Before I continue let me tell about jason banks or as we know him as ; SCP 0234. This S. C. P is a creature of great power and a master of deception. It takes the form of a helpless person in a dangerous situation when weak minded people are around. Using illusions and sympathy to lure in it's prey. It's most known case is with ingrid and jane morrison. Young ingrid was driven to insanity which eventually lead her to murder her twin sister jane who at the time was in hospital for the mentally impaired. She was admitted on october 3rd and died at 04:03 am on october 3rd 10 years later. It was reported that the killing was not just by the mentally ill sister but the master of manipulation himself, Jason Banks. He is classified as top 5 most wanted in the world coming just after the zodiac killer. If he is encountered he will have a different name, apperance and a new aim for his victum. He may turn them mad or into a refined prisoner depending on if he is on a murder streak. These murder streaks can last from 3 days to 300 years with his current record being 367 years of continuous crime. Jason's crimes range from pick pocketing to torture hense why he is such a talented manipulator.