"(Prof. Danilla)...Su(How am I wrong ?)re...I have a little sister. Her name's Dorisse Folklore. She was born with a deadly disease but luckily survived thanks to our friend's parents contribution to the hospital my sister's in. And our friend made it clear that she controls my sister's life."
"(The boy)....Dorisse..? so, she's still alive. I see. And where are your parents ?"
"(Prof. Danilla)...Dead by now."
"(The boy)....Okay. And you have the knowledge comparable ro Einstein himself. But you don't see the ick. Its pretty funny. Think about it. Your sister has a deadly disease. You are the new Einstein. And your parents are dead. Don't tell me any of this is normal to you ?"
"(Prof. Danilla)...Are you tekling all of this is fake !!? It can't. But to do all of that to control me in the end. Our friend couldn't have done it alone. Do you know who helped her ?"
"(The boy)..I feel like I've given you enough hints. If you can't decipher it, then you are totally useless."
"(Prof. Danilla)...Tch !!!!"
What is going on ? This hell, right ? I am being manipulated by everyone. How ?!! Why ??!! What did I ever do to merit this kind of shit hole ?!!? I only wanted what's best for me. But thinking back, everything was too good to be true. Then, I must do what now. Do I follow him and throw my life away or continue to cherish that shit hole that's been given to me. I wonder what I should do.
"(Prof. Danilla)....If I follow you. What will you take from me ?"
"(The boy)..Your utmost loyalty. But beware, betray me once and you'll be dead without knowing it. But follow me and I'll make you your own king of your shitty life."
"(Prof. Danilla)...Okay. But since we're at it. You, wonderless being. what is your name ?"
"(The boy)..Now that you are useful to me. You do have the right to know my name. I am Z...."
"(Prof. Danilla)....WHAT !!!??!!! But..But....But, thats the--"
"(The boy)...Shhh.....Follow me now, Coach must be waiting for us."