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Only Fools Love

Divorcee, turned Con artist, Hazel. Is a subject of betrayal, and despair, Hazel does not believe later than that she would be affected by the event, but what happens next when she steps in The US?

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Only Fools Love

MEN ALWAYS WANT TO BE HEROES. What could be more compelling to a man than a vulnerable woman? It is nothing, but their ability to control the wheels of their emotions. Hazel was no exception.

Hazel lifted her body as carefully as she could – no inexplicable bruises – she moved slowly towards the edge of the wall, it was the first time Greg hit her. Hazel drifted back to reality as she heard the music startup, tinny, spooky, and weird as it gradually filled the air, she looked up in terror as a bead of water ran down her glass of lemonade, a short man stood in the corner peeping around. Hazel, a former banker, white and chubby Canadian lady waited in a hotel's restaurant for her date's arrival, 10 minutes later and there was no sight of him, she picked up her phone, peered at the screen and it read;

'Atlantic hotels and suites, 8 pm.'

Hazel was sitting furious to her clit, she watched pictures of her date on her phone, and nursed the lemonade she had ordered earlier, a huge-shadow appeared behind her, she turned around, a bald man in a blue, fine suit placed his hand on her shoulder. From his perfume scent, Hazel could tell he was wealthy. 'Hazel, I am sorry my meeting took longer than expected.' he said apologetically, as he sat down. 'it's alright, it's alright! but I just hate being delayed I have just been keeping myself company with my friend.' Hazel said, raising her glass of lemonade and smiling. The man bit his lower lip and did not seem to hide his lustful look for her. Hazel saw his eyes hover around her body and did not hesitate to ignore him and look around.

'Welcome to Atlantic!' a tiny female voice said, drifting the man back to reality. It was the waitress. She smiled at the man handing him the menu, he ordered the item 2 of the menu and passed the menu to Hazel who ordered the Item 3 and 7, she released the menu to the waitress.

'are you going to have all of that?' her date quizzed surprisingly.

'I guess so.' Hazel shrugged. 'So tell me how you like this place?' her date inquired.

'I like the candles.' Hazel said, the moment her phone let out a buzz that caught them unaware, she declined the call and turned to speak to her date, the phone let out a loud buzzing sound once again, it felt like her phone had other plans, the man beckoned on her to receive the call, Hazel received the phone, she immediately wore a devasted look as she spoke to the caller on the other end. 'She promised me she was going to be alright, why are all these happening?' Hazel asked, and cut the caller short by hanging up and bowed her head low, 'Hazel, what is wrong?' the man asked, 'Nothing that I cannot handle.' Hazel said looking at him with teary eyes, 'Hazel I can see you are not alright that was after you received that call, please tell me.' he further inquired, 'it is my sister, she suffered a spine injury during her sports time at school, the doctor said she will be fine at first but is now saying she may end up in a wheelchair without the necessary surgery.' Hazel said. The man looked at Hazel punch-drunk. 'Pathetic, I am touched by your story, how much does the surgery cost?' he asked.

'it cost about five thousand dollars.' Hazel stuttered.

'is that all to get your sister back on her feet?'

'apparently, I can only just hope she gets better.' Hazel said. After a minute of silence, her date reached for the inner pockets of his jacket. He pulled out a cheque, placed it on the table and signed on it he handed the piece of paper to Hazel, she pushed his hands back rejecting the cheque.

'Hazel do not try to play hard I insist you have this!'

Hazel gave him a startled look, she had not experienced such generosity. 'thank you, Ben, this will go a long way.' she managed to say putting the cheque into her purse. Two tables away, a distressed waiter hurried their direction carrying a tray filled with glasses of Chapman, he got to Hazel's table, tripped over an object and all the glasses of Chapman came flying to Hazel's body.

'you have ruined my dress, pig!' she yelled.

The man appeared devastated the waiter had just ruined his night. The waiter pleaded while making to clean her up. Hazel resisted the waiter in a nervous state he immediately scurried off in fear.

'My dress is a mess.' she grunted. 'i must leave immediately.' the man sprang up to Hazel's height, placing a hand on Hazel's shoulder.

'i insist you be chauffeured.'

'I will stop by a friend's place.' Hazel said. She turned and left the table the man admired Hazel as she began her walk out of the restaurant. He wished he could continue to stare at her eyes, for the few minutes they spent he had noticed her cheek had a flushed freshness, and her shoulder-length, auburn hair looked newly blown dry. Trailing her was a faint fragrance of lavender. His eyes succumbed the length of her chubby torso - to her cadet blue blouse with the bra barely visible beneath, to her knee-length silk skirt, and finally to her legs accurately balanced on the wedge as they marched forward. What an epitome of beauty. He thought. Hard to imagine that she had not graced his bed, he mused to himself. He stared after her as she disappeared into a corner leading out of the restaurant. The moment his orders arrived at his table.

As Hazel reached the exit, a waiter with red stains over his clothing approached her with an empty tray over his shoulder and a stainless cover, on the other hand, he halted as he got closer to her. 'as promised?' he whispered, she looked at him 'Max you did great.' she pulled a stack of bill from her purse and gave it to the waiter. They talked a few minutes longer, and then the waiter hugged her. she made for an exit, pulled a taxi over and headed home.

The Taxi pulled over at a ten storey apartment where Hazel lived, she got out of the Taxi and slammed the door, focused on her phone, she walked into the building and took the elevator to her apartment. Hazel's apartment intended like the typical spinster style it had a couch, her favourite paintings of nature hung all over the wall, her bar and a fish pond at the corner of the room, she jumped, danced, and rushed for a drink from her minibar. I have some cash to pay off my debts and make that trip. She thought to herself. Zina had always wanted Hazel to visit the US to experience life and put her wits to test. It was a Tuesday night. Hazel prepared to hit the club till dawn. Her laptop sitting comfortably on her bar counter beeped severally, she ignored them as she struggled to fit in her jean skirt. After minutes of twisting and turning herself in the jean skirt around her waist, Hazel grabbed her laptop and stared at the screen in a shocked manner. Hazel immediately rushed to her couch and picked up her phone, it had been on silent and rung severally unnoticed, the call was from Zina, Hazel stared at the screen for a moment before deciding to call, it rang, there was no response, she dropped the phone on her couch and made for her waist strap, the phone buzzed, she sighed and walked over to the phone and picks it.

'Hazel, you should not be missing my calls,' Zina groaned.

'i did not see your call coming any time soon.'

'Marina bay is where I would like you to be at it is located in the US the rich men have their bath there.' Zina said. 'great!' Hazel moaned. After she had hung up, Hazel agitatedly searched up Marina Bay over the internet it was a Hotel and Casino, Zina claimed it flocked with wealthy men from around the world, who stopped by, for a treat. Hazel walked over to the minibar still engrossed in her device and grabbed a small pack it contained her fish feed she walked to the tank and threw the tiny grains into the water the eager fishes scrambled for the grains, she only fed them twice a week due to her schedule. Hazel tried focusing, but her thoughts reeled to her divorced husband. She had lost all she had three years ago to her divorced husband.

Greg Bill. The only man she had ever loved. The most outspoken lawyer and foreign-language specialist, he always marvelled Hazel, he was born with the love for languages. Greg had mastered six languages, including Italian, Hindi and Spanish, Hazel loved whenever he spoke, he spoke with authority and confidence.

Greg was dark- a soft, youthful forty with an unageing skin and brown eyes, he loved to play tennis every weekend, and his physique supported it, Hazel never missed watching him play and beating his opponent soundly after which he would settle with the Hazel would not forget the day Greg dished her a divorce notice. It was a crisp evening she was in her swimsuit at the pool in their home, Greg meandered in the pool area, Hazel watched him, he looked edgy, while Hazel watched him he suddenly looked at her, they made icy eye contact. Hazel was sure that he had something to say. 'I want a divorce!' Greg said in a tensed manner. 'my God! that felt relieving to say.' he beamed. Hazel watched him as he spoke, she was astonished, she stood up looking directly at his face until her eyes swoll, 'Greg, Greg! is this how you want to end it all?' she snapped. 'the lawyers will serve you the papers next week.' Greg said. Hazel charged towards Greg in a rage, Greg acting of self-defence landed her a thunderous blow to her head, it sent her straight to the floor. Hazel lifted her body as carefully as she could – no inexplicable bruises – she moved slowly towards the edge of the wall, it was the first time Greg hit her. Hazel was broke, damaged and jobless Hazel could not get back on her feet, love had become nothing but a mere word to her. Hazel decided to be a con, her charisma, control of emotion, smartness, wits and sugar-coated mouth paved the way for her, and she knew it. Hazel went to her safe unlocked it and looked inside it was filled with items she had con people of, she did not plan on selling any just yet she placed the cheque inside the safe and closed it.


Exactly two weeks, on a foggy morning, she hurriedly fed her pet fish some extra meal, walked out of the building and into the chauffeur driven car heading for the airport. Ten minutes later, she was at the airport, observing all protocols, and in no time was on the plane on her way to the US. Thirty thousand feet above a dead-calm sea. Hazel stared anxiously from the twin-engine Boeing 747-8, as she slowly sipped on her cranberry juice. She drew out her phone from her pocket and searched for Marina Bay Hotel and Casino over the internet she did not feel compensated enough with the pictures she saw. Fascinating pictures of the hotel appeared over her screen, Hazel smirked in delight, this was about to be blissful and a once in a lifetime experience for her, She laid her head backwards and was soon deep asleep.

The twin-engine Boeing 747-8 touched down on the scorching runway. A gentle tap from a passenger woke Hazel from her dormant state the flight had landed she looked around with bloodshot eyes trying to get a grip of her sanity. Outside the window, the greeny landscape of the airport blurred and then slowed to a crawl. Hazel stood and stretched, she unlatched the overhead compartment, drew out her bag. It was light there had been no time to make picks. It didn't matter - She'd come with a focus.

As the engines wound down, the plane eased opposite the main terminal. Hazel tossed back the last of her cranberry juice, put the glass on the wet bar, and moved out of the plane alongside the other passengers. She had informed Zina earlier in the day of her arrival, Hazel hung her bag over her shoulder and walked across the runway, A chauffeur-driven car ushered her in.

In and out, she told herself. In and out.

There was no way she could have known.

Hazel thought of how she always wanted a comfortable and happy life, deep down she would appreciate a luxurious one too, Hazel thought about whatever Zina had in store for her, that puzzled her. The chauffeur-driven car halted to a stop in front of the hotel. She got out and slammed the door her eyes lurked around for Zina. But they instead met the large hotel signboard that read ''Marina Bay Hotel and Casino'' a young, well-built man in white apparel approached her, 'benvenuta signora, I am from Zina, she as' informed me of your arrival and as' had a suite prepared just for you.' he said letting out a smile Hazel did not like, 'this way signora.' he beckoned on her to follow him as he marched ahead.

Hazel puffed out a sigh and dropped her bag on the king-size bed and began unpacking, she stopped dead, strolled to where the mahogany wardrobe stood magnificently and admired it, she could feel a luxurious atmosphere, it was in the air, three knocks landed on the door simultaneously, she looked at the door and made for the door she opened the door, a dark, bald man in a white suit stood there. 'may I come in?' he asked. Hazel beckoned on him to enter he pushed a tray of dishes inside the room turned and left she looked at the trays, a card lay there at the edge of the tray with a handwritten inscription 'from Zina.'

At night a handful of guest flooded the resort's varieties to explore Hazel decided for a tour around the hotel, she swung her jacket over her body and left her suite for the bar, Italian Men stood in three's, playing the Castanets. Hazel felt oddly satisfied watching the men play the instrument with their hands promptly causing them to create melodies. She gulped her M'ariquez shot Hazel loved the feeling it brought and promised herself to buy it whenever she visited the bar.

She opted for a few strays and found herself at a private garden built just metres away from the lagoon the waiters were trained monkeys who amused their guests endlessly with tricks and perfection to their service. Hazel decided it was time to see the lagoon and the other varieties the hotel had to offer.

Hazel narrowed her eyes towards the direction of the lagoon she saw clusters of lights as she approached the lagoon. But it was not the lagoon. Opposite the lagoon, the chatters became loud and palpable she got nearer she saw a handful of people were in a large pool partying carelessly Hazel walked to a couch and cleared the bottles on it she then relaxed to enjoy the rest of the night. Guest took turns to dive into the pool her eyes picked up a queer couple making out at the far end of the pool.

Melodious blues blasted out from speakers the height of a traffic sign.

'Hey, you care for a drink?'

Hazel turned around to the voice, a mountain of a man, with a close-cropped military haircut and a rigid demeanour offered her a smoothie, she smirked and reluctantly accepted the smoothie, his jet black eyes like coal caught Hazel's attention. 'do I know you?' Hazel inquired. 'My bad! Dame, the name is Gepino, you left your purse at the bar, here you go.' he said, giving Hazel her purse.

'Thank you! the purse is useless, it's empty.' she said giggling. 'have you been stalking me?' Hazel asked. 'i have not ma'am, I just needed you to get your purse.' he said eyeing her.

'i would catch you later, Dame.' Gepino said as he walked towards the Pool Hazel watched Gepino as he strolled and dived into it, she watched him swim 'How kind of him!' she thought.

'i know you're admiring that young man, admire his pockets as well.' a familiar voice hit her ears, she turned around almost immediately, it was Zina, a dark, slender lady, she appeared to be in her early forties. Hazel had fallen in love with Zina. It was on a wet night after she saved her in a local casino from angry caucasian men who almost lynched her for attempting to swap their diamond with a fake one back in Charlottetown. The men who had been drinking the entire day were endlessly boasting about their diamonds and whining about how rich they would soon become, s tried conning them, but the day was determined to be an unlucky day for her, Zina had been seated on one of the pub stool conversing with her guest and watching the scene, like a saviour, Zina came to the situation and talked the men out of brutalizing her. Hazel never stopped thinking about what a woman like Zina was doing in the local casino she knew Zina had a mission. Hazel had never felt so lucky in her life after they became friends onward. During one of the few times they spent together, on a cold evening in Santan beach, Zina told Hazel she had divorced her wealthy husband and carted away with half his life earnings, she then went on to own a spa centre, a foundation and some Hazel may never know. Zina also conned corrupt politicians and wealthy men Zina was everything Hazel aspired to be. Hazel clinched to Zina as they walked away from the pool and noise. 'i am glad you made it here, escort me to my suite we shall have a moment there,' Zina waxed eloquently.

They were both seated on white accent chairs in the suite's corridor. The fairly, spacious passage had it designed circularly and painted in caramel brown, a crystal clear Jalousie Window hanged prestigiously. 'i am sure you can interpret why you are here already,' Zina asked. 'honestly I am slightly sceptical, teach me your sugar ways, I want you to mould me into something outstanding! and rich too.' Hazel cried. 'tell me what makes women weak in the sight of men?' Zina asked, standing up to face Hazel, 'i think we are generally emotional.' Hazel replied. 'one actual truth ball down to the fact that they will always underestimate women.' Zina said running her hands around the ceramic vase on the table, she walked to the door leading to the inner room and pushed it wide open holding them and turning around to Hazel, 'it certainly has been a blissful night.' Zina said, Hazel felt she sounded unconvincing, she rose and walked over the door Zina stood. 'what is it going to be?' she asked, Zina dipped her hand into her bag and pulled out a small card and gave it Hazel, 'you can start from there.' Zina said. Hazel looked at the two-layer piece, with regard, 'Thank you, Zina, I will get on it.' they exchanged pecks and retired for the night.

The lights from the window woke Hazel she sat on the bed, the light blinded her she quickly had her hand crossed over her face. She suddenly remembered she fell asleep last night drunkenly Hazel did not have much to drink but couldn't tell why her head felt heavy Hazel looked around as tears welled up in her eyes she stepped out of bed, something pierced her bare feet making her jerk almost immediately. She looked down it was her silver lighter, the urge to smoke came at her like a lion on its prey, she finally succumbed and settled for the joint under her bag. Hazel had always nurtured the saying that, ''a joint a day, keeps the stress away.'' She felt unsettled for a moment then realized Zina had given her a card last night, she immediately erupted and began looking for the Card Zina had given her last night. After 20 minutes of turning her suite upside, Hazel found the ruffled piece. It was sitting beneath the bed. She sat down tiredly on the couch and opened the stiff paper carefully, a black and white photo print of a man in dark shades stared at her, she hurriedly flipped to the next part, a note lay there;

Name; Gepino

S. of wealth; Software founder

Cut; $500,000 of which 50% gets credited to me.

Hazel wondered how she was going to rope out half a million dollar from a man. Zina did not care about how Hazel accomplished it. Zina did only care about her cut.

Phone rings.

'Hazel, there is a man at the casino, he has expensive jewellery. I have a plan, meet at the Casino hall, midnight.' Zina muttered over the phone. 'Okay, I will join you there right in time.'

Zina and Hazel sat opposite each other at the wheel table, buried in their thoughts, obviously hoping to win, the men gave each other suspicious stares, the woman who looked Indian placed her bet before the big six money wheel followed by others. The dealer grabbed one side of the wheel with a pulldown action the machine spun. The participants lost considerable amounts. The next round was about to begin, a dark man in a hat and beachwear entered the room. He looked around distrustfully and occupied an empty seat in the round table. Hazel and the man had eye contact for a moment before proceeding to place their bets the big wheel spun again. Hazel won the round she owned her winnings.

The wheel made a few turns and slowly grinds to a stop, the indicator points to a lucky number, groans and chatters fill the room. Zina and Hazel lost a considerable amount.

'be gone you Asian woman with bad luck.' a nagging aged man sitting on the table yelled. The Asian woman sitting opposite him appeared irked and walked out of the room, as soon as she left he stroked his beards and heaved a sigh of relief. 'do you have any deposits?' the dealer asked the man.

'hold on I may have something you like.' The old man pulled out a shiny bracelet. 'i suppose you could use this as credit?'

'i am afraid sir, I cannot accept that!'

'why not?'

'rumours have it that you are selling your wife's jewellery to fund your gambling lifestyle.' The man sprang up with rage and walked into the adjoining room without saying anything. Hazel watched him escaping to the room in a silent rage, a few minutes later, Hazel traces him into the room.

Inside the poorly lit room, the grumpy aged man sat on a bucket stool with his hands spread on the bar counter soliloquizing and gulping down shots carelessly Hazel sniffed the air in the room, she could not get a grip of what it smelled like, a few more sniffs and she got it, the room smelt like mint and expensive fragrances, she loved the smell, it wrecked of rich.

Hazel walked across the room to the bar counter and grabbed a bucket stool opposite the man she gave him a look he seemed absent-minded.

'what would you like ma'am?' the bartender asked, Hazel, shifted her focus from the man and to the bartender. 'i would like a shot of mojito, it is my favourite.' Hazel chuckled at the bartender. As she turned to look at the man again she meets him feasting his eyes on her, Hazel +++caught him and gave him an alluring look that dared him to approach her, the man stood up and walked casually to where Hazel was seated.

'hi, I am Dr Albin Nasir, what are you?'


'what an appealing name, you are American right?' Dr Albin asked.

'yes, I am!'

'i am danish!'


'so what brings you to the Marina Bay?'

'i just want to give myself a treat I won a few million at the lottery.'

'how much did you win?'

'oh! 87 million dollars!'

'Hazel, I have something you may like!' Dr Albin immediately brought out a shiny bracelet, drew closer to Hazel and wore it around her wrist.

'it looks excellent, it goes for 500 thousand dollars! or you can pay in kind.' Dr Albin felt relieved he said that it was like his thoughts were eating him up and he needed to voice it, he placed his wrinkled hand on Hazel's lap, and stared right into her eyes, Hazel watched him as he slid his hands on her laps further into her dress, the bartender dropped the drinks on the bar counter.

'i have a diner reservation.' Hazel said, pushing his hand away from her lap.

The adjoining door opened, Zina walked in dressed in a black suit alongside a bulky tattoed man with a prosthetic arm and leg that made look like a bionic human. Hazel and Dr Albin stopped interrupted watching as Zina and the tattoed man strode towards them.

'Hello, I am afraid you are will be needed for questioning.' Zina said looking at no one, the bartender stood frozen in the corner, Dr Albin looked at Hazel and back at Zina, Hazel stirred her gaze away from the scene. 'are you referring to me?' Dr Albin grunted. 'not you! Miss Hazel here is needed for questioning, two hours ago, one of the hotel's footage picked her up stealing at the hotel's cafe.' Zina said.

'the police and the hotel's management are investigating the case.' the tattoed man spoke for the first time.

'i do not understand what all this is about!' Hazel said with a dishonest look worn over her face. Dr Albin watched confused.

'Miss you will be required to follow us immediately.' the tattoed man said. Zina walked over to Hazel's back and held her arms in a backward position supporting her to stand up, Zina unclipped the bracelet and pulled it from Hazel's wrist immediately replacing it with a replica and keeping the original in her side strap. Hazel grunted and shook her self free from Zina's grasp.

'i will come along there is no need to mishandle me.' Hazel yelled.

'Sir, I believe this belongs to you.' Zina said, handing him a bracelet.

Dr Albin snatched the bracelet from Zina and held it with reverence. The tattoed man walked over to Hazel and gripped her by the arm and led her out of the room, Dr Albin watched them disappear into the next room. He thought about what was prone to happen if the agent looking woman did not show up, 'one more shot!' he yelled at the bartender, In the adjoining room, where the casino game was situated. The tattoed man followed Zina and Hazel, they all walked over to the secretary's counter, Zina held the bracelet high up in the air for a minute, exhibiting an examining posture, Hazel watched her. 'this would cost about three hundred thousand dollars?' she finally spoke, Hazel approached her. 'three hundred? three hundred thousand!' Hazel asked intentionally. 'yes! it would take an expert to spot the replica with Dr Albin.' Zina walked over to the counter and bent over to the secretary handing her the bracelet, the secretary lodged her head beneath the counter and stood up, she looked around and hastily handed stacks of mint cash to Zina, the tattoed man stepped forward Zina turned to face him, 'Bavin! your twenty.' Zina said separating the stack and handing him the other half the tattoed man looked at Hazel he kissed the money and walked past her, Hazel stood in expectation, 'where is my big chunk?' she asked, Zina, chuckled and walked past Hazel leaving her in stillness. Hazel stood dumbfounded.

Hazel walked sluggishly to the elevator, unconscious of her immediate surrounding. A man strode across the corridor and stopped on her path to the elevator she looked closely, it was the man with whom she had made eye contacts earlier in the room. She looked at him with surprise, he had the inscription ''Amor'' scripted on his hat, he figured out Hazel's attention had moved from him to his hat, he immediately moving his hat in a circular motion.

'Hey pretty.' the man asked.

Hazel tried to remember where they hade crossed paths he looked familiar. She let out a grin and spoke to him. 'Hello! I saw you at the casino, it appears to me that we may have crossed paths sometime, but I can't recall.' he said.


'where do you think?' the man asked.

'in your fantasies?' Hazel asked almost letting out a burst of roaring laughter. 'really?' he asked, slightly embarrassed, they both let out a brief chuckle.

'I am progressing for the club chap it is a five-minute walk from here, according to this new app I got on my phone.' Hazel said.

'let's get there.' Pino replied.

It was eventually a thirty-minute walk, they both arrived at the club exhausted and excited, the access to the club was a narrow stone corridor lit up by led lights, as they stepped inside Hazel felt caught up in the inward surge of eager patrons. On the far wall of the club, speakers the size of minivans shook deeply, that one could not hear himself talking.

'outta my way faggot!' a short lady pawed past them, giving the man an elbow in the side, they struggled to get past the bubbling crowd and to the bar counter, it was empty, they both sighed in disappointment and turned to watch the bubbling people.

'so you never told me your name.' the man asked.


'you have wonderfully created eyes, Hazel.'

'thank you.'

'Hazel I was wondering if you spend time with me and I pay you for it.' the man asked.

'i am not interested in being paid! I would rather just spend time with you.' Hazel replied to him.

'hey, don't you have a name?.' she asked, screaming at the top of her voice. The music was beginning to deafen them.

'the name is Pino.' he said, trying to whisper.

'Pigo? what a name.' Hazel said chuckling.

'it is Pino!'

'okay Pino, I will not forget that.' she said, Hazel pressed her hands to her sides, her head bobbing like a lifeless bulb on top of a rigid spine.

Pino spotted and flagged down a passing waitress. He bought two Aguila beers and handed one to Hazel, she took a swig of beer and proceeded to bring out a joint from her purse and lit it, she offered Pino.

'I don't smoke.' he rejected politely.

Hazel feigned a frown, 'okay, that is not cool.' they both burst into a peal of roaring laughter.

Hours later, Hazel and Pino decided to take a stroll back to the hotel they wandered in the cold night both in silence. Muted shadows played on the cobblestones beneath their feet. Hazel felt the vodka still in her. Nothing about her life seemed in focus at the moment. Her mind drifted back to Pino, wondering what could be going on in his head as he walked with his head bowed or maybe he was too tipsy to talk.

Up ahead, a transit bus screeched to a halt in front of a bus stop. Pino looked up. The bus's door cranked opened, but no one emerged. The diesel engine roared back to life, but just as the bus was pulling out, three teenagers appeared out of a bar up the street and ran after it, yelling and waving. The engines wound down again, and the kids hurried to catch up.

Thirty yards behind them, Hazel and Pino stared at the bus, Hazel gave Pino a sharp glance and sprinted after the bus, Pino quickly followed up. They darted after the bus. The bus halted for a stop, at a bus stop, miles behind the hotel, Hazel and Pino decided to walk it. The walk made them exhausted by the time they arrived at the hotel they wanted a little time at the looby before it was rest time for blossoms. The lobby was exquisite, small and elegantly appointed. Man's wood era had long passed, the age where everything got constructed with wood, from furniture, items, weapons, and houses. The room was a proud reminder of that era - tables, floor, sculptures, chairs, and the display of paintings in wooden frames.

One of the hotel's staff, a trim, well-groomed man, smiled at them eagerly, as they settled.

'today was a day well spent.'

'i am glad that is, Pino.'

'it wouldn't be without you! Hazel.'

'is this not the part where I get to spend the rest of the night with you?' Hazel asked, letting out a mischievous grin.

Forty minutes later in Pino's suite, they both lay their backs on the bed speaking gibberish, Pino held unto a bottle of whiskey, he drank from the bottle and passed the bottle to Hazel, they both basked in their time++. Hazel and Pino spent a considerable time of the night laughing at bants and their sarcasm. At a quarter past three, they went into an abrupt silence.

'i think you're different Hazel.' Pino said, breaking the silence.

'i should not be surprised, should I?'


"I have heard those exact words from the people who ended up shattering my heart into a million pieces.' Hazel replied with a chuckle. They both stared at each other silently, Pino never hid his lustful stare at her from the beginning. Like a flash of light, Hazel thought she had seen his face somewhere she could not remember, Hazel did not have enough time to recall before Pino planted a kiss on her lip, Hazel felt the kiss deposited something in her that she could never explain.

Hazel, returned the kiss, even passionately and slightly rough, she suddenly slowed and stopped, staring at him, Pino drew closer and kissed her without restraining. Hazel, couldn't phantom she was kissing a guy she met hours ago Hazel did not just meet him technically. She thought, even though she had not recalled their meeting.

Hazel was beginning to get wet and shiver, Pino realized she was cold and losing it, but did not intend to stop, his body and physique left Hazel wondering if Pino was her dream man or she was just lusting, Hazel liked how touchy-feely Pino was, he caressed her thighs and ran his other hand through her dark hair and back to her breast, Hazel wanted Pino inside her already. The moment Pino stood up followed by Hazel, they both undressed each other aggressively, Hazel struggled to pull off Pino's shirt, he slipped and fell off the bed, Hazel let out a peal of roaring laughter, leaving Pino still tangled in his shirt, she jumped and leaned on his body moving her head to his ear while unbuttoning his shirt.

'i like it aggressive!' Hazel whispered, nibbling his ear.

She stood up, followed by him and pushed him to the table kissing him while running her hands all over his body Hazel reached for his groin area caressing them. Pino let out an exciting grin and landed three spanks on her butt simultaneously. Their naughty nature fueled the situation. Pino did not relent, he lifted Hazel gently and placed her on the bed reaching for her breast and suckling them like a hungry newborn puppy, she flipped him over and climbed him, Pino took charge, slowly stroking her, Hazel moaned sensuously, Pino continued to stroke her fast, and mercilessly they made love desirously till they passed out.

When Hazel awoke, the sun was rising. A cacophony of birdsong troubled her ears, the soft rays of the sun strained through the curtains and created patterned shadows on the duvet. She sat on the bed, scenes from last night romantic encounter played out in her head, she looked around the room it was tidy, Hazel remembered they fell asleep on their clothes, but there her dress lay on the couch neatly folded. She glared at Pino while running her hands around his hairy chest. He was still dormant, she got out of bed, wore her clothes and made her way out of his suite stealthily.

Hazel was in her suite, she undressed and held up her dress above to a distance, her dress smelled like Pino, she immediately took a deep sniff on the dress, his cologne was top-notch, it smelled like tobacco and vanilla, it always triggered her, she rubbed the dress, all around her face, her phone buzzed, she walked over to her phone and peeped at the screen it read;

Meet me at noon.


Hazel grew annoyed. She stared at the screen, but it was not the screen, in reality, she was in her thoughts, she sensed that Zina had lost her patience regarding their target and her cut, Zina was not the type to play with her business deals Hazel knew it was time to be a genius. She had no way out, except she followed this exit. Hazel stood alone in the dimly lit silence of her suite. The task at hand was simple: Find the target, con him by whatever means you have at your disposal, remit to Zina. She would carry on with her life.

After a sound nap, Hazel still felt dazed she looked out of her window down to the open area in the hotel's premises, wooden patio chairs scattered everywhere in a peculiar arrangement, the guests roamed around with cheerful faces, Hazel though they had probably come for the time of their lives just like her, she struggled not to succumb to going outside. At last, Hazel opted for a moment Outside she enjoyed mooching through the arrangments of Butshu flowers, she located one of the empty, desolate patio chairs and settled there. While growing Hazel lost her four siblings to a gas accident. Hazel's parent relocated after the incident. Both parents could not grip the pain it was too huge for them. Hazel grew up in the care of her maternal uncle. Emmett, he did not have any children his only company was Hazel and his pet rabbit. She grew up to appreciate the power and solace of silence. She admired her loner nature because of her ability to think and figure out things during these moments, the pink flowers in a traditionally designed vase centred on the table, attracted her, she plucked a petal and inserted it into her hair, the day was bright. Certainly like a day to be filled with intrigue. A Red, Convertible jaguar car ran into the hotel's premises. The car Halted at a distance from where the patio was. Hazel admired the car, a man in a red beret who spoke loudly sat at the steering, with her head bowed low into the passenger window. Hazel strained her eyes to see who she was conversing with Hazel started to think she was short-sighted, Hazel touched her face and remembered her sun shades were on. she pulled them off and looked. Zina lifted her head from the jaguar she was wearing a gold-coloured jumpsuit she hastily bid the driver a goodbye, the jaguar ran further into the hotel's premises. Focused on her phone, Zina walked to the arrangements of the wooden patio chairs. Hazel watched as she approached for a seat farther from her. Zina ought to be at the Spa? Hazel thought.

Hazel walked over to Zina's patio and settled for a seat. Zina looked up at her.

'you see the jaguar that left?' Zina asked.

'yes! but you didn't see me, did you?' Hazel asked

'i just made forty thousand dollars, from its occupant.' Zina said in a boastful fashion.

'wow.' Hazel stared at Zina with a straight face.

'there are means disposable to you, utilize them.'

'okay, how did you know I saw the jaguar roll in?' Hazel inquired.

'that will not be necessary. I only hope you are making lemonades out of the lemons you have got.' Zina said. She stood up almost immediately staring down at Hazel. 'this year alone, I have made four million dollars, strive and remember to remit to me.' Zina said with a smile. 'motivating, I suppose.' Hazel muttered. 'Honestly, I am confused.' Hazel extended. 'i will be at the spa, meet me there.' Zina said. Hazel stared as Zina walked away, she hoped to switch bodies with Zina for a day, she would access things Zina possessed, she wished coincidence could major in her life at the moment, her confidence, charisma and wit were starting to wean out. Hazel spotted a straying waiter and ordered a coconut drink from him.

Hazel went through the revolving door in the hotel's entrance, and into the elevator. Hazel headed for the 14th floor of the building. Hazel thought it was going to be a long ride for Hazel. She leaned on the elevator and staring at the air. Hazel decided it was time she found her target even though she had no clue. Minutes ahead, the elevator door screeched to an open, two tall men, both dressed in denim trousers and coats with brass buttons. Both wore black, shapeless hats and dark shades. The first man smiled vividly to Hazel.

Hazel took a glance at the man Hazel felt she knew him. At last, his face was the exact description Zina had given her. How would I start from here? Hazel thought. The first man suddenly pulled off his shade to speak. 'i was hoping we would cross paths again, and it happened soon.' he said, speaking in a polite style.

Hazel gave him a puzzled look she was not expecting to see Pino today or even share a ride with him. The entire scene seemed wary one minute she saw her target, the next minute it was Pino she could not hide the incredulous look on her face he also sounded different. Hazel felt he was different from who she knew at and after the club, Hazel. Pino seemed to muster the courage to keep close to her. 'hey Pino, I did not realize it was you at you, you kinda seem different today.' Hazel said with her head up staring at a security camera. Pino dipped his hand into his pockets and brought out tobacco. 'are you going to smoke in an elevator?' Hazel hissed. 'yes I will, and I know you do not mind,' he said removing a butane torch lighter from his breast pocket to burn the tobacco, 'Knightsbridge, 7 pm?' Pino asked, dusting off the ashes from his burning tobacco, the other men stood straight without flinching, 'you seem edgy Hazel.' Pino asked. The moment, the elevator screeched to a halt, and the doors slid open, '7 pm it is.' Hazel said, stepping out of the elevator, she gave him one last look as the door slid close. She headed to see Zina buried in her thoughts. 'nice jacket!' someone complimented as Hazel entered the room.

The darkness of the room corridor spilt out into a large, chamber that reeked of incent. Hazel furthered into a small, and dense room, candles littered in corners of the room, creating a warm atmosphere. In the middle of the room Zina lay naked on the massage table with a towel over her waist, as a masseuse worked out the kinks in her neck, she ground her palms into the fleshy pockets surrounding her shoulder blades, slowly working her way down to the towel covering her backside, Hazel stood in the corner of the room watching the masseuse's hands work on Zina's body she walked over to Zina.

'a close watch on you shows you might have lost design of why you were requested.' Zina declared. 'i have a lead on this guy, he is ... I just met him quite frankly, we have screwed, but somehow I am discovering he might be the target.' Hazel spoke nervously. 'if he is rich, I do not need this unnecessary information you do not need that target, Hazel all I care about is my money!' Zina said, raising her head in a manner that disrupted the masseuse. 'Hazel, I have personally invested in this mission, your bills, the luxury suite, cuisines, I am expecting them back with profits, you do not seem to realize you have competitions on here. every year I bring ten ladies to this location, they all remit to me.'

Hazel left the Spa, a few strays in the hotel and she was in her suite. She tried collecting her thoughts, she thought about what connections her target ''Gepino" shared with her entangled lover ''Pino" perhaps they could be same people. Scenes from the elevator flashed to her, she sat on the king-sized bed and drew out a blunt she had kept under the pillow and lit it, that was the only way she deemed it she would focus. Hazel went for her bag on the chair and searched for the Card Zina had given her Hazel found it in the mini compartment of the bag and opened the Card and flipped a page the picture of her target stared at her, it was similar to who Hazel had seen on the elevator earlier, the name on the first page read ''Gepino'' Hazel was pretty confused at first. He could be a DID victim, or maybe she was just less concerned about him. Hazel thought.

Hazel sat in her pink robe on the stool facing the large mirror, with beads of water rolling off her body, she left the shower pondering and still caught herself doing the same. ''Pino, Pino!'' could that be the last four letters of his name? ''Gepino'' or did he lie about his name?' the more she thought about it, the more she grew confused Hazel had only one mission with whoever he might be which was to con him, Zina was on her neck, she needed to act. Hazel sensed she could feel something for him or maybe she was lustfully attracted to him, the idea of love only infuriated her still, she could not get his existence of her mind, the sex, the connection she felt with him, his masculinity, Hazel would never get over his cologne. She decided to spend the rest of the day in her suite's balcony smoking Indica joints she bought from a guy selling from his pants, whatever it was about Gepino or Pino, Hazel did not seem to figure it out all day despite being a different plane.

At evening, Hazel stood in her balcony admiring the hotel's landscape she checked her watch it was 6:29, she had considered Pino's date two hours ago, now it was time to grace him with her presence and even play out her plan. She stood outside in the hotel's pavement, as her chauffeur-driven car halted in front of her she stepped into the car, Hazel had not expected her ride would take long, her patience was fast running low for reasons she could not comprehend. The moment the chauffeur driven car came to a halt at Knightsbridge hotel. Fifteen minutes later, she entered the foyer with a silk scarf over her head and her head bowed, after giving the name of her host to the manager, he accompanied her to a suite on the fifth floor. Her dining companion stood as she entered the room, walked forward to her and kissed her both cheeks.

After an intimate dinner, and an even more intimate hour spent in the adjoining room, they decided to settle on the couch in the middle of the room. 'Hazel there is a mystery about you, that my subconscious tells me about.' Pino declared. Hazel wore a dazed look, 'Pino you are alluring yourself.' she said, 'i also see you as a business-oriented personality.' she followed up. Pino smirked, filling his pockets with his hands like he was searching for something. 'Hazel dear, that is true, but why is that?' Pino replied. 'i have a proposal that will fetch millions of profits in return.' She swung her hair to her shoulder exposing her cleavage, Pino took a long stare at her before turning and moving to the mini bar in the corner. 'okay Hazel let us see a presentation of this proposal of yours.' he spoke while pouring out red wine into glasses. Hazel walked to her bag on the bed and took out a laptop and proceeded to sit on the couch closest to the bed, Pino joined her and gave her a glass of red wine, while running his hand through her hair He made occasional glances at her cleavage from a comfortable position, Hazel rehearsed the proposal in her mind, the image was clear.

In the dimly lit silence of the linen closet, on the third floor of Marina Bay. A maid lay unconscious on the floor, the last thing she felt were a pair of rock like arms, a man in black apparel was replacing a hotel master key in her pocket, he made his way into Hazel's suite and searched, after minutes he reached to the battery pack on his belt with a certain kind of reverence; the gadget was gifted to him by a client, the machine could receive contracts anywhere in the world instantaneously. He anxiously touched the screen as it flickered to life, he began clicking letters which appeared on the screen like ghosts in the air;

Subject: Hazel - Not found.

At Knightsbridge, Hazel gave a kneeling Pino an icy glare, with her mouth slightly open even for an insect to enter, Pino just offered her a marriage proposal with the shiniest ring her eyes had seen. Hazel caught herself pacing frantically she had only come here with a mission. She thought, but she hankered for love and to be loved. Pino waited, still kneeling with a foot and his hand stretching out with an opened box of the ring towards a pacing Hazel. 'you barely even know me, love has failed me!' Hazel blurted. 'Hazel, you guarantee my peace, I love you without wax. I know this feels too early, but I know you are just perfect for me, I'd ask again, Hazel, will you marry me?'

Hazel's breath caught in her throat, she looked at him and then back to the ring balanced on her slightly chubby finger, her eyes suddenly welling up with tears, 'oh Pino... I don't know what to say.' Hazel exploded. 'say yes, say yes!' Pino pleaded.

Hazel turned away and did not say a word. Pino stood calm. 'Hazel! we'd fly to Africa first thing tomorrow I will make you my queen, show you, love, you will never lack, please say yes.'

Hazel lifted her head. Her eyes filled with tears. 'i will marry you, Pino.'

Pino stood up and hugged her, she pushed him and let out a brief cackle, 'not until you tell me your actual name, I feel like I have been less concerned about just so much.'

'it is Gepino! Pino is just easier for me to tell everyone.' Pino said, kissing her all around her face he stopped to look at her face in admiration, 'it drives me nuts for some reasons.' Hazel said, Pino beamed and ignored her, he drew her close to himself and slipped the ring into her finger.

Hazel stared at the ring, wondering if she wanted to let love lead again, on the other side, it was her one last shot at love, she smiled at Pino and kissed him.


At the director's quarters of Stone Manor, a luxurious bag company in the heart of Seville, Spain. Zina was seated in a sky blue chair conversing with staff, dishing out orders, she had not been in Stone Manor for six months, Zina took a rush flight to Spain after she learnt of her company's massive sale loss. Zina rented a penthouse miles away from the penthouse and decided to spend the next six month of her life in Spain nurturing and restrategizing a plan to trigger sales in her company. Zina's phone buzzed, the screen lit up, she glared at the screen and ignored the buzz to pack her desk clean, preparing to retire for the day, it was her favourite part of the day as she would drive to a Spanish restaurant to eat her favourite meal- cochinillo asado, Zina would never have known that meal if her deceased chef had not introduced it to her. She left the director's quarter through the secluded elevator in her office not many staffs had the opportunity to see it, the elevator led to the parking lot, a minute later, she was in the parking lot trying to locate her car, at last, Zina spotted her car exactly where it was parked, a Noble M600, Zina named it ''baby'' she kissed the bonnet and got into the car and searched her bag for her phone and took it out holding it in a leaning position, she peeped at the phone's screen squinting her eyes, a text showing a credit of $500,000 appeared on the screen, Zina immediately let out a broad smile, attached below was a message;

'Thank you for leading me.'