I awoke to a repeated pounding on my door. Fearing that the pounding would wake the others, I ran to the door and threw it open. Much to my surprise the pounding was on Kane and Lord Glade's door and the person pounding was none other than Prince Pharon.
I stood silently for a moment, then Kane's door opened.
"Fuck do you want?" Snapped Lord Glade rubbing at his eyes.
"I need to speak to Kane. His life is in danger." Prince Pharon hastily replied.
"What?" I cried unable to contain my surprise. Who would want to kill Kane now, with Rhana leaving?
Prince Pharon gave me a troubled frown, then turned back to Lord Glade, "Will you wake him? I'll be waiting downstairs." He asked.
Lord Glade nodded slowly. His eyes fell on me before once before he turned into his room. I remained outside my door, my attention fixed on Prince Pharon.
At last he turned to me and raking his hand through his hair, he said, "You can- You can come too. Just make yourself decent first."