"I don't want to go!" I scream at my mother. "I don't care brat. You're going." And with that, she drags me to the car by my hair. 'I hate this. I don't even like boys.' I think to myself as she throws me into the car. I grumpily buckle my seatbelt and she drives off. Once we got there, I had to do a double take to make sure this wasn't a dream. We got out of the car and I just stare in shock. In front of us, the was a huge mansion. Inside, was my stupid fiancé. I have never met him before. Our parents are forcing us together.
We walk to the front door and Mother knocks. A little later, a man opens the door. "Ah, you must be Marie. I'm Oliver." The man states. Mother nods and smiles. I know she's faking. She's just doing this for money. I swear, she'll do anything for money. "Yes, that's me. Meet my daughter, Madilynn." She says, gesturing to me. All I do is wave. I didn't want to be here. "Hello, Madilynn. Please, do come, ladies." 'Oliver' says, leading us into his house. We follow him to a room that I assumed to be the living room. I notice a boy, around my age, sitting on the couch. Just looking at gave me bad vibes. 'I don't trust him. Something's off with him.' I think to myself. "Damien! Get up. Your fiancé is here." Oliver yells at his son. 'Great. The creepy guy is my fiancé.' I thought. 'Damien stands up and walks over to us. "Hello, I'm Damien King. Nice to meet you." He says in a pleasant voice, though it sounded forced. "Hi. I'm Madilynn Crane. Nice to meet you I guess....." I say, my voice trailing off at the end. "Madilynn, don't be rude. Mother demands. I roll my eyes. "Whatever." I mutter. "Damien, take her to your room so the two of you can get acquainted." Oliver tells Damien. 'Wait. His room?! Alone?! No! I don't want to!' I internally freak out. I go to object but before I got the chance, Damien nods and grabs my wrist. He led me up the stairs and into his room. As soon as the door shut, his whole demeaner changed. "So, Madilynn, I take it you don't want to get married. Am I correct?" He asks, moving closer to me. I take a step back. "S-so what? I don't have a choice." I reply. He moves even closer. This time, I didn't get the chance to back up. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. "L-let me g-go!" I yell. "Now why would I do that? I just want to have some fun with my fiancé." He says, innocently.