Chereads / Cautious Wolfy / Chapter 9 - Chapter Nine

Chapter 9 - Chapter Nine

~Rowyn's POV~

"Where are we going??" Nightingale asked me for the hundredth time. I groan inwardly but keep my mouth firmly shut. We still had about five minutes left till our destination.

"Rooowyyyn" Night whines as she drags out my name.

"PleAsE TelL mE" she whines louder shaking my arm for effect. I just shrug her off and continue walking towards my destination. I was planning on training my mind anyway I can.

"Your going to hate this but it has to be done" I said more to myself than anybody else.

"ROwyn, what are you planning. She says alarmed. I just ignore her. If I tell her what's going on she'll try to stop me. When she has an opinion she will try to stop at nothing to make it known, and make it happen.

"Rowyn! what are you going to do?!" I wince but continue walking. I had to make it to this area in order to train my mind.

"I'll explain when we get there, ok, so please just be quiet and let me concentrate." my voice comes out a mere whisper and I silently curse myself.

"I'm not joking Rowyn, what in the world are you planning on doing!?!?!" she says after a bit of quiet.

"SHUSH IT" I shriek, I would not be able to do this if she constantly questioned what I was doing. She backs away from me startled with my shrieking outburst.

"Calm down Rowyn, I didn't do anything did I" she says defiance and some arrogance seeping into her voice. I growl, I don't really growl at them much but this time I did. I was really fed up with her attitude, always questioning me and detering me from something I want to figure out. I still remember two days ago when we left the dungeon. She wouldn't let me look into the cracks mystery, she wouldn't let me leave through a certain way, she didn't even try to help me after they left. We had stays there for 8 or nine flipping years. I'm going to have to learn how to take control and be the boss.

"Just listen to everything I say and everything will go right." I say to her. This was her response to everything those long years, yah we all got along great but... she had her moments. Nig huffs in annoyance and quietly stalks behind me. Looking over everything I start to wonder what's going on with Midnight. I knew it was rude to barge in on her time. (she had the sound down so she was probably crying) I hate how she acts so strong but isn't really that strong. I needed to ask her though so I made my choice. We reach the door after about a min. Nightingale ran into me as she was looking down. When she looks up her body starts to quiver and her eyes go wide. She started backing up but yet I grabbed her wrist before she could get away. I shake my head, red curls running down my back sway with the movement. I begin walking pulling on Night to follow. We were going to be going down memory lane and watching EVERYTHING. I needed to do this Every.Single.Day. for the rest of my life. Nightingale was pulling on her arm now trying to break free of my grip. I had to hold tighter to stop her from breaking free. Getting annoyed at her constant pulling I yank her in front of me.

"Stop it right now or I Will make this experience worse for , GOT IT?" I say right in her face. She whimpers and nodded her head quickly. I don't know why she is being so submissive but I need to not let this behavior distract me.

"This could go two ways, and I'm hoping it goes the better way" I thought to myself as I close the door behind us. (Yah so I made a door to this area so Night couldn't get out.... mean right??)

"We gotta go to the back so keep up" I say over my shoulder to Nightingale. I know she's trying to not look at anything but I purposely look at everything to better my resolve. Reaching the end of the hall took about five minutes. I had goosebumps all down my legs and I couldn't look at anything else. I tried not to show because if I did I would freak Night out even more. SItting down on the floor I tell Night where to sit and call up day one....

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~MIdnight's POV~

"How do I stop whatever is going to happen?" I ask myself. I don't think of a plan because than she would probably know it.

"Who are you?" I question after a thought. I feel my spine shiver with excitment?or fear? I don't know, nor do I want to know, I think...

"I am the one behind the mask, but I can't reveal who yet. That wouls ruin the surprise....hmm who are you though?" I just blinked at the crazy darkness.

"W-who am I?" I ended in pitch confusion and disbelief lacing through every word.

"Yes Midnight, Who. Are. You" she says boredom evident. If I could see her eyes than she would be rolling them. I paused and thought about what she meant. She knew my name, she pretty much has access to here by the looks of it, so she must have a lot of knowledge.....but what does she mean "Who are you".

"Ummmm, I guess you already know this but my name is Midnight and I live inside this head..." I am very unsure with my response and tried to be careful with what I share. The voice growls and I feel like it's about to pounce. I chuckle nervously and back up against the mind wall.

"SILly child, you know that's not what I want"

"Uhhhh, please evaluate?" I say timitly trying to keep the voice talking, maybe Rowyn might notice something was off come to help. It was a slim chance but still, a chance.

"Child tell me What. Are. You. what creature are you>>>" I gulp inwardly and close in on myself.