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Artearra-Rise of the Beast Master Zena

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Zena sets out on a journey for revenge her family. With two pet Griffins, along with an unexpected new friend ship. The young lady’s travel to an old master to learn new skill and ability’s to grow into warriors.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1- Joy to Sorrow

Huuuhh the slighted sound excepted her lips. As the griffin spread its snowy white wings.  She then. heard fu fu fu fu forced the air to the ground to take off.  Her fathers words echoed through her head triggering fond memory's of here child hood

"Zena remember to always stay completely still, the slighted movement could give away your location"

"But why do I have  to, I mean with or ability's we can take on the appearance of our surrounding"

"This is true, but the slightest movements could enough for any beast to see your outline. Yes we can shift our appearance to match or surrounding but that doesn't change your size or shape, just the color of your skin, hair and clothing, along with the painters."

So she waited till the snowy griffin had flown off over the peck of the next mountain over twenty kilometers away. She slowly exhaled huhhhh, with that she released here chameleon ability her skin shift from a stony gray to beautiful tan, at the same time the gravely texture smother out. They the most shocking change was the forest green hair. As she shifted back to here normal for she walked into the cave and found the prize she was looking for. Five opal color eggs each about a meter tall. Quickly walking over to the eggs she squared down and listen to the eggs all five where moving around. Then grabbing the two with the purists color sliding them each into there own bag before leaving the other three.

When she left the cave took off at a slight jog down the game trail that she had travelled three days before. The trip back to Treeriver Village would take her about five days, with being gone for almost half a month now she wondered how everything was doing at home. Father will be happy with these two new addiction to the farm. Whispering to the eggs "now with you two father will promote me to master trainer an breeder."

With in two kilometers from the house Zena started noticing something wasn't right. The roars noises that normally sounds from there farm was absent fear jumped into her heart. Reaching around the grabbed the bow off of her pack and pulled two arrows from the quiver on here lower back running across her hip. She then stepped into the woods lining the side of the path as she got closer she hid the two eggs in a secret hiding spot she had found as a kid. Slowly stepping to muffle any sounds she would make her from shifted to match her surroundings. With a gasp of horror she saw the burnt body's for beast and the six barns smoldering in ruins. The wind suddenly change directions and blew into her face. As the wind blow stirring up the ash fro the building and the smells of burning hair.  Hrrk hrrrk hrrrk! With splattering of vomit hitting the ground at the base of a tree. Zena doubled over bracing herself aginst  tree till she could right her self. Grabbing her water skin she rinsed her mouth out before walking into the clearing with an arrow on her bow.




"Mrs Issale"

No one responded. She walked slowing heart beating faster an faster with fear welling up inside her stomach. On the well in the in middle of the burnt down barns and three house was a note and four body's. The shorted was a dwarf, next was a woman, and the last two she couldn't bring herself to look at. For they where her father and brother Otis.

Thumphs the bow hit the ground as she ran over and scooped up her fathers an brothers in her arms and started to cry. With a start she woke up realizing she had cried herself to sleep looking up at the sun she breathed a sigh of relief realizing it has only a few hours later and the sun was just now passing the midway point. Then she noticed the note and ripped it down and began to read.

"By Order of King Therran Ruler of the Seventh Kingdom of the Nine Realms.

Zane Gruenefeather, owner of Gruenefeather Beast has been found guilty tracery to the crown. The crimes are listed as follows.

- Refusing the King

- Insulting the Kings messenger

- Resisting arrest

Zane Gruenefeather and all inhabited of Gruenefeather Beast will be put to death. All building will be burned to the ground. All beast will ether be captured or killed no exceptions."

After reading the notice Zena felt dumbfounded. For that was not like her father at all. The man she remembered was very well respected by everyone and went out of his way to help. Knowing there was nothing else for her to do here she gather up her bow and what little supplies she could find laying around the burnt down house. Taking a moment to go over the things she manages to salvage plus the items she already had with her came out to be, small coin pouch containing (3 gold, 6 silver and 9 bronze coins), her fishing tackle, bed role, some assorted rations (old bread, jerky, and some dried fruits), and a few medical herbs, flint an steel, and her fathers family knife. After packing everything back into her pack she  head back to retrieve the two griffin eggs. Taking one last glacé at the use to be her family farm.

"Father, Brother I will rebuild but first I need to know why this happened." With a slight poss. "Please forgive me for leaving you like this."

With that Zena turned an interred the woods. After coming to her secret hiding spot she grabbed the two eggs and strapped them to her pack. Moving quietly through the woods as quickly as she could she followed the road headed to town making sure no one saw her leaving the farm. When she came to the bend in the road that she first got a bad feeling at she stepped out of the woods and onto the path to follow the left hand split to head to Treeriver Village.