The king leaves his work on the spot and flies to the remains of the castle to see his daughter, NARVAL and FAE follow him, DRAKE continues his work.

His brothers realize he's not following them, they're back.

DRAKE warns them he won't go.

He doesn't want to see his sister's reaction.

The two brothers look at him, they may notice that he's serious.

He looks hurt.

They think DRAKE has been more affected than the two of them.

They're retreating to the castle.

DRAKE works by hitting the rock fiercely, stopping for a moment, with his fist clenched, thinking of his family.

He doesn't feel strong enough to see TYPHOON in the eye, his deep sadness, he's not ready.

Keep working.

When NARVAL and FAE arrive at the castle, they see their father hugging TYPHOON.

She cries heartbroken, RYU is by her side, silently.

With a thread of discreet tears.

TYPHOON remembers that everything in the castle trembled, there were many screams outside the room.

It was so fast, they tried to go looking for their little brothers.

They could not advance much, the ceiling came upon them, she could see the face of her sisters looking at each other, AMPHIPTERE crouched over her and RONG over AMPHIPTERE, both covered her, she saw how they were beaten, their faces reflected pain as they tried to keep their smile.

Begging him to calm down.

Let him wait.

Finally, they fell on top of TYPHOON, leaving a hole not to crush her, made on the knees of her sisters, after that, there was only silence... TYPHOON breaks into tears, the king swallows saliva to speak to his daughter.

He tells her that he and his brothers will take care of her.

TYPHOON looks with sight for her mother, her siblings, she can see RYU, NARVAL and FAE.

It's FAE who pretending to have a slight smile tells him that drake is also, only that he couldn't get there, he'll come later.

The king, hearing this, closes his eyes.

He understands his firstborn's pain, feels responsibility that doesn't belong to him, and doesn't know how to get his pain out.

He was afraid that TYPHOON's reaction would break him.

It's better that way, for now.

There's plenty to heal.

Tears run down TYPHOON's cheeks, he understands that there is no one else alive in his great family.

His father, released her for a moment, she looks him in the eye, his father, tells him that, now that he is no longer king.

(this surprises the little girl a lot) she objects by saying it wasn't her father's fault.

DRAKO reassures her, tells her it was because of a decision they made on the council.

He must take care of his family now, not the whole kingdom.

This somehow comforts her.

Your father will be close.

Over the days, weeks a few months.

The cavern, the new home of dragons.

It is finished, they have been inhabited as the constructions are finished.

The other species ended earlier as the materials and dimensions of their quarters are different.

In the region for humans, many more villages have been farmed, with humans and small species.

In these months, the young RYU has taken care of TYPHOON along with his brothers, as well as having some normal tasks among dragons, such as food collection.

They hunt on the shores of the kingdom, where the exiles live, there they hunt beasts for their food.

Some of them got the sea area. Hunting whales and other aquatic animals.

But, something has caught the attention of one of the leaders of the food group.

RYU has sometimes escaped his duty and gone to where the human region is.

He sometimes runs away to go looking for PANDORA.

It's been almost a year since you last saw her.

The leader, CHUIBUKAI, does not inform DRAKO if not, the council.

He greatly appreciates the ancient king and RYU, but it is not good that he will provoke conflicts at a time when they are barely achieving restoration.

In this way, PANDORA is sought after by SHURUI who was entrusted PANDORA and who is the only one who knew of his whereabouts along with the councillors and King YONGHÉNG.

In the village where she was taken, SHURUI returns and asks the village leader about the girl.

She's taken to a house on the outskirts, it's a small house she put together herself.

To which, he put a railing of sticks to prevent anyone from entering his little orchard.

She's become a hermit, she's been warned.

The dragon shouts PANDORA's name.

Seeing that no one was leaving the house, the young guard explains that it is SHURUI.

A moment later, look how a window curtain moves.

PANDORA then opens its door.

He's going out to meet SHURUI.

It looks different.

Her hair was reddish and her eyes green, she looks at him in amazement.

The astonished is SHURUI, for a moment doubt, however, the look of that girl, a little higher, the rat, is PANDORA without a doubt.