"where the hell is everything wait don't tell me that blast was so strong it created a rifted and sucked everything inside of it, "Said accelerator while facepalming
"Might as well create a new universe and put all of them there might as well create a universal school as well?" accelerator thought and gathered a lot of energy and shot it out while controlling and shaping it into a universe
First, he created the main world which would have the same features of the earth but will have this big Lil space in the middle of the world for the universal school to be built
each section of this earth will be divided by the type of powers they use for example cultivators stay by china or something
quirk users and nen users stay in united states
while chakra, ki, and other energy that deal with life stay in japan
after all these dungeons will be created and will adjust to whoever enters for example like grand predict he's strong so the dungeon needs to be stronger than him these dungeons will be considered rank EX
dungeon ranks-F,E,D,C,B,A,S,SS,SSS,SSS+,EX
Everybody started to be teleported onto the world and was amazed at the sight they are seeing there was a boy with pale skin and white hair and red eyes staring at them he started to speak
"Welcome to your new home as some difficulties had occurred and sucked you all into that rift(pause) there is going to be a school where people can train their powers and become stronger *cough*Asta, Goku*Cough* I'm also going to be creating a dungeon where you can kill monsters and level up to have fun" after accelerator said all that the word started to shake and a big school appeared in the middle of the world
I disguised myself as a black hair and blue-eyed version of me and registered to take the test to get in the school on the way to my house in the alleyway a couple of people with superpowers were bullying a certain yellowed haired whiskered fellow I felt bad for them
naruto powers up into sage of six paths mode but I jumped in and kick him towards the sky then jumping up there to engage in hand to hand combat hitting him with a 10 piece combo knocking him to the ground making sure to tone down my power to not knock him out
"come on naruto is that all you got want to meet cradle you to sleep or something"Accelerator said to taunt naruto making him unlock baryon mode
"you, I'm going to make you take back those words of yours and if you go to that school I'm going to teach you a lesson there too, "Naruto said after he dashes towards the accelerator with breathtaking speed
Accelerator dodges and throws an uppercut towards naruto's chin he dodges and creates a Rasengan slamming it into the accelerator's face making him fly towards a building
passersby look surprised at naruto's strength and cheer him on as accelerators walk out the rubble looking like Luffy dodging kumas light beams
he disappears from everyone's site and they wonder where he went if one look up they will see him charging a massive Rasengan on top of his head and throwing it towards naruto pushing him down as he uses his full force to not get knocked down but to no surprise, his efforts were in vain as the Rasengan launches him flying into the air with accelerator teleporting on top of him sending down a ferocious punch knocking naruto out finally
he flys down and walks over to naruto to heal him as he heals him naruto wakes up breathing hard and shouting at the accelerator thinking he wants to fight him again but the accelerator said
"calm down naruto you out up a good fight I hope ill see you at that school since your pretty strong"
"you're going down next time dattebayo," naruto said
"ill look forward to when that happens, "Accelerator says and teleports to an underground fighting match and tells the owner he wants to join in
the owner tells him no and he has to leave at first but the accelerator releases a Lil bit of pressure forcing the owner to accept
the owner almost ***** himself but luckily he had control over his motor functions
he adds accelerators name to the list and tells him his fight is next up and ask him if he wants to place a bet on the current match he said sure and places a $1m bet on the one that's currently losing the fight and surprisingly he won and every thought accelerator was going to lose a lot of money from placing the bet on a dude that's currently losing
"well whatever it's my turn now I feel bad for the dude that's fighting against me because I'm sending his soul to the underworld," Accelerator said while walking towards the arena
Everyone just started laughing because he is going up against the top dude in this facility the only person that wasn't laughing was the owner because he was the only one who felt the depth of his power it was huge(pause)
Inside the arena, the person competing against accelerator was named gumbo surprisingly he was big to that probably was the reason he was sizing accelerator up because he was taller than him by a wide margin
when the announcer said the match started gumbo got cocky and said
"come o little boy ill let you get the first hit, "He said thinking the accelerator was weak but what he got was not what he expected
accelerator cocked his fist backed a slammed it into gumbos face knocking him far back only to be stopped at the edge of the arena by accelerators telekinesis
then to be pulled in and have his face grabbed by accelerators hand slamming him to the ground making cracks spread like spider webs
seeing all this happen to him as a last-ditch effort gumbo asserts his power more than his body can handle but he knew healers can heal him back to top shape but sadly he won't be making it past today
because accelerator cast 10x gravity on his body making his face kiss the ground the audience at this point was speechless they all thought accelerator was just some scrawny pale boy but he kept his power hidden all this time
their strongest power user here is getting trashed by a dude they all thought would be the one getting trashed and he used all these different types of magic and he looks like he is 15 years old
but he didn't end the match just yet he kept swinging him around as hulk did to Loki(puny humans)It's like gumbo provoked someone he should never provoke this beast here is just too strong
accelerator had enough of bullying him so he decided to show off a Lil bit he created a lightning breathing sword closed his eyes while his hands clutched the hilt of his sword and he opened his eyes they were white ad lighting started surrounding him as he said three words"thunderclap flash"Gumbos head suddenly got severed nobody saw what happened only a flash of lighting and accelerator moving super fast behind gumbo while holding his head in his left hand.
What people are more confused about is how he created a sword out of nowhere many the whole stage was silent until the announcer announced the winner which was pretty obvious
the silenced stopped when a person in the audience started cheering for the accelerator
everybody looked at him then back at the accelerator and the whole stadium started cheering and the announcer said accelerator was the champion of this whole thing before they can ask accelerator about his life he teleports to his home which is his pocket dimension
*the next day*
accelerator arrived at the school for the test to get inside the school when he arrived there he saw lots of anime main characters naruto spotted him and ran towards him while saying
"hey, you are that guy, right? let's fight again"
"no, not right now naruto I have to get inside the school I'm not getting kicked out because of you, "Accelerator said as he walked inside the building and bumped into something as he was;t paying attention as he was thinking of what power to use to defeat the enemies in the tournament
accelerator wake up out his trance and looked towards the ground towards whoever he bumped into and saw a purple haried girl wearing purple armor if you know her, her name is scathath
she looked up while rubbing her head while being looked down on by a boy her age she looks angry and gets up looking accelerator in the eye while preparing her weapon
accelerator seeing this smiles and lifts up his hand aiming it at her face while saying "shinra tensei"knocking her towards a wall at the end of the hallway
naruto who was following me was surprised since I have the same abilities as pain but then something surprising happened