Shena was speechless. The weight of the world had suddenly been put on her shoulders.
After holding herself upright as a desperate show of strength for what seemed ages, the battle that waged in the storm of her mind passed and she was finally able to come to at least some semblance of sanity about her current mission which didn't even seem possible to have proposed in the first place.
How is that even possible!? Shena asked aloud. Leaning forward, placing her arms tightly against the table as she glanced toward her superior. Admiral Argus sighed aloud as he stepped closer toward the briefing holo table at the center of the room, flicking a few switches and pulling up a recorded message for them all to hear. Only them.
"This is for the seven of us. Argus sternly ordered before he pressed the button, casting all of them in it's blue illuminating light which drowned out the orange flow of the fireplace entirely. "This will not leave this room. For all intents and purposes. This conversation will have never happened."
Suddenly as if on command, a loud puff of water dispensed and spiraled together from the edges of the round table like rain falling weightlessly in reverse to take on a solid yet still transparent state. One visibly symbolized as the rough configuration of a stranger whose ripples from the glowing water masked their true appearance and what species they were in the eyes of Shena.
"This is Brumal. Argus said aloud gesturing to the holo. They are an undercover operative who for the past six months has been relaying us vital information in secret from an undisclosed location somewhere deep in the Southern Empire.
A traitor? Asked Shena. Rubbing the bottom of her chin intrigued.
"An ally. Replied Prime Minister Koa. "One that we have desperately needed. They have been keeping up to date on the Empress activities in regards to her daughter and her troops movements recently all of which has proved accurate and crucial to the war effort. Without them. Well..We may not be here standing right now.
But how is she even still alive? Asked Shena. The princess died years ago in the great flood. I remember seeing the girl's body in the recordings.
That is what the Empress wanted us to believe. Said Argus displeased. And she fooled us marvelously. After the war ended, and the southern capital was destroyed, the world assumed the princess died along with most of it's inhabitants. Buried under mountains of icy rubble and lost into the sea when the city suddenly collapsed. The fake funeral, and the Empress tearily holding the body of a baby as she surrendered sealed the conspiracy in the eyes of the world. Yet only now have we learned thanks to our informant...It was all a lie. The corpse of the infant wasn't her own. It was just another unfortunate casualty of the attack being passed off to sway suspicion. The real princess somehow survived the ordeal as incredible as it sounds. And she has been hidden away from the world all this time ever since under lock and key.
Hmm...Boreca smiled. Rubbing the bottom of her chin intrigued by this development. So that's why the bitch it always so preoccupied this time of the year. Always wondered what was important to her enough to draw her away from the war for a while."
Indeed. Acknowledged Argus. Her daughter meant a great deal to her. And still does. We can use that to our advantage. This is the break we've been looking for.
Shena backed away from the table, having to lean against the wall, placing one hand against her head, and struggling to take in what she was hearing. Shena then raised her head back upward, hungry for more questions about the stunning revelation.
Are you sure this Brumal is a reliable source? Shena asked concerned. He may just be leaking false information as a double agent.
My thoughts exactly. Nodded Boreca. How do you know they're a reliable ally? The Emperess could just be leading what forces we try and send into a trap. Trust me. I have experience dealing with traitors who seem on your side. They turn on you the moment it suits them or their cover is blown just to save their own skin. They can't. Be trusted.
He isn't a double agent. Replied Argus confidently.
How can you be sure of that? Asked Boreca Skeptically.
Because any person who is willing to smuggle information right out from the Empress beak would be putting themselves in an a great deal of danger for our sake. If they were found out. It would mean certain death just like every other operative we have attempted to send. Plus the brief information they have provided us has proved beneficial in the past in regards to the Enemy's inner workings. The battles of Koruvoa and Ashen field were accurate in the regard of intel on what forces the Enemy had mustered during those campaigns. We trust them enough. At least as much as we can afford given our rather precarious situation.
But why turn tail and betray the Empress? What do they have to gain from this? It doesn't make sense. She's winning. Why would they come to us now after all this time. Do we even know who they are or what they want?
Argus shook his head. "No. They have refused to give their identity for their own safety. But they are willing to meet with us in person very soon.
Why? Shena asked.
"Because of this." Argus then played the message.
A deep and heavily distorted voice suddenly echoed throughout the small dimly lit room. Shena couldn't tell if it was that of a man or a woman. But one thing was for certain they were anxious about something troubling them. Or following them. Shena leaned in closer, absorbing every single word spoken by the shape of water.
"This is Brumal. The stranger spoke aloud. I haven't a great deal of time so I'll have to be brief again. The Empress will be moving her daughter to a more secure and heavily guarded facility in the coming weeks and I will not be going with the rest of the staff this time. She is becoming more paranoid about her daughter's safety every day and is making sure that no one will ever find or know about where she is hidden. I will not know anything about their location or their whereabouts once they are moved. We must act now. The timeframe to strike is closing quickly if we are to proceed.
Proceed? Proceed with what? Shena asked.
"Just listen." Argus replied calmly. Resuming the message with a flick of us thumb.
"I've uploaded the building schematics and layout for the princess current whereabouts. Said Brumal. It's called the citadel. A massive fortress buried under hundreds of feet of ice and snow. It's guarded twenty four hours a day by dozens of soldiers, automatons, and is governed by the Princess uncle, the exiled prince Aravos. The building's been fitted to be impervious to aerial bombardment. Yet I know a weakness in it's design and if we move quickly we can exploit it. If you follow the map I have provided. You should be able to fit a small team single file along one path in particular that leads right under the citadel floor. You can cut your way through and i'll meet you inside for the extraction job. I'll have to...Wait..... Someone's coming. I have to....." The message suddenly cut off dead.
How long ago was this sent? President Sai asked.
Three weeks. We haven't heard back from them since but they are still giving the all clear signal to proceed with the mission. You're mission. Lieutenant.
My mission? Said Shena her black eye's widening, knowing full well what it was going to be but dreading it nonetheless. Let me guess..
Yes..Said Argus with a sollum saddened voice. He didn't envy the task she had ahead of her but it had to be done. "You will lead a team behind enemy lines, infiltrate the citadel and capture the princess. ALIVE. With her in our custody as a hostage. The Empress will not risk her safety and sue for peace under our terms. She will be forced to abdicate the throne and be sent into exile with her daughter to be guarded by our forces for the rest of their days. With the South pole Empire at last knocked out of the war. The main pillar of the axis powers will collapse and we can focus our efforts on the other three. If we succeed. We at least have a chance at winning the war and saving our nation.
What if the Empress doesn't surrender? Said Shena. What if the she goes ahead with her plans even if we have her daughter in custody.
Argus didn't seem worried and responded calmly with an emotionless and calculating voice. "Any parent who is willing to lie to the whole world, encase their child in a armored fortress and surround them with guards all their life is probably not the type of person to let their child go."
But again...Why me?
Argus disabled the monitor and approached her camly to give his answer.
Because you have undertaken task's just as perilous as this one will be. I've seen you're record. And I've read the briefing of what you went through over there. You're the perfect choice to lead this mission. I'll have a new team assembled for you to command. Top of their class and all eager to serve you. This will be your task force to command. And I have every confidence you will succeed.
Shena hesitated in replying. She had just gotten out of a hellish nightmare and now she was being told to lead the charge right back into another one. And worse. Being told this one could actually determine the course of an entire nation, possibly the world as a whole. But if it really could help save lives and bring this conflict to an end sooner. Then there was no possible other answer for her to choose. It had to be done.
I'll do it. She looked up. But on two conditions.
"Very well. Argus nodded. Name them."
I pick the team. If I'm going into land's I'm unfamiliar with. I need people I can trust and can rely on when things go wrong, which I'm counting they most likely will no matter how well we are prepared. This is not negotiable. I don't care if they are top of their class or eager to serve me because of what bullshit stories they've heared. I pick. Or else the mission will fail.
Argus grimaced, wanting to put up an argument, but realizing it was pointless in the end. he commanded the navy. But she fought on the ground. She knew what she was asking for and needed far more than he did and he would respect that. He nodded in agreement. "Very well. You will have your personal pick. And what may I ask is the second condition?
I just need a new uniform. Specially fitted for cold environment. Along with my team.
Argus chuckled. "That is quite easy to arrange. I can assure you of that. I'll have them delivered before your departure. You have my word.
Shena suddenly noticed something vitally important she had forgotten to ask. How she had even talked herself into accepting the mission before checking this first was beyond her.
Quick question..How the hell are we supposed to even get behind enemy lines? Their coastal rail gun defense's knock everything out of the sky every time we've tried to break through. Ships. Bombs. Landing craft. It's impenetrable.
It is. Argus said in defeat. That is why we will go with a approach.
What is that? She asked. Gulping slightly.
It is still under construction but it should be ready before you leave. Meet me at the navy harbor, dock two-thirty-four in two days and you shall have your answer. I assure you. It will be well worth the wait and will put your worries at ease.
Shena sighed at what she was getting herself into. But it had to be done.
Very well sir. I'll see you there. She stood at attention and saluted. I promise you. I will not fail."
Argus. Saluted, hoping with all his soul she would be able to fulfil that promise. "I hope so. Commander Shena. For all our sakes. May your return be swift. Dismissed.
Shena saluted once more and exited the room leaving the governor and Admiral looking at one another, wondering if they had picked the right champion if saving their nation. Shena hoped they had. She knew they had.
Shena walked down the stairwell of the galley room. The party was still going strong this late and everyone was eyeing her just as strongly as ever. She didn't pay them any more mind. She had more important worries to think about. Paramount above all else was who would join her new task force now that all of her original team members were.....absent.
The thought felt like a betray and a cruel action to even conceive to Shena. To pick new squad to trust their lives with you and your's with theirs after the original you have sacrificed so much for alongside them were no longer here. It would be immensely difficult. She knew her original team members inside and out. Their preferred weapons. Their tactics. It had taken five years to work in synch with them and now she had only a few days to do so again, and with so much at stake this time. But she knew what she needed first.
Wanting some fresh air and having immense trouble thinking to herself with all this chatter and distraction engulfing her, Shena quickly walked out of sight from the other guests over to an open railing that peeked out the side of the building. Unveiling the night sky, the rest of the city, and the endless ocean in the far distance. All right below her, to remind her what was at stake if she choose wrong in her selection.
Shena would want to keep the team small. No more than five or four. Too many soldiers and the precise and delicate operation would grow more chaotic and difficult to manage, especially in hostile territory and cramped spaces based on how narrow those ice tunnels were described in the briefing. She would first need an armored powerful species with plenty of muscle to protect and shield their new team from enemy fire just as Kiro's had done in the past. Fearless. And unyielding in defending their allies no matter the odds.
Excuse me miss? A voice called out behind her.
Shena ground her teeth in frustration at the pest's interruption of her moment of concentration. She couldn't even have a moment of peace to herself now that the whole world considered her famous. Shena Turned sharply around to tell the rich interloper to get lost. Being greeted with a skinny and tall lionfish dressed in an extravagant blue coat staring down at her.
I. Have. Had it! She snarled, baring her teeth. I'm done answering all of you people's stupid questions for one night and I have much bigger things to worry about than being prodded by one more idiot. So just back off away from this balcony or else I might throw you over it! Shena turned her gaze back over the railing down below, confident in having scared the stranger off.
He didn't leave. Instead camly walking to the railing beside her with a smile across his face. His arms folded comfortably behind his back as he stared not at her but at the stars above.
Is that anyway to speak to an old friend? He said aloud mockingly. His voice had a strange sense of familiarity she couldn't explain.
What the hell are you?...Shena said before catching a familiar scent. One that made her slowly begin to grin wildly and uncontrollably.
Suddenly the well dressed lionfish body began to change and morph in shape. His white and brown striped face began morph color and shape in front of her very eyes into becoming a vibrant saturated red the likes of which were beautiful. His series of uninviting sharpened spikes running down his head thankfully dulled and became rounded, forming meaty tentacles that swooped behind his large crimson head and dangled like unkempt long hair that hung from behind and on front on his shoulders resembling a proud lion's mane. His lean physique and tail from moments ago then vanished entirely, in favor of the solid pure muscle mass of a broad shouldered and powerful individual. At last the man's dark unfriendly eyes then slowly changed hue, from an univintieding nightly black to a warm colorful yellow with a horizontal black iris at his center that could only be that of one person she knew.
"Hello Shena. Said the old octopus, his voice elegant and sophisticated as he revealed his true self to her. Enjoying the party?