Chereads / The Contract (+18) / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9: The troublesome (horny) Neko (final part)

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9: The troublesome (horny) Neko (final part)

"I wonder what boss and everyone are doing" Clone Naruto muttered to himself as he looked out of the window of his apartment's window.

He had been assigned to stay here and acted like the boss so most of the time Naruto would go out, do missions and then hang out with friends. It's been two days since Naruto and the other had gone out of the village to find Nibi, Kyuubi's little sister and he hadn't heard any news from them yet. The boss said that he would message him when he and everyone return so C. Naruto could prepare.

He smirked a little when he thought about boss' face when he returned and saw what he had prepared for him. A small mission Kyuubi-sama had told him to do before leaving the village.

"Ahh" moaned as he felt his climax approaching quickly, letting out a small grunt the blonde pulled his massive cock out of the three ways tit-fuck he was recieving from three of the hottest and sexiest Kunoichi of Konoha.

With another grunt spared his load across the face of Kurenai Yuuhi, the infamous Gentjutsu Mistress of Konoha before aiming to Hana Inazuka and their best friend Anko Mitarashi. Soon enough with rope after rope of thick hot cum the three sluts below him was being covered in the thickest and hottest milk bath of their life just like last night when he conquered them.

watched the three women attacked each other like a pack of hungry wolf for his sperm and his smirk widened.

The mission was very simple... enslaved as many Kunoichi of Konoha as possible, make them bowed to him and especially his cock.

"Now... who shall be my next target" he scratched his chin and grinned evilly. His arching nd throbbing cock soon went inside the mouth of Anko, who was the only human capable swallow more than half of his cock.


"You okay Naruto-kun?" Kyuubi asked as she was being carried by Naruto on his back.

"Ah...I'm okay Kyuubi-chan" he smiled at her before asking "So what's the situation?"

"Nibi's Youki signature is moving really fast and pretty strong, probably her jichuuriki was using her power" she spatted in disgust at that. Naruto knew that Kyuubi hated it when human used her siblings' power against their will.

"If what I fear is happening then Nibi is being targeted by Akatsuki" Kyuubi said "We need to get there fast and save her"

"So four of us against two of them" Naruto nodded his head as he barely contained the excitement of fighting against powerful shinobi for the first time.

"If you want," Kyuubi shook her head "But I would like you let Erza and Mira handle them"

"What?!" Naruto nearly felt but quickly regained his balance "Kyuubi's chan they are the Akatsuki, S-class missing nin"

"And Erza and Mira is my persnal bodyguard" Kyuubi said coldly to him "Do not underestimate them Naruto, you have spared with Erza and let me tell you that it was just a very small part of her real power. Mira also has her own league in Makai and only me and my siblings are stronger than them"

Naruto nodded his head and quickened his pace. He had read about them in one of the lession Tearju taught him about a month ago. Erza Scarlet, Mirajane, Moka Akayashi and Akeno Himejima were the four guardians of The Great Queen of Makai. They were said to be extremely powerful in their own, strong enough to stand against the Kings and Queens of Makai.

Only Erza had remained as Kyuubi's most loyal bodyguard while the other returned to their lands to rule their people.

But it still had to believe that Mira was such a powerful fighter. Naruto knew better than judge a book by its cover but basically all Mira did was running around and acting like a real slut, though she did had a very gentle side.

"We're here" Naruto immediately stopped jumped down to the ground. Erza stopped right next to him and changed back to her normal armor while Mira landed gratefully at his other side.

Kyuubi jumped down from Naruto's shoulder and looked around with scroll in hand.

"There, inside that place" Kyuubi pointed her finger at what looked like tunnel which lead to a sewer. Though for some reason it had been destroyed, blocking the path

At that moment he could hear the painfull howl of giant beast.

"Oh no" Mira gasped "Nibi-sama"

Naruto ran as fast as he could to the tunnel and channeled chakra into his hand, summoning another clone to creat the Rasengan. The blond thrust the swirling orb of chakra into the rock that was blocking their way, easily destroyed it and clear the path for everyone.

When the path was clear, Naruto along with his two girls ran inside just in time to see the giant form of a flaming blue cat who was slowly dispering back to her jinchuriki's human form which was a blond Kumo Kunoichi.

There were two shinobi wearing black cloak with red cloud on it. One carrying a giant triple-blades scythe while the other just stood there emotionless, a cloth covered half of his face.

Before Naruto could even blink and the two could recognize Naruto's little group, Mira and Erza had already appeared before them with their sword and fist held back. In an unseen movement Erza beheaded the sitting one while Mira impaled her scaly hand through the heart of the other.

"Wow" Naruto managed to say. He knew Erza was very powerful but seeing the usual slutty Succubus stood as the same level as the red head vixen, on the other hand was a really diferent story.

But before he could rush to the falling form of Nibi's jinchuuriki, Mira's opponet raised his hand and punched her in the face but the white hair demoness had already held out her hand to block it.

"DAMN IT, WHERE IS YOUR EYES KUZAKU?" the head of the Erza's opponent shouted in frustration. The vixens appeared unsurprised by this sudden turned of event, but Naruto could tell from her eyes that she was slightly taken apart by this.

"Shut your mouth Hidan" the Akatsuki's members, Kakuzu said despite having a hand in his heart.

"Why yo..." But before he could finish that sentence, Erza sent a powerful kick to the head, sending it flying into the wall.

"Kanso: Tenrin no Yoroi" Erza's armor then changed to a silver one with long dress and metal breast blade while multi blades circling around her.

The vixen sent four sword toward the head while the other impaled into the body, making blood and limps being seperated every well. If Naruto was the one he used to be few months ago, he probably vomit instantly at the bloody sight.

"Let see how immortal you're with pieces of your body across the ground" she stomped her armored foot onto a beating heart, making flesh and blood flying everywhere

Naruto sweat uncontrollably. Erza was powerful, way too powerful. He was glad that he got someone like her as his side.

"Told ya" Naruto felt Kyuubi's lips on his cheek as she gave him a small kiss.

"W-wh..." Kakuzu muttered in shock as the sight of his falling comrade.

"You should worry about me" Mira cut him off as her hands cracked with electricity "Evil sparks" she smirked when the Akatsuki roared out in pain and tried to escape from her using the black strings that connected his body together.

"I recognize you" Kyuubi said "You're that multi hearts bastard who was sent to assasinate The Shodaime Hokage but fail, I saw you when I was in Mito's body" she then took out her scroll and head toward the blond Kunoichi "Mira finishs him"

"My pleasure Kyuubi-sama" Mira's voice turned cold as she flew toward him with blinding speed. The Akatsuki tried to attack her with his threads but Mira dodged it all and some of the threads hardly pass through her skin.

Mira kicked the man between his crotch with a devilish smirk, sending him upward before bringing her hands together. Dark energy formed between her as Naruto could feel a enormous among of power in that attack.

"Evil Explosion" Mira fired a massive energy blast toward the Akatsuki's member with her hand thrust out. When the blast connect with Kakuzu, the explosion was devastating, shaking the whole sewer under the power behind it.

When everything ended, there were no sight kf the multi-hearts Akatsuki.

Naruto gulped. This was the power of Demon, which outmatched everything he had ever seen in his life.

And these two were just two of Kyuubi's four bodyguards, just how strong were the other two and...Did everything he heard so far about the Bijuu wasn't their real power?

"Tch, you made a mess Tin can" Mira commented as she looked around, picking up a piece of Hidan's clothing that was soaking with blood with a disgusted face "Ewww"

"And you're the one who talk bitch, you nearly buried us alive" Erza shouted back while fingering her sword dangerously.

"What did you just call me?"

"You heard it old hag! And it's not like I'm wrong about it"

"Wanna repeat again you sorry excuse for demoness?"

As the two started their fight again, Naruto had moved toward the ground where Kyuubi was writing a very complex seal around the blond Jinchuuriki. She was still alive but it was barely, and Naruto couldn't help but think that she was very powerful if not for the lifeless expression.

"Kyuubi-chan, what kind of Fuinjutsu is this?" Naruto asked.

"It's not a way yes, but this is what I called Sealing magic" Kyuubi explained "You see Naruto-kun, this seal will help us removed Nibi-chan out of her Jinchuuriki without killing the host. Both of us now that you're too noble to let that happen" Naruto chuckled nervously "However, in order to make it work, I need someone be her to be her new Jinchuuriki from now on"

"Don't tell me..."

"Why yes Naruto-kun." Kyuubi smirked "Congratulation by the way, you're going to become the Jinnchuriki of two seexy Bijuu properly fuck senseless later on" Kyuubi said without a hint of shame in her voice, nealy making Naruto slammed his face into the ground in shock.

"Now let's see...okay I think I had got everything right" Kyuubi closed the scroll and gave it to Naruto "Channe your chakra into this scroll as well as my Youki and leave the rest to the seal" Kyuubi turned her head to the Kunoichi, giving her her last look before returning to Naruto "I will return to your body and wait for my sister there"

Kyuubi disappeared in a puff of smoke. After a moment of freezing on his spot the blond walked toward the Kunoichi and did what his Bijuu told him.

Instantly, the seal glowed in a bright red light and before Naruto knew it, he lost his conscious.

Naruro opened his eye and was greeted with the wide yard he had created for Kyuubi the first time they had sex with each other. The Shinobi of Konoha instantly realized three things.

One, he was naked as the day he was born.

Two his cock was already harden and pointing upward proudly.

And three, Kyuubi was standing in front of him with her hand around the base of his throbbing cock, also without a piece of clothes on her body.

"Let's go Naruto-kun" Kyuubi said to him "Nibi should be somewhere around here" and began to lead him out of the house by his cock.

Deciding to play with her game Naruto closed the gasp between them and snaked his arm around her body, grabbing a handful of her breast from the other side and brought her closer to him.

"Look at that, the boy had finally grow to be a man" Kyuubi beamed as him as his hand massaged her breast "You're rather bold nowaday Naruto-kun"

"Thank to you driving me with lust every single days these past months Kyuubi-chan" he grinned as her, feeling jolt of pleasure rushed through his body when Kyuubi gave his massive cock a long stroke "Let's go and find your sister"

Kyuubi nodded and the two of them soon walked around the wide clearing to search for Kyuubi's beloved sibling.

When they came to a the widest area of the forest, Kyuubi smiled widely when she saw the familiar blue haired sitting on the grass with two twitching cat ears on her head.

"Nibi-chan" she shouted happily before releasing Naruto's cock, running full speed toward her sister.

"Kyuubi-nee sama?" The cat girl turned around Naruto nearly gapsed in shock as her beautiful appearance.

Nibi had long bue haired with spilt bangs, hazel eyes with split purpils like cat. Her body...god her body was so perfect and in the same league at her older sister with large E-cup breasts, small waist and wide hip, bubble butt and mile long legs and she was slightly shorter than Kyuubi. His cock which already hard had harden to a painfully level at the sight of her, who giving out the same as Mira's sensual aura.

However, she also didn't have a piece of clothings on her body, making her assets and perfect skin visible to Naruto's very eyes.

Made him wondered why the world around him had turned so erotic.

The blond smiled as the heartwarming scene of siblings' reunion, however it instantly ended because by the time Kyuubi reached her sister, the vixen smashed her lips against the kitten's, who were more than willing to suck her older's sister mouth.

Why did he feel unsurprise by it? He had no idea.

The blond watched silently for the two sister make-out with each other, hungrily and greedingly sucking each other mouth as their tounge dancing with each other.

In a great view like this, beautiful surronding, lush grass and trees... Cute little animals, nice weather with gentle wind and in the middle of the field was two extremely attractive, sexy and breathtalking beautiful kissing each other as their hands groping each other naked body.

Most males would mastubrate if they saw this scene played out in front of them. However Naruto wasn't most males and he wouldn't mastubrate even if his cock was throbbing mightly and dripping with pre-cum on the green grass below.

Why? Because Naruto knew he would fuck those two and have a new pussy serving him very soon.

"God, I love my life" the blond muttered as he sat down on the ground, waiting patiently for the two Queens of Makai.

"Kyuubi-nee sama, how many years was it?" Nibi pulled back, looking at her sister with teary eyes "How many years since the day you had been summoned away from our world and seal into human?"

"Seventy years" Kyuubi smiled "I missed you Nibi-chan, I missed everyone." She whispered and hugged her sister tightly. The demoness snugged her head into her sister neck like a cat, purring in happiness.

"Are you planning on rescue the rest of us?"

"Of course Nibi-chan" Kyuubi said, her voice turned dark for a moment "and when all nine of us became free, we will unleash our armies on Elemental Nation to show the human they can't control our power."

"While I rather fond of Yugito, I will follow you Nee-sama" Nibi nodded as she was released from her sister's hug. Then her eyes glanced slightly to the side and saw Naruto sitting on the ground, looking at them while his massive cock as hard as steel.

Nibi licked her lips and looked at her sister.

"So, who is the hung?" She asked.

"My jinchuuriki and our future Great King" Nibi widened her eyes.

"Really Nee-sama? I thought you hate human"

"But not him. We had a rough start, but I had come to like him in the end" Kyuubi smiled "And he won't remain human as soon as we got Hachi-kun"

"Turned him into Kitsune demon?" Nibi then realized what her sister mean "Nee-sama are you out of your mind, when he turn into a male Kitsune he will-"

"Fuck the shit out of everything that had a pussy blah blah blah I know that Nibi-chan" Kyuubi flicked her sister's forehead lightly "that's why I had been helping him build a big harem, even bigger than my father's to satisfy his need whenever he want"

"And that cock look unreal for a human like him" Nibi purred while rubbing her thighs together, already feeling aroused as her sister's idea "As expect from my lovely sister. How far can he kept up with a demoness like us?"

"He passed Mira's trial with flying color" Nibi squealed in delight "And the first time we fucked, with his cock only a little over half the size it was now, he bring me into a new level of pleasure. His stamina is unreal and seem to never know when to give up. I doubt our past lovers could hold a candle to him"


Befkre Kyuubi could finish that sentence Nibi let out a cat like squeal and ran as Naruto with lust in her eyes if not for Kyuubi's hands grabbed her tails and held the cat like girls in her place.

Naruto was also surprised by the sudden reaction from Nibi and prepared himself against the cat girl, but let out a sigh of releif when Nibi fell face first onto the grass with her two tails being held by Kyuubi

"Now now, calm down Nibi-chan, I can't let my adorable sister made herself look like a slutty kitten in front of my future husband" Kyuubi giggled as she wrapped her tails around her sister's waist and pulled Nibi back.

"Nee-sama, please let me go to him" Nibi tried to break out of Kyuubi's hold but found herself couldn't as she was put upside down on the air in front of Kyuubi, her arms being held by two tails and only her large breasts and pussy was visibled "I want to bear his kittens"

"Oh, it's still way too soon for you Nibi-chan" the cat girl pouted while legs being spreaded out in an 'Y' shape on the air "But I see that the little kitten is desperately asking for her favorite milk" Kyuubi smirked as she teased Nibi's pussy with the tip of her orange tail.

"Nya" The cat girls moaned erotically as she felt herself getting wet just by the thought of being fuck by Naruto's mammoth cock.

"Let's introduce you each other shall we?" With that, the older demoness walked toward Naruto with Nibi on the air, holding by Kyuubi's tails beside her.

Naruto smirked, this was it, he had been waiting for this since the beginning. Let's see how Kyuubi's little sister lived up to her older sister's reputation.

"Naruto-kun" Kyuubi said and Naruto stood up immediately, his cock standing proudly. Kyuubi had made sure to put Nibi's face teasingly just an inch fron his massive throbbing cock, making the girl winced in disapointment "As you already know, this is Nibi no Nekomata, my sister and also the Queen of South West Makai"

"Hello Naruto-sama, Nya" Nibi's cat ears on top of her head twitched excitedly at the aroused scent coming from Naruto's cock.

"Nice to meet you Nibi-chan" Naruto grinned, brushing the tip of his cock lightly against Nibi's lips but pulled back before the she could take a lick "Ah ah ah Nibi-chan, your sister're not allow yet"

"Listen to the elder Imouto" Kyuubi kneed down and wrapped her slender finger around his cock, strocking it lightly earning a few moan from the blond.

"No fair" Nibi pouted

"Does he look like he care Nibi-chan?" Kyuubi purred, using her other hand to take the string of pre cum that was nearly fall off Naruto cock and put it into her mouth "Humm, delicious" and took his cock straight into her throat.

Naruto groaned out in pleasure as his hand played with Kyuubi's ears and hair while she was serving his bigger than horse dick with her skillful mouth.

Wrapping her tounge around his girth, Kyuubi moved her head up and down on his cock, swallowing nearly sixteen inches but only left a couple of inches outside for her hand to stroke.

Using her throat skillfully the Queen of vixens massaged his long cock whenever he came into her throat and sometime she could feel thick, hot pre-cum running down her throat.

Naruto moaned in pleasure as Kyuubi worked her magic on to his throbbing cock, bringing him jolt after jolt of pleasure.

Nibi bit onto her tongue hard to control herself, Kyuubi definitely knew how to drive her siblings insane, just like a mischievous Kitsune Youkai she was. Naruto Uzumaki's cock was just too much for her to just stay here and watched another girl sucked it like that. Juice was being released steadily down her body and soaking the fur of Kyuubi's tails that was wrapping around her waist. She was very horny, extremely horny.

But in the lust she was having there also the shock. Of all the demoness would be on her knees and sucking a lowly human's cock, it had to be Kyuubi no Kitsune, the mighty Queen of Youkai who hated human the most.

Times sure could change anything.

Kyuubi then released Naruto's cock and turned around to look at Nibi, her hand kept on stroking the massive girth of his soldier, aiming the head of his cock at Nibi's face.

Just as she expected, a thick rope of pre-cum had been shot out from Naruto's cock and landed on Nibi's face, directly into her opened waiting mouth. The Queen of Neko licked her lips hungrily as she tried to take as much cum as possible, loving the taste of the future king of Makai.

"Delicious isn't it Nibi-chan?"

But rather than answer her sister question Nibi looked at Naruto directly in the eyes before meowing seductively.

"Please Naruto-sama, please feed this slutty Neko your delicious milk again. I'm a fucking horny neko that was thirsting for your milk"

"I think you broke her" Naruto said in amusement.

"And I think you should feed her with her favorite milk sperm now, after all it been a few decades since Nibi had her last meal" she played with his balls before giving his ass a slap "Now, go for it and fill her belly"

"Hell yeah!" he grinned and stepped forward, aiming his cock's head to Nibi's face "Open wide Nibi-chan" he said with a commanding tone, which the Queen of neko happily obeyed and opened her mouth as wide as she could. Then with a mighty thrust, Naruto rammed his sixteen inches cock balls-deep into Nibi's mouth, going all the way up her throat and nearly to her belly.

"SHIT!" Naruto roared as the hotness was unbearable. Not only Nibi's throat was as tight as Kyuubi but also the heat was unreal. It was like the entire length of his cock was on fire, unreal hot fire.

"I forgot to mention, Nibi's body temperature was seventy six Celsius" Kyuubi smirked "Basically with your overly sensitive cock, you will feel like it was on fire"

"Why…ah forget it, here it come!" Naruto cried out in pleasure as he thrust his hip up and released a torrent of cum into Nibi's belly. Thick and hot ropes after ropes of cum being sprayed into her, painting the inside of Nibi completely white in just a few seconds.

Nibi didn't have to swallow at all because all of his cock was inside her throat, but when the blond began to move his hip, her eyes widened in shock as the blond began to fuck his cum into her body. His massive cock blocking the path so none of the cum was being spilled outside.

Slowly, her belly began to swell at the unimaginable amount of sperm and yet Naruto showed no sighed of stopping. Kyuubi's tails slowly unwrapped her body and the strong arms of her jinchuuriki immediately wrapped around her waist to keep her body at that position.

Now, he was fucking her face with his full speed, roughly and mercilessly abused her throat while cumming non-stopping.

After what felt like eternity, the blond released her and Kyuubi's slender arms soon caught the fallen form of her sister while Naruto felt on his back to the ground, smiling smugly in satisfaction. The massive member was dripping with thick sperm and Nibi's saliva, standing proudly among the lush green grass.

When Naruto was about to sit up, a wet and warm mouth suddenly latched on the head and slowly went down on his length. Looking up he saw Kyuubi was eagerly sucking his cock and the remained of his sperm before releasing him in a wet pop.

Kyuubi then stood up and walked toward him on her knees, taking his cock in one hand the Kyuubi stood up slightly to position herself before lowering her body down on his length, slowly at first but slammed her backside on his thighs when there were only a couple of inches.

Sighing in satisfaction Kyuubi began to rock her hip, sending wave of pleasure after wave of pleasure down both of their body. Her breasts jiggled erotically in front of Naruto's eyes and the blond decided to let it jiggle like that, using his hands to grab her waist and increased her pounding speed.

It was truly a side to behold, fucking at the wide clearing with beautiful view like this was fucking awesome.

Naruto the heard the crawling sound next to him and turned to the side to see Nibi slowly made his way to him on all four, her swollen belly and dripping pussy made his cock grew even harder and bigger inside of Kyuubi, who was moaning with her eyes rolled into the back of her head and tongue stuck out erotically.

"Please held yourself, Naruto-sama" Nibi held both of her large breasts out in front of Naruto's face

Naruto didn't need to be told twice as his hand groped her breasts roughly and brought the hard nipple toward his mouth, sucking the hard nub while using his tongue to play with it.


Nibi moaned as Naruto began to suck out the hot and sweet milk from her breasts like a baby feeding on his mother. The more milk he sucked from Nibi, the hotter his body became and it wasn't just because the building lust from his body.

At the same time, Kyuubi was cumming non-stopping with Naruto's hand holding her in place and ramming his hip up her pussy, the queen of vixen threw her head back as drool ran steadily down her chin.

Soon the feeling Naruto got from Kyuubi's pussy was too much for him to handle as he released his seed into her like a broken pipe. The red head vixen moaned out in pure pleasure as she fell her front down to Naruto's chest and laid there, enjoying the feeling of thick hot cum being put into her.

After thirty minutes of cumming Naruto pulled his stiff cock out of Kyuubi's hole before massive amount of cum flowed out, making a small pool of white goo between Naruto's legs.

Naruto released Nibi's breasts and gulped down the last of her milk in his mouth before slapping her ass with his hand, enjoying the soft yet firm feeling.

"You're next kitty"

The queen of neko cooed in delight before taking her favorite position with her ass high on the air and she got on all four. The cat girl shook her bubble ass invitingly making Naruto licked his lips before standing up, letting Kyuubi laid next to them to rest and then position himself behind the cat girl, his cock pointing directly at her dripping vagina.

"Ever ride a horse before Naruto-sama?" Nibi asked while Naruto's hand snaked around her body and grabbed two handfuls of tits in his hand.

"No, but I guess riding a cat is probably the same" and plunged his cock into her, all sixteen inches inside without hesitation.

Nibi's mouth opened wide in a soundless scream, feeling Naruto's cock went all the way to her womb and even more so.

"NYAAAA~" She screamed as she reached her climax and cum powerfully around his cock

"The same reaction I got whenever my cock touch their womb Nibi-chan" Naruto grinned before pulling his cock out all the way until only the tip remained inside, before Nibi could say anything he had rammed his cock balls-deep into her again and pulled out before she knew it. He repeated the process rapidly, using all his will power to control himself against Nibi's unimaginable heat.

Using her tits at handhold Naruto fucked cock into her, his hip became a blur as Nibi was cumming rapidly from the rough pounding Naruto gave her. He never tried to go slow, knowing full well these slutty demons love rough fucking than the soft way. Showing them his power and the next things they would do was spreading their legs for him. Maybe Naruto wasn't match their power yet, but he could beat them in sex and the demonness of Makai always considered sex was just like a real battle.

"Nya…Naruto-sama…Nya…please slow down… or…NYAA…I…Will DIE!" Nibi screamed as she once again climax. Her animal instinct was telling her to tell him to go faster and kill her while her normal sense was telling her there no way she could escape this rough pounding alive. She had never been fucked this rough before…all her past lovers was too scared of her to go this far on her body.

"Then die dear sister" Kyuubi gently held her sister chin and said with a evil smirk, looking at the horrify yet fucked stupid face of the cat's queen "next time you decide to text my mate, think twice or bring ten more pussies with you." she then looked at Naruto "Finish her"

"Like hell I wouldn't" Naruto smirked before releasing Nibi's massive tits and took her wrists into his hands, pulling her upper body up Naruto rammed his cock into her.

The rough riding continued for at least one more hour as Nibi lost her mind to the lust and all she could do was giving out her best fucked stupid face and meowed like a cat in heat. Feeling his released coming near Naruto pushed Nibi flat on the grass before rammed all his cock inside.

The blond soon went wild as he cummed as hard as he could into Nibi's womb, filling her in a matter of second before releasing more sperm into her hot body. He looked at Kyuubi and soon the two crashed their lips into each other, not caring for the fact that Nibi's belly was swelling up like a balloon and made her look nine month pregnant.

As soon as he had stopped cumming Naruto pulled his cock out of the black haired cat pussy and grabbed Kyuubi's bubble butt, standing up while bringing her with him and then rammed his cock into her backside's hole

The red head vixens wrapped her legs around Naruto face and her arms around his neck while the two lovers kissing and fucking each other hungrily, neither of them wanted to stop as time wasn't the thing they cared about in here.

Naruto regained his consciousness at the real world and looked around, he then realized he was being carried by Erza and was returning to Konoha in full speed.

"Oh hey Erza-chan" He greeted her, feeling a massive boner but thank to Erza's armor, she didn't feel his cock pocking at her back

"Hello Naruto-sama, I guess the sealing process was tough for you" she smiled at him.

"In a way yes" he looked up and saw Mira flying above them, winking at him while pointing at her crotch. She probably felt the lust inside him and was definitely teasing him with that "We're heading back aren't we?"

"Yes Naruto-sama" Erza nodded and increased the speed "I will bring you back to the village in no time" her body then glowed in a red aura and the next thing he knew it, he was riding on an enormous red Hachibi Kitsune wearing armor running at full speed. The armor really suit her demon form as it showed off her powerful curves and an battle helmet around her head "I guess you won't be please with being carried so I will use this form, and don't worry, I cast an illusion around me so no one should be able to see us"

"Thank you Erza-chan" riding on a demon Kitsune wearing battle armor was one of the best things he had ever done.

Just like Erza said, the group had returned to Konoha in no time. When Erza got close to the gate she took a big jump and then change back to normal on mid-air, both red head and blond easily balanced themselves in the air and landed directly on Naruto's rooftop, as soon as they landed the two quickly made their ways inside using the window and Mira followed shortly after.

"Oh hey Boss!"

The stepped out from the bathroom with his body naked and a towel on his head, his massive cock was soft and hung freely between his legs. Mira cooed in delight at the side and soon made her way toward him.

"Hey there handsome" Mira caressed her hand on his cock, making Erza face palmed while Naruto just sweat dropped.

"So, how's thing going around here?" Naruto asked as he headed to the kitchen to make himself some dinner. Kyuubi was being fucked senselessly by his clones inside of his mindscape so he wouldn't be able to have her delicious ramen for now.

"You know boss, Sakura was as annoyed as ever. Kurenai-sensei just broke up with Asuma-sensei while Kakashi-sensei think he could make a move on Anko, but the next morning everyone found him handing on the tree with a snake in his backside…DAMN, your mouth is the best Mira-chan" groaned throatily as his soft cock went into Mira's mouth.

"Really, that much happened in two days?" Naruto asked with a surprise tone.

"Oh ya know, a lot more had happened but I guess I will just have to dispel myself and you will know the details" smirked as he felt his cock harden between Mira's throat.

"Naruto-sama" Erza appeared in the kitchen with a tick mark on her forehead and a sword in hand "Can I kill those two?"

"Leave them, he had helped me being me while we're out of the village" he heard Mira laughed as she was thrown into the bathroom, the next sound their heard was her moans and the sound of flesh hitting each other "Just let Mira reward him with something before he dispel himself.

"YES YES! FUCK ME FASTER!" Erza sighed as she heard Mira's lustful scream.



Naruto raised an eyebrow at this, why was his clone cummed so soon? The guy basically him so he didn't surprise if he could last for hours. But cumming so fast like that wasn't normal.

"I'm going to dispel boss!" said loudly for him to hear "Prepare yourself!"

Instantly memories rushed into Naruto's mind as everything experience went into him.

But his eyes widened in shock as his cock had a massive hard on before he blacked out at the overwhelmed memories.

Now he understood why cum so fast… because he didn't have Kyuubi's healing ability, he got little sperm left inside those balls of him.