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DRAGON'S CALL- The Journey

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Jin Sakai a troubled high school kid is beat up by some bullies instead of ending up in a hospital he ends up being reincarnated into a new world, a medieval world with magic. The last thing he heard a Dragon's roar.

Chapter 1 - 0. Before the beginning

Jin had always thought that he was extraordinary. It was this belief that had always landed him in trouble. He was always getting involved in scuffles and getting hurt. But of course he wanted nothing more than to be recognized as a hero, a good guy but ended up with a reputation for being a trouble make. Even then he had many friends and got along well with his teachers.

It was well and good until he made it into high school. All his friends had gone to better schools and the students in his class seemed indifferent to his carefree attitude. He didn't care at first but then the loneliness started to creep in. He stated getting into fights with bully's and started attracting the wrong crowd. Anywhere he would go people would start whispering. "It's him that Jin look at his state.", "I heard he fought with Taka for no good reason." "I heard he lives in a bad neighborhood." "I heard his mom's a prostitute." "I heard he roams with the Yakuza."

To make matters worse Taka the school bully was from a rich family and Jin had given him a nice beating when he was bulling a middle school kid. From that moment Taka's cronies would always pick a fight with him( which he would win). Taka spread rumors about him which caused other kids to distance themselves from him ( also they were scared of Taka).

Jin decided that he would not the likes of Taka get him down because the hero never accepts defeat. He remembered his father's words," Jin life is like a game, each phase of life a different stage. The enemies you have to beat aren't people but the negative emotions which tells you that you don't matter. As long as you do this you can clear the game with a high score no matter what other people tell you. That's why I won't let this bastard cancer beat me." He laughed after saying this. His father had passed away last year. His mother was working two shifts to cover his medical debts. 'Don't worry Dad I won't loose.' he thought. He had decided that he would beat this stage, apply to be a policeman and fulfill continue his goal of saving people. The bell for the break rang and broke his chain of thoughts.

Just as he was gathering his belongings Taka and his gang entered.

"Hey this place stinks who let the wet dog out.*" he laughed hard and was dutifully followed by his the laughter of his cronies.

"You must be mistaken it must the smell of the big turd you left in your pants when I beat you last time." Jin replied smiling. A boy in the first seat sniggered.

Taka's expression changed, he caught the boy who laughed by the collar. "What's funny bitch?"

"Nothing, nothing." The boy replied clearly terrified. The fear on the boy's face seemed to give Taka a perverse sense of joy.

" Haven't you heard, you mess with the bull you get the horns." He started hitting the kid.

Jin couldn't take it any more, he ran towards Taka punching him in his face. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size birdbrain."

"You will regret this you asshole." Taka said rubbing his face. "My pals will be coming here soon and they will fuck you up for good."

"You will dead before then."

Jin took hold of Taka's face and kneed him with all his strength. Unlike Jin, Taka didn't know martial arts. The impact broke his nose and blood splattered everywhere. The remaining students in the class shrieked and ran, nobody tried to stop him. They had probably gone to call the teachers but Jin was past caring now. He would see this to the end, the bullying stops today. Jin was laying sprawled on the floor when his underlings arrived.

Seeing their leader lying down on the floor they got angry and fixed their sights on Jin. "I'll gut you piece of shit." One of them shouted running towards Jin.

Jin ducked avoiding his fist and countered with a kick to the groin. Seeing the state of one their own they decided against going man to man and charged simultaneously. Jin avoided the first two but the third punch caught him square in the jaw. He reeled back a little but quickly got hold of himself. He managed to hit two of them and as he was trying to land another hit one of the boys lifted a chair and slammed it on his head.

Jin staggered and fell he was seeing stars and was pretty sure he was bleeding from his head. He started laughing. Maybe this is how it all ends. He got up with difficulty supporting himself on a desk. The boys looked at him with a hint of fear. He imagined he cut a terrifying figure with the blood flowing down his face.

Suddenly the door opened and a group of teachers stormed in. "What the hell is going on here?" It was the principal Mr Sugi. He saw Taka lying down knocked unconscious, Jin bleeding from the head and couple of other boys nursing injuries. "I want someone to take the injured kids to the hospital. As for the other kids, assemble in front of my office we will talk about what happened here and what actions need to be taken."

Jin was forcibly dragged and taken to an ambulance.After the X-ray the doctor said nothing was broken but that he would need stitches for the cut on his head. He also received information that he was suspended for a month after which there will be a formal hearing on his actions.

He asked the doctor if he could leave as he was feeling fine. The doctor gave him the nod telling him that he needed to come back immediately if he felt ill. He thanked the doctor and left. He decided that he would head towards the store to buy some dinner before he went home. It was going to be a long night and he would have a lot of explaining to do when he his mother come back. He sighed and set out.


Taka was furious he had been completely humiliated by that piece of shit Jin. He could not believe he was suspended. He would deal with principal later first he had to do something about Jin.Taka was born to a rich family and always got what he wanted. Everybody gave into his wishes or else they would pay the price. But Jin was different, the asshole couldn't be intimidated, on the contrary he would initiate most of the fights and get in his way.

As if someone was reading his mind one his cronies spoke," What do we do about him boss? He isn't the least bit scared of us instead he goes on picking fights with us and now most of the boys are scared of him. Lets leave this alone boss. Lets forget about him and move on boss."

"Yeah that's right boss." Another crony spoke up.

Taka balled up his fists in anger. "It's all his fault." Taka thought . " If only he didn't exist.".

Taka felt a shiver ran through his body. He took out his cell phone and dialed. A hoarse voice replied " What's up young master? Need anything."

"Yeah, get the guys and meet me near the convenience store."

There was a pause "Understood. See you in a few."

"Just you wait Jin.", Taka thought. "Just you wait."


"Thank you very much."

Jin had just purchased dinner from the convenience store. He was walking begrudgingly towards his home, thinking about the excuses he would have to make to appease his mother.

Upon reaching his neighborhood he saw a van parked near the local playground. At first he didn't think much of it but then he read the label attached Takamura cleaners. It was Taka's father's company. The warning bells started going off in his head. Mom, he thought with a sudden alarm.

He dropped everything and began running toward his house full speed. He knocked on the door. Nobody answered . He was about to call the police when the door opened and somebody grabbed him and slammed him to the floor. He tried to wriggle free but whoever it was, he was overpowering him with just one hand.

"Welcome back wet dog."

Jin could recognize that voice anywhere it was Taka.

"Taka whatever problems we have, it's between us. Leave my mother out it."

"What was that now dog? You don't want to beat me.You don't want to play the hero. Hey Iso doesn't the hero always save the chick in the movies?"

"Eh....." The brawny kid Iso one of Takas cronies could barely muster a word. He looked confused and scared.

"You dumb Iso, ANSWER!!!!!!"

"Yes boss, the hero always saves the day in the movies."

"So, where is our heroine. Bring her."

"Boss..." Iso seemed to be genuinely scared. "I'M OUT OF HERE I DON'T WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN ANY OF THIS. I am sorry boss."

Just as he was about to leave a large man came from the shadows he locked his arm around Iso and smashed his face with a rod. Iso went down instantly and was clutching his face in pain. He was missing some of his teeth. there was blood everywhere.

"When the young master asks you do." Taka ignored him and looked at another one of his cronies who ran to fetch Jin's mother.

"Taka please I beg of you, kill me if you want but please spare my mom." Jin said trying to wriggle free from the man.

The boy came dragging a woman bound and gagged.

"OH NOW THE REAL PARTY STARTS .You see tonight I promised my guys here some fun. After working for fourteen hours they need to do something to let off some steam. Sadly, your mother is the main course and dessert. You, dog," Taka said pointing to Jin, "have the privilege of watching."

"I'LL KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD. I'LL FUCKING RIP YOUR GUTS OUT." Jin managed to elbow his assailant in the groin which loosened his hold, He wriggled free and ran towards Taka. The burly man who hit Iso suddenly came in between them and whacked at Jin with the rod. The world started spinning, Jin managed to stumble towards his mother. The man raised the rod, Jin didn't see it coming.

The room suddenly echoed with a loud roar, it was an otherworldly sound. Taka and his friends seemed unaware of it. The rod hit him square in the back of his head and everything went blank.