to be schooled by a walking exposition. I have written many characters like that before as a writer across my multiple lives, but to think I would be experiencing such a thing myself. What a painful, yet hyper informative, experience. I have also been tasked to do the same for another. Hmmm...

While amidst my contemplation, my eyes scrounge the void. exploring my endless new home. That was until I noticed a peculiar Void Reality, one where a small group of somewhat civilized people are collectively begging and praying to a shrine for a miracle. Though no such miracle would occur, as it is not an issue that can be resolved by chance, nor is there a divine entity that would grant such a thing in that Reality. No god or gads existed there, such as Zeus or Jesus. They were praying to an empty wooden box; no miracles would occur in this small world... unless I made one.

Why would I do such a thing? For I have been reduced to a similar state before. Begging and pleading for even the smallest form of respite from my problems to a higher up. A company's boss to be specific, but none of my pleas were ever heard. I would like to change that for others.

Why not just make a copy of that reality and then help them? No need to restrict your godly powers, right? No, because I would not be helping them, only their newborn twin. They would still be in anguish until their eventual extinction.

Besides, such restrictions are merely temporary. I have an endless life ahead of me so what are a couple of eons of restrictions to infinite freedom?

Relinquishing my hesitation and pushing forth into this new reality, I impose upon myself these limits:

-I can grant massive miracles upon my believers when the majority of the populace within the region wishes for such divine intervention in a dire situation.

-I can gift only seeds of blessings upon people, the gifted are the ones who must make the seeds sprout.

-My movement is limited to the regions where my followers reside.

However, my entry was rejected. Apparently, I was not strict enough. Fine two more grand clauses.

-I can only exert my full strength within my shrines, which I have the right to make into an indestructible sanctuary upon completion by my believers. Otherwise, my strength and abilities are limited to the records of my followers.

-I can only grant wishes if they have done a great service in my name.

That seems to have been it as I now can enter this Void Reality. One which I will name Adellena, after my original and first mother in the long past. As it is the first reality I will experience since my apparent divinity. Who knows how many more realities I will enter, or create after all? I wish to remember them all uniquely. This Void Reality, oddly enough, acknowledged the name that I gave it. Huh, odd. I have no idea what that would entail. I then travel to where the pleading people reside, the Focal World, the world that is essentially the center (or the main focus) of that Reality.

I find myself amidst the people praying for aid, striking them all in awe. I was not what they expected their god to be so their shock was understandable.

I raised one of my hands, from which a wave of energy pulsed, healing every one of the diseases that plagued them. Including the vast amount of miasma-like gas floating around. There are monsters and other races in this world besides the beings that resemble humans from my origin reality, and those creatures have driven the last of these humans into a territory that spews purple poison into the air from its volcanos rather than ash and lava every century.

This world's equivalent of Homo-Sapien almost went extinct. Mostly because there were creatures just as smart as them, if not smarter, with stronger bodies to boot. Humans were not the main apex creatures of the sapient kind.

That wasn't the only thing I did with that miracle I caused. The truth behind the miracle I just made was a dome of anti-poison in a 100-mile radius. One that will last as long as a shrine is in the dome's center. With their bodies healed and this new land cleansed. They rejoiced and shouted out gratitude to a name.

"Thank you! Oh thank you, great god Shizana, we thank you!" Hmm, a bit feminine in sound, but it will do as my name in this reality.

Each person amongst this massive congregation is wearing an animal mask and rejoicing in some manner. I move over to the old and corroded shrine and take my seat there as I watched the people pick themselves up at this second chance and prepare for a celebration.

Being a god is going to be quite interesting. Not only that, these people are so different from the people back on earth. I wonder what new cultures will emerge, what new holidays will be born, and I am especially curious about what kind of lives will be lived.

I will now watch over them all, at least for a couple of eons.


Background Bits!

The name Shizana is from the Hindu god Shiva and the Japanese goddess Izanami.

The Shizanians are what these people call themselves. Naming their people after the god they worshipped.

All other civilizations in the world of Terra (temporary name) concurrently believe that there is no such thing as a god. A certain other race tricked the Shizanians into believing in a god. Though that is a story for later.

Everyone can leave suggestions for the name of this world in the comments below. I will pick the one I like best.

"Void" will be used as a conscious entity, "void" will be used as a reference to the empty space of nothingness which houses all dimensions and realities, though they are essentially the same thing.