THE SUN WAS now shining impeccably, it's rays hit the windows of the car in an oddly satisfying way.
There was a building in view.
It was about five kilometers away.
Courtney and Stasy thought the same thing 'finally', two and a half days.
Jessica thrummed her fingers rhythmically on the steering wheel humming along to 'onward Christian soldiers'.
After about 5 minutes Jessica pulled over.
Stasy assumed she was getting something essential from the trunk. When no one got out of the car, she gave them a confused expression.
"Alright guys, I'm sure you can see the building from here, you'll have to walk the rest of the way".
Courtney and Stasy shared the same enigmatic expression.
"Has anything happened to the car?", Stasy asked.
"No", Mr Johnson replied "you just have to walk, now get your suitcases from the trunk and be on your way".
"CA-CA-can't y-you j-ju-just dr-dro-drop u-ss o-f-off? ", Courtney asked.
"We aren't allowed in your school, now hurry, you wouldn't want to be late on your first day of school", Jessica grinned.
That was the first Courtney had seen Jessica smile even if he could tell it was fake.
Stasy and Courtney listened to their exhortations and exited the car, making eye contact frequently.
"What did she mean by they are not allowed in our school?", Stasy whispered.
Courtney shrugged pulling his and her suitcases out of the trunk.
"No!, I can carry it", Stasy said.
"I-I-I in-ins-sist".
"Do so at your own peril, my stuff are heavy".
Courtney winced it was too late to turn back now, after all what was 5km.
2KM DOWN THE ROAD Courtney was panting and sweating.
"I'm a man', he told himself 'I can carry two suitcases', he continued.
Stasy chuckled" just give me my suitcase".
As ignominious as it was to the male society Courtney rolled her suitcase to her.
She gave him a toothy grin interlacing her fingers with the plastic handle.
"Let's play I spy", Stasy laughed.
"N-No", Courtney gave a blank reply.
Not taking no for an answer Stasy looked around "I spy with my little eye something beginning with the letter H".
"I'M SURPRISED YOU guessed right this time", Stasy childishly clapped her hands.
"Y-yo-your ga-gam-game k-ki-ki-killed t-time", he chuckled approaching the tall gates.
"Should we um knock?".
Courtney shrugged.
Stasy molded her hand into a fist and reached for the gate.
When her hand was centimeters from the gate it vanished and an electric force pushed them inside revealing another gate 200m away, two boys were standing by the second gate seemingly guarding it.
Courtney and Stasy were shook, Courtney felt like throwing up, whilst Stasy rubbed her temples.
"What was that", Stasy shrieked looking back at the gate refraining from pushing her hand back through.
"Wh-who kn-kno-knows", Courtney groaned.
"It's just an innocuous fence guarding the school", one of the boys laughed making his way towards them.
"I'm pretty sure a fence has wires, and innocuous it felt like whatever the hell that was", she stopped talking to point an accusing finger at the gate "was going through every inch of me".
"M-me t-too",Courtney replied holding his stomach praying to the heavens that he wouldn't throw up.
Dwayne Malik looked between the two chuckling softly.
Dwanye was a tall blonde with puce eyes, one of the greatest pupils in the school.
"Welcome", Dwanye twanged "To our humble school", he continued gesturing for them to move along.
Dwanye being the gentleman he figured he was reached for Stasy's suitcase, which she simply replied with a thank you.
He offered to carry Courtney's but only got a nefarious glare.
'What was that about? ", he asked himself.
Stasy laughed aloud.
As they approached the second gate Stasy began to see that the two boys were twins.
" You're twins? ", Stasy asked.
"What does it look like", Wayne niggardly replied.
Wayne Malik was the opposite of his brother, belligerent from a tender age ,he had the same puce eyes, the same blonde hair, and even the same smile, but one could tell the difference because Wayne never smiled.
Wayne dispised himself and his twin 'there was nothing to live', he told himself, but why he kept living no one knew.
Stasy blinked rapidly.
She automatically thought that if one twin was nice the other would be too.
"He's like us", Dwayne patted Courtney's shoulder.
"You think I don't know that, I'm just trying to figure out what to do with him", Wayne said giving Courtney a once over.
Courtney visibly gulped.
When Wayne turned towards the gate Dwayne whispered in Courtney's ear "make sure you no where near dorm 32 when choosing rooms."
Courtney was dumbfounded "Wh-who s-sa-says I-m li-li-like y-yo-you?".
Wayne turned around "Great and his a stammerer too, you better get your priorities straight ".
Courtney cast his eyes down in defeat, he wished he wasn't a stammerer 'I'm cursed', he told himself.
"Hey leave him alone", Stasy dared to yell.
She hated his idiosyncrasy, he reminded her of her mother, so much it infuriated her.
All she wanted was vengeance, to make her mother feel what she felt, that's all she wished for.
Dwayne shifted awkwardly "Let's get going".
He walked down the small gravel road that led to the second gate. Wayne joined Dwayne at his side whilst Courtney and Stasy trailed behind.
The twins entered the gate, Courtney followed it didn't have as much of an effect as it had than before.
Dwayne, Courtney and Wayne waited for Stasy to enter.
Stasy readied herself fir the pain with one last drag from the air she held her breath and pushed her hand into the gate, she felt like every atom in her body was being divided into two, the pain was so excruciating buts she still pushed herself further.
Tears mindlessly made their way down her face, she couldn't take it anymore she screamed, so loud.
Her stomach felt like it was disintegrating everything failed her as she fought to push further, she screamed.
"We got to help her", Courtney yelled racing to her and pulling her.
With no avail Courtney pulled harder the pain she was feeling generated onto him.
He let out a groan and pulled drastically, this time successfully pulling her in.
Wayne chuckled frivolously.
"Does this usually happen?", Courtney asked.
"Seldomly", Dwayne replied smiling so hard Courtney thought his teeth would give up.
He arched a brow at him and looked back at Stasy.
"Stasy are you okay?", he asked.
She held onto him to avoid falling "Courtney", she exhaled.
"You good?", he asked needing her reassurance.
"You're not stammering".