I am in the back of a truck.
Well to be more precise. A maserati. And a red one.
My hands are tied behind my back with rope and a blindfold on my eyes. every inch of my now swolen body is tied up either with bubble wrap or ropes. The rest tightened and wound together with masking tape. The only source of oxygen coming in was the two holes poked in to make sure i didn't die.
And i was really starting to get annoyed by my bracelet which was scraping against my skin every now and then whilst clinging to it. Though, the ropes around my wrists were not helping.
You would be surprised if i told you how hot it was here. I mean yes, there are three charmingly beautiful guys sitting in the front with voices that bless my heart. And as im imagining them with tattoes because which 'bad guy' doesnt have a tattoo. this is really not the time to be exploring my newfound nature of stolkhome Synderome. But this is really not the tyoe of hot i am talking about.
I mean sweating, no air conditioning, wrapped up in 12 million blankets when the sun is shining right above you and you are attracting the entire worlds warmth, hot.
And these idiots wont even listen to me!
But I have to admit if they chose to kidnap me they chose the right car. Maybe not the right way, personally i would have gone with the old 'tape your mouth shut , hands behind back or sleeping pills n put in the back seat'. But definitely the right car.
A maserati. They must be rich. Like a house made out of gold rich. Or rich chocolate rich. Or have a beach house in every country for vacation rich.
I know. I know.
You might be thinking 'whats wring with you?' And 'are you not scared?' I mean for heavens sake i am being towed away in a car with three strange (hot) men i know nothing about. When they could do various things to me such as: take away my internship at columbia, not feed me right, take away all my books, deprive me of reading, get me bad grades-
I let out a loud gasp before continuing the horrid things
Make me miss my tests, threaten my family. Yeah they could kill me too, that would be a shame. I wouldnt be able to complete school and live in NYC and folow ny dream and all that shit people seem to care about.
But the thing is... i cant do anything about it now. Sure if i knew i would be kidnapped earlier on like befire i left my shift or when i was driving towards the supermarket, i wouldnt have gone there in the first place. But i didnt know. And as much as i wished that i could have saved myself of this situation. I couldn't. So the best thing to do is play with this as much as i can before i go where they take me and figure out a plan.
Oh and to add to my beautiful and shocking condition i don't know where i am going. I'm guessing somewhere far because its been two hours since they decided to kidnap me and the only social contact i have got is them giving me various lines on how to shut up and threats about killing me.
There is a lot so ill tell you my favourites so far:
One. "Be carefull, you might choke on those words" to be honest? I wouldnt say its the best. But its a fair 6/10. He could have done better but i'm letting him off because i feel extra nice today. (Or just that im tired and want to sleep)
The guy who said this, from what i can imagine so far is that he has a deep voice. I mean a really deep voice. And that he has glasses with dark blonde hair. How do i know this? Because he kept taking off my blind fold every tome i shut up to see if i wasnt dead.
Yes i was THAT annoying. They were allready regretting kidnapping me, from the moans and grunts coming one after another and continuous muttering about how they should have chosen the other option.
Two. "You know your mouth does this really irritating thing where it just keeps talking and moving. Fairly , we cant understand anything either way!" the other one screamed.
I wouldn't be suprised if a few birds flew from the houses near. The car almost shook off the drive way and i swear i saw someone running the opposite way to the car. Probably scared by the noise. He stopped when he got a punch from a dufferent guy.
All i know about him is that he likes rock music and has terrible vocals. Judging by the way he was singing the whole way i an surprised how im not deaf yet. My precious brain lost sll of its beauty sleep.
Three. "One more word and ill shove your face down the toilet and shoot you ten times so i dont have to hear that ugly voice again"
Personally, this one is my favourite. Compared to the other guys this one actually thought and made it creative. I wonder how long it took him to come up with that. Mostly because he is the one who tied me up and instead of tying my hands at the back he tied them at the front . I could easily get out if i wanted to.
The best parts were when he saud "ill shive ur face doen the toilet" and "10". One, because 10 is my favourite number. And also because shovung someone down the toilet is creative. I wonder why he thought if that. Maybe he just likes to shive peoples faces down the toilet or maybe he is a crazy sociopath who wants to kill me.
Cause of death: shoved down the toilet by a crazy sociopath
Yeah that would look ridiculous.
Either way im stuck in this red maserati, with no way to get out. And a guy singing the lyrics to 'smoke in the water' with his terrible singing.
Its crazy how my life flipped upside down in a matter hours.
How did i get here you ask? Well, lets rewind about 12 hours ago.
Another day in alora marcia's world.
The sun was burning through the curtains and the whole room lit up. I hated the mornings. Why did they have to be so bright? I didn't want to go blind as soon as i wake up. I rubbed my eyes trying to fully open them before I get up.
Today was going to be the day. Columbia university. Where the lights lit up at night time and the big hallways were coevered with people. And lecture room. "Aaahhh" i couldn't help but let out a squeel. This year was going to be amazing!! I can feel it.
I got up and checked the time only to find out that i only had half an hour to get ready. Urgh. This universe really hates me doesn't it? I rushed to the bathroom and had a shower as quickly as i could. It took about 10 mins to dry my hair and thats for having curly hair.
I didnt have time to do my hair so i wrapped it into a messy bun at the top and got changed into my clothes. I had about five minutes before Corrina came and picked me up so i rushed down stairs to get myself some toast.
I don't remember when i dozed off probably thinking about food. Ice cream, pasta, lasagna, spicy noodles. If i were to have it, it would be just me and my food for life. With no interruptions.
The fire alarm went off and broke me from my day dream. Shit. Shit. shit. The toast had burnt.
There was smoke coming out of the toaster and the fire alarm wouldn't stop. I cant believe i burnt toast! How does one burn toast. Its next to impossible.
I has to stop the alarm befire everyone woke up so i did what any normal human would do. I ran to find a broom and started jolting the broom at the fire alarm trying to make it hush. That definitely wasnt working so i had to hit harder. Right?
I got the pointy end of the broom and ran towards it hitting the alarm making it fall off the ceiling and laying on the floor. Finally. I sighed.
Skip ahead 3 hours from now
School had finished about 8 hours ago and i was driving back from my night shift at the restaurant.
The only thing is i didn't know i would get kidnapped until i decided to buy some groceries before going home.
The road looked so peaceful at night, with the stars shining bright and the street lights guiding the way. I loved watching the stars at night, it was a way to forget my messed up life. My parents. It made me think if they were still alive. Do they regret it? Would they take me back if they could?
Watching the stars was a way to get out of this procrastination of my mind. People say when your loved ones die another star forms in the sky. I dont believe that. Its nonsense . Always has been.
"Ma'am , it a total of £84 altogether" a sweat voice echoes in the empty store. It was a middle aged woman she had short chocolatey hair going down to her shoulders. Her body in perfect shape. She didn't look an age over 30.
I quickly whistled her a thank you and left the building.
"You get her, your the oldest" huseyes glaring at the person infrint if him.
"No tou get her, your the fastest" the blond one replied , hesitating to get caught.
"No im not"
"Yes you are"
"Will you dimwits shut up! She is going to leave! If i wanted two rats to squabble over a piece of cheese i would have brought my nephew and he would be better at this" a sigh left his mouth as he looked at the other guys and spoke.
"At the count if three.....we run.....jump.....you put a bag over her head." He said whilst poitning to a guy on the left side of him. "And you quickly get the bubble wrap and turn it around her...ill pick her up and put her in the boot"
The three me. Got ready to pounce
The lights if the shop turned down so there was nothing lighting the way anymore.
I was being grabbed from the back with no way out.
Before i could run a guy grabbed me from the back and covered my mouth so i couldn't scream. Whilst the other got a bag and wrappend it around my face. It was a brown ruffled bag. You know the old fashioned ones you put tomatoes or rice in? The bag allready had too hole poker for air to come through and a hole at the top , smaller than the others. Im not sure what that was for.
I tried to scream but suddenly i realised there was tape over my mouth and i was wrapped in bubble wrap. Sure i'd always wanted to do that whenever u got a long piece if bubble wrap but right now i was being kidnaoped. Not the same as finding bubble wrap in an amazon order that you paid extra to come next day.
Maybe if i just hop out if the mans grip and fall stomach first into the floor, the bubble wrap would pop and i could roll along the side of the road until somebody saw me and decided to help a girl out.
But thats was completely unlikely because one, it was the middle of the night. Two, im pretty sure seing a girl wrapped in bubble wrap rolling towards u like a bowling ball wouldnt be exactky fun. And three, it would take ages to keep rolling cause there wasnt a hill.
So as i waited for them to put me in the back of the car , cause i could do nothing about it. I was picked up bridal style into the back trunk and laid on the rough stone like surface.
I know. SO romantic.
And here i was now. Two hours until the car ride. deprived of food, uncomfortable and bored.
Before i knew it my eyes clenched shut and threw me into a long slumber. The dark clouds devouring me as my breath steadies to what was now left as delicate breaths of air being swept in.