One day earlier.
I toss the last bag into the trunk of my car. "woo all done." I huff to myself I look back staring at the large apartment building I live in. On the fifth floor I can see the window that goes to my unit. I wave goodbye to no one and turn to my car.
I take one last look at the gear in my trunk going through the mental checklist of things I need. deciding that there is nothing left to forget I start the car and pull out of the parking lot.
It's about a two hour drive to the park where I do all of most of my hiking. I was able to take a whole week off of work to do this trip and I'm really looking forward to it. As i drive and see the tall city buildings get smaller and farther apart I can feel myself becoming more calm and relaxed.
Being in nature is where I feel the most at ease. I wish I could visit the park more often but work is important and the city is where I have to be for now at least. I am pursuing my dream of becoming a top editor at a publishing company. Right now I am only an assistant to another editor but I am doing my best to get myself up the ladder.
The first sign of nature begins to invade the landscape. I love this par of the drive when I get to watch nature take over and I feel at home again. I don't know what I would do if I wasn't this close to all this beautiful land. I guess just drive farther.
Finally I make it to the exit and begin my way up the winding back roads to find my favorite spot. I pass by different signs describing trails nearby until I see the lower and upper red lake trails. I take a right going towards the small parking area where the road ends and the trail starts.
Parking my car and getting out I stand for a moment with my eyes closed taking in the warm summer sun and breathing in the fresh air. After a few minutes I walk to the back of m vehicle and open the trunk looking at my gear. I go though the pack one last time deciding that I have everything I will need. Shutting the door and locking the car I walk towards the hole in the trees.
I am enveloped in nature and I can't help but smile to myself as I begin my long trip. I plan on staying a few days backpacking my way around the lower lake and the area around it. I am walking along when I come to a fork in the trail. I look at the two trails not remembering there beings another trail connected to this one.
I look closer and there are two signs one pointing to the usual trail heading to the lower lake, the other is going the opposite direction towards the upper lake and scenic overlook. I stand there for a few minutes considering my options.
I decide to go left and take one last glance at the sign for the upper lake trail.