I stood in front of the quest board with Kane at the adventurers Guild Hall. Behind us stood Lord Glade. His eyes were glassy and vacant as he sipped coffee out of a thermos.
The quest board Kane and I were looking at was how adventurers made their living. People would post their odd jobs and quests on the board and then the adventurers would accept it. When the job or quest was completed the adventures would then gain the posted rewards.
This quest board was very busy. The board was littered with advertisements for requests. Some were written on scraps of paper, while others were full sheets filled with bright colors and fancy fonts.
Most of these fancier flyers for quests were off limits to me since I wasn't a high enough level to accept them. These harder quests were on the left side of the board, while the easier were on the right. Kane and I were looking at the latter.