Chereads / Animara Empire of The Fallen / Chapter 1 - A Cold Departure

Animara Empire of The Fallen

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Chapter 1 - A Cold Departure

The last of the hover tanks whirred up the ramp aboard the assault ships. Followed by row upon row of pristine imperial soldiers marching in perfect synchronized fashion according to regiment and species. This time tomorrow they would be at war. A war they didn't know if they could win.

Half a year from now. Most would be dead.

Standing off to the sidelines watching from high above on the viewing balcony of the ruins of a winter palace was the puppeteer of this grand military display. She was a lifeless somber individual, with dark circles under her eyes and the weight of an entire nation resting upon her weary shoulders. She couldn't bear the burden. So she pretended she could. Despite her imposing stature and ice cold stern expression. She was secretly nervous. No. Not nervous. Terrified.

The grand display laid out before her to any other leader would be a source of egotistic pride, or message of the danger they posed to others if called upon. To her, it was nothing more than the sudden reminder of the brutal cost in lives needed for a war to be waged, and it felt to her like a jab in the gut when it hit her. She hated war. Hated the senseless brutality and cost it brings but knew it was unavoidable in some cases. This was one of those cases. She had talked about rebuilding the army. But to actually see it in person.

This is what you wanted. Isn't it?

They weren't just cannon fodder in a sea of white. They were people. People risking themselves and their lives. All for her. All for the what she had promised them time and time again like some hopeful salesman. The ultimate imperative they must strive towards for the safety of their children and their children's children. If this was the cost for their safety in the grand scheme of the plan. Then they would gladly jump head long into the fire if asked. And she would be the one igniting the torch.

Waiting, anticipating. It was tense. Like watching a thunderstorm while at sea approaching, knowing you can't delay or reason with it but still have to endure it regardless. She scrapped one of her black sharpened talons loudly against the railing. 

This is all for you. She kept muttering to herself. Almost a silent prayer. Everything I have ever done. All that I have strived for is so that you an have a future. All the pain. All the years apart. It will have been worth it in the end you'll see. It is all for you.

She let go of her sharpened needle like talons against the stone and marble balcony, letting go the past, before coming to her usual public persona that she needed to be now. Mindful to keep her inner doubts from showing any signs of weakness and giving into despair. She could not afford to let anyone see her that way. She had to stay strong. 

Still.. She couldn't help but wonder. Was it enough? Had she done all she could? Did she have everything she needed? Would she by some despite giving every aspect of her self to it? She had taken into account the odds stacked against them.

They weren't good.

"You're up early." A powerful heavy voice bellowed from behind her.

A warrior emerged out of the darkness in silence. His new, off the line, sparkling white plate armor white as his fur shimmered orange and red in the light of the new dawn that graced them both. He knew it would not stay clean for long however. It was just waiting for the chance to be battered and dented in the coming war as was its purpose. That was what it was made for. Where it was going. It didn't need to be pretty. In times past, imperial soldiers would embroider their armor with solid gold and silver. None of that remained in this iteration. This was clean cut, streamlined down to the bare bones and cost effective as much as possible while still serving its needed purpose. That was all that mattered to an army with so little resources left to work with. They could not waste anything.

This knight in his new suit of armor took care to lower his axe aside out of respect when facing her and touching the cold floor with his clawed gauntlet with that of a craftsman's gentle care in a graceful manner that most assumes would not be possible for a polar bear as large as he. But Garotan the noble was anything but the lumbering dumb monster many across the world believed his kind to be. He was her sword. Her shield. Her scalpel. Ready to cut at the heart of her many enemies licking their lips hungrily across the sea. And most importantly...

Her oldest and dearest friend. And the only one she could really rely upon for the coming storm that both of them knew would thrash upon their nation with the full fury of vengance.

I had see it for myself she said, still looking out. 

"Thank you Garotan." The newly crowned empress spoke softly and with a more sincere tone of voice, she hardly ever used with anyone besides the trusted and revered commander-in-chief. And her most trusted confidant. I couldn't have done all this without you.

The towering albatross then breathed a long heavy breath of comforting cold northern air before following. Ser Garotan stood in calm silence, watching patiently and loyally as she approached before handing her the gift she had prepared earlier and trusted him to hold onto for the time being. A little white box enveloped with a transparent, and illustriously detailed blue ribbon that she noticed had started to come undone.

"Here allow me." He said. The polar bear removed his glove and unsheathed one of his massive black claws to carefully hold the ribbon in place while she tied it neatly again. Both wanting it to look perfect for today of all days.

"Thank you Garotan." She smiled at the simple but kind action. Veadora said as she adjusted her short hair with a wave of her hand, not paying much attention to it. "Let us be off then, no point in standing around any longer in this place.

"I completely agree your majesty." He smiled redoing his gauntlet before taking her hand. Always did find this place dreadfully dull and dusty. "Shall we?"

She gently clasped onto his massive paw to guide her down the massive steps each reaching up to her torso. She then enveloped herself completely in her beautiful white wings until they resembled a large feathered cloak that hung from her shoulders all the way down to the floor beyond. Bundling herself in her own body warmth to provide an extra shield from the harsh elements outside.

The empress and the old Warmaster the ventured out into the ruined castle courtyard filled with unfinished bone longships abandoned centuries ago. Her praetorian albatross guard in their imposing winged helmets already waiting by the doorway to accompany her through the hazy snowfall yet again on garotans strict orders. She had gotten used to their escort and always being surrounded by soldiers. Though she felt as though she didn't deserve it. Still feeling a stranger in their company after all these years living among them even if she was of the same species. But neither she nor Garotan ever took any chances. Where she went. her armies followed. No exceptions for her own safety. There had been far too many close calls with assassins before. Now, you would have to be insane to try and get to her here. And that was just the way they both preferred it. Fear, was very useful in that regard.

Thousands of races from the two sides of the globe in a multi-ethnic and chaotic amalgamation of a nation watched and whispered as the Empress graced by through the camp just finishing to pack up in calm silence. Her white tail feathers and long blue gown swayed close behind across the frozen ground as a painter's brush caressed gently against a pure white canvas. The comforting snowfall fell gently against her face and stuck atop her feathered short white hair which lay dormant of any crown. Those that could bowed in pure respect, others merely tossed and turned writhing in pure agony in their tents from recent costly battles against Northern coalition forces. She almost let their surrounding presence and personal needs distract her. Wanting to stop and ease her subject's troubles through any meager words of comfort. She hated seeing them like this. And they all still looked to her as the symbol of hope for what had once been a struggling and defeated nation and they hated to see her go, even for a short while. But the battle was over and she would still be there for her when she returned. As would they. And she had a schedule to keep like always. After all...She thought pleasantly.

Her many enemies would be dealt with. All in due time. But today was a good start.

She looked beyond the horizon out to sea as she left the camp perimeter. A subtle pleasant smile across her face. The victorious imperial fleet of four thousand strong had just secured its first victory this morning in northern waters and was enjoying a long refueling and rest before preparing for the launch of the invasion once she returned. Behind, was a sight to behold. And she cherished it. No. SAVORED it. It had taken twelve years to see. And in then end it found it more than acceptable.

The scarred and burning wreckage of what was left of the northern coalition's pitiful new navy of five hundred. All Gone. The new imperial dreadnaughts fresh off the line had broken through their blockade and taken winter tide easily, the salvaged and subpar grey northern warships from the previous war now sinking and still on fire after only an hour of fighting. Their traitorous occupants of mostly walrus and seal sailors dead or trapped inside as the vessels sank, their muffled screams at last beginning to die down. The coalition never took prisoners, so neither would they. And now, the path lay wide open to claim the rest of the northeastern coastline at last. She and Garotan had planned this assault for a full year and would attack in three days' time. The fighting would be tough, and Gartoan would be at the front, a fact she feared. She knew it was good for morale, and that he needed to be beside his men in the thick of the fighting when they hit the shore. She knew he would succeed. He always did. His people had raided the coastline for thousands of years for prey and plunder. And now, he would lead the charge of the greatest homecoming in history. They had both fled in fear.

Now, they were returning as conquerors.

She turned her attention back to the path and Kept walking for quite a while. Her grip intensifying on the small wrapped box buried deep in her hand in nervous but excited anticipation. She couldn't stop thinking about what she would think. It had been so long since she had last seen her in person. And she mustn't be late in giving it on.

Garotan and the Empress walked down the snowy hill until they reached the frozen harbor where her massive flagship was stationed at the head of the Imperial fleet swaying victoriously in the waves by the shore. It was the largest southern warship ever constructed and for that reason was given the grim moniker the "moving glacier" High upon its tallest mast coated in ice fluttering in the wind was her nation's still proud banner. The white-winged diamond of Aressa on a light blue field fluttering mightily in the intense wind. The colossal white ship was armed to the teeth level to level with hundreds of state-of-the-art hard light pulse cannons that could hit a target over five miles away. Gartotan greatly admired the warship and affectionately referred to it as his massive child with big teeth. But to vea, it was just another tool. And it was what was inside it's hull that truly mattered to her more than weapons of war.

The port side of the ship's ramp had come down hours ago and grasped onto the shoreline. Still waiting at the base of the ramp stood a crew of penguin engineers operating the now assembled and massive portal gate carried ashore and constructed by her own order just recently. The immense marvel of science would transport her millions of miles in an instant to the other side of the globe through its sister gate. Such a device was rare and astronomically expensive for any nation to afford let alone maintain. She didn't much care for the technicalities of such a wonder. All she cared was about was seeing her sooner on her special day. Everything else could wait for the time being. Nothing else mattered. Even the war.

General Garotan signaled for the gatekeeper standing at the control console to activate the portal for her majesty. The small black and white operator nodded its elongated orange beak and quickly pulled the lever to open the otherworldly passage. Suddenly, a glowing blue energy spiraled out of thin air and began to take shape in between the two metal arches. Resembling a frost-coated mirror that Illuminated the cold night for all to see.

Garotan cautiously glanced down toward his Empress standing beside him who stood completely silent, staring at the noisy portal with a saddened, unexpressive look across her weary but still beautiful face. There was hardly ever a smile across it. Not anymore ever since becoming empress.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Garotan asked gravely concerned with a deep but gentle voice. Scratching the back of his neck anxiously with his claws. "She won't take it so easily this time I fear.

Empress Vea closed her eyes and let out a breath of cold winter air afraid of the fact that he was right. She straightened her slender spine up to its full height as a display of fearlessness until she was half his immense height. It was a false display that she knew full well. Just an attempt to imitate the sheer assuredness and overwhelming confidence that radiated off of him. But whatever helped. But even so. She wished she could give her more than just this sad little trinket, especially knowing what she really desired. But another year had passed, which sadly meant yet another broken promise in a long list that had only grown into a mountain of lies and deceit. This would be difficult, but she would listen to her reasoning yet again. Vea knew deep in her heart this was the right choice. No matter if it no one else would ever see it that way. She looked on towards the gate, fiddling with the blue ribbon.

There was no escaping what lay behind those doors any longer. Her heart raced in fear. She had never felt more powerless than at this exact moment. But she needed to do this. And if she had to go through her daughter's tears again in order to keep her truly safe from outside harm. Then so be it.

"I know she won't like what I have to say," Vea said solemnly not turning her stern full face from the portal. "This will be hard for both of us, but I'm afraid there is no other option. I know she will hate me. But I know what is best for her and she will understand in due time why it has to be this way."

"But what about after? The hairy warrior asked with a solemn deep voice. Surely next year perhaps? It's been so long since she...."

"There is no need to dwell on such future worries any longer my friend. "At least for now. This is a precious day and I wish to spend it wisely. Not wasting it by dreading about what tomorrow may or may not bring. Nothing more of consequence will trouble her from the outside world. Least of all this blasted war, or any scrap of worry or self-doubt on my part. She deserves my undivided attention today of all days. Not as her ruler. But as her mother."

Garotan nodded his blocky head calmly to his long-time friend below, trusting her final decision entirely, knowing it to be the right one no matter what. "Of course your grace. Shall we?" The white haired giant then grabbed her bags and politely gestured his massive paw for her to enter first as usual.

"Yes..." She said calmly and with a voice devoid of all warmth.

"We shall."

Without a second thought, The Empress stepped into the frozen gateway to the other side of the world.