The honeymoon period came to an end just as Vladimir was learning to communicate with his wife. Vincent and Lisa joined the newlyweds for a sort of family meeting, giving Alexandra a chance to see a master at work as her brother-in-law correctly interpreted every move and sound her husband made. The reception went well, Alexandra learned to speak for both of them in public. Immediately afterwards, Vladimir claimed her again. "Please-" he put a hand over her mouth to stifle her cries. When he was done, he bathed her and went to sleep. Even as they began their duties for the kingdom, Vladimir didn't leave her alone and made sure she knew who she belonged to, causing Alexandra a bit of stress. "Vladimir…" He stopped going through the motions of bathing her to look her in the eyes. She carefully reached up to caress his cheek. "You don't have to do this. I am yours." He leaned into the touch, smiling. His gifts came with animal instincts but as she said that, he realized he truly had nothing to fear from other men. Vladimir backed off some after that, even allowing her space when her duties did not involve other men. Alexandra was able to relax.
Seeing the warning signs, Vincent got Vladimir's consent to explain their gifts. Brandishing a knife, he sliced open Lisa's arm then healed it. "That is my gift. Vladimir has a more wild gift. Super senses, strength, speed, durability and reflexes with animal instincts and difficulty speaking combine to form the man you married." Vincent told her, "He's about to get a lot more interested in mating if you understand my meaning."
Alexandra's blush indicated she did and with his duty done, Vincent left to read what he could about his future wife's culture. Vladimir managed to communicate to Alexandra that they would be busy for a week, his wife passing the message onto her closest friend. Lisa wondered privately if she was just lucky or if the new gardener had something to do with this.
When his mating cycle began, Vladimir fought to stave off the effects until Alexandra awoke naturally then he proved to be an especially enthusiastic lover.