Chereads / The Singularity Doctrine: Post-Fallout Civilisation and the Druids / Chapter 2 - Material 2: The Theory of Everything

Chapter 2 - Material 2: The Theory of Everything

Great Sage Newton once synthesised knowledges of his ages into a complete cosmology and brough the First Grand Synthesis, but the cosmology was broken when Great Sage Einstein questioned time itself and reveal its relativity.

Einstein brought new discoveries and knowleges, but what he reveals brought more questions and the scientific community couldn't piece them together.

Worse, experiments based on the new theories kept on producing different results everytime that Sage Heisenberg explain it as measurements of certain systems cannot be made without affecting the system, that is, without changing something in a system, kind of measuring how many sands in a bucket by adding more sands (change that as a particle in an atom if you will) messed up with how much original sands in the bucket.

For some reason the scientific community took the principle to heart so that when some experiments produce the same results they have to make it up with Quantum Entanglement Theory instead of accepting that some governing laws behind it and used those experiments to find that particular law.

Sage Schroedinger tried to challenge that when he propose the absurdity in his Schroedinger's Cat thought experiment, but he had to accept defeat when they used it for the banner of their theories instead.

So, a century passed as the scientific community accepts certain things as "unknowledgeables" and build theories around the unknowledgeables and uncertainties of things. Some still sought knowledge, chief of them is Einstein himself and his attempt on the Theory of Everything.

It was unfortunate that lacks of coresponding knowledges prevented the synthesis of theories of that age. There's simply too many missing puzzles to complete the whole picture.

Nozomi Otori et al presented his Theory of Everything about the same time at the announcement of the Panaceae Project.

His idea was simple, he just applied the old Atomos Theory to the existence of atoms, particles and quantum to build the idea that idea that matters are build of energies and that the smallest and indivisible form of energy (he called it one zarra of energy) is the atomos, the smallest and indivisible matter.

So in effect atoms are made of particles, particles are made of quanta while quantum are made of energies.

It sounds simple now, but the scientific community of that time think of matter and energy as different thing, and that there are some "conversion" between the matter even if Einstein has make popular of his E=mc2 equation.

Using Atomos Theory to bring the conclusion that particles and quanta are constructs similar to molecules, Otori was able to explain what was previously unexplainable, making some scientist believed that some things are just unknowledgeables.

Otori bring a new conjecture to the wave-particle duality when he brought the dark matters and quantum jump into the enigma.

Using the explanation of how molecules changes form between solid, liquid and gaseous form, Otori postulates that particles, wave and dark matters are the three forms of sub-atomic particles with particles similar to solid form, wave similar to liquid form and dark matter as the gaseous form. As for quantum jump he explain it as similar to how solid/liquid turned into gas and turned back immediately.

With this foundation, he used Heisenberg's matrix mechanics (solid) and Schroedinger's equation (liquid) to build his own equation on the dark matters (gaseous).

But some question still remains.

In particular was the relativity of time as revealed by Einstein.

A Theory of Everything must be able to explain the relativity of time, in essence the Theory must reveal the laws that governing time and its behaviour, including its relativity. So, the Theory of Everything have to make the Relativity Theory no longer relative when all the principles that govern them was explained.

To do this Otori rejected the Big Bang Theory (the prevalent theory on the origin of the universe at that time).

Unlinke the Big Bang Theory that assumed that everything (time, space, energy, matters etc) already existed in one singularity that explodes to form the universe, Otori takes the explanation that in the beginning there was void.

Nothing, not even time and space.

From this void the first energy comes to be.

And then the second, and space was born to accomodate the co-existence between two energies.

As the third energy came to be, time was finally born.

The three energies form the first Quantum, and some think of them as positive, negative and neutral.

After the quantum was formed, the Principle of Co-Existence explains that all energies that was formed after has to obey the certain laws to be able to co-exist.

The explanation was done a millenium ago, but even now Sub-Particle Physics still dominated by mathematicians that formulates how certain law that govern the universe was created through their calculations.

Otori himself once explains that his theory on the origin of the universe is like how one building a country brick by brick.

One brick was made by some sands, the bricks was then piled one another to build a wall, four walls make a room while some rooms makes a floor or a house. Many houses make a city and many city make a country. All of them are governed by Principles of Co-Existence.

As for his explanation for the relativity of time, he explained that time is a produce of co-existence between energies and likened as a River of Time, wide in some section and narrow in some section. If you goes through the wide section you'll experience more time than if you goes through the narrow section.