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” Amorie" he called . she didn't turn to reach out to him like she always did , she didn't even look at him or acknowledge his presence ... instead she stood with her back turned towards him ...her actions riled him up he said .. “ I saw that man look at you...I don't tolerate another man looking at what's mine ...if any other man so much as glimpse at you I will cut that person off..I will destroy them and the whole world will mourn for them ! " he threatened . “ why ?" she asked a soothing and calm voice ...a contrast to her angry and bleeding heart . he turned her towards himself pushing her to his embrace where she belonged. “ because you belong to me are mine heart ..body... mind and soul. you are Zarphars woman. " he claimed wholeheartedly. “ the fire we are playing with Zarphar's too hot ...we may be burned " she said , “ I will gladly burn in hell for all long as I have you." “ it's not fair Zarphar ... you claim me but I have no right over you. we only display our love at night ...under the sheets ... away from people's eyes...we hide ourselves Zarphar . " she said removing herself from his embrace and stepping backwards with her eyes on the floor . “ we make love at night and you return by her side in the morning worst times will have no choice but to chose a royal birth over a slave mistress... because that is what I am. “ we are world's apart great are Omar Zarphar ... and I am your slave mistress...who will serve you at night and return the next that love Zarphar. ?" “ is love this painful Zarphar ? " she asked him looking at him with tears down her eyes. “ Zarphar... let me go. please stop holding on to me...I am a slave ...sire...a slave who selfishly eats her mistresses forbidden food. " and she walked away from him ... without looking back.

Chapter 1 - ♥️


chapter 1

" move it slaves " hoarse voices shouted as heartless men whipped thier preys to obedience . the sound of begging and mourning rang like a cathedral Bell in the air .

the slave owner's were heard giving new commands to helpless slaves who had no choice but to obey to the last letter. obedience is after all better than sacrifice. obey till you drop dead that was how to survive in the slaves world . and Amorie has been part of that world since birth . she was born into slavery . a product of a forced relationship between an Arabian Lord and a Poland slave .

Amorie's mother Iger was a dancer , a Poland slave dancer who was to serve Kings and Lord's and masters at feasts and balls and unfortunately she captured the eyes of an Arabian Lord who had many wives but no male heir .

using money to buy Iger he used her as both slave and concubine.. neither caring for her nor her health only when did she became pregnant did the Lord's treatment slightly improve to be better .he adorned Iger with gold , silver , diamonds and all material things that money could dream of buying. soon Amerie became the Lord pampered wife until he found out she was carrying a female child in her womb . all hell broke loose .

her woes mounted when the Lord heard of the girl's birth . he tortured them both and made sure to make them feel thier worthlessness everyday. for her own father the man who had contributed to birthing her Amorie was a slave . she slaved for her father and her father's many wives every day. she would eat the scrabs that fell off thier table . but she didn't loose hope not once because seeing her mother's happy face always took the pain away . her mother would tell her everyday

" Amorie when I had you in my womb I went to a fortune teller to define your future . do you know what she told me ?..." and Amorie as usual will shake her head even though she has heard of the story every night and as usual Iger will have a smile on her aged face and touch Amorie head in tenderness.

"she said that my child will hold the sun and moon at her feet ... she said I should name you 'Amorie meaning attraction because Kings will find you irresistible .she said you will succeed when men fail my Amorie ."

Iger will end kissing Amorie' s head in obvious adoration. even though I

Amorie did not believe the story but watching her mother's eyes twinkle was worth more than anything.

soon enough the Lord's family ran into penury because of the excessive spending of his wives and children. he was oweing debts all over Arabia and beyond even going as far as borrowing money from AZAR TAMIR the slave owner.

when he couldn't pay back the foolish Lord offered most of his wives in slavery...and Iger was part of the wives chosen .

In fear and pity for her poor mother Amorie had offered herself in her mother's place.and that is what brought her here working amongst slaves.

" water ...master please just a drop of water or I may die" a tiny voice belonging to the woman in Amorie's front said . Amorie pitied the woman because AZAR TAMIR wasn't a merciful man . to him all his slaves were livestock's and we're meant to be used and bred like animals. they weren't worth the emotions. " what did you say " ? AZAR bellowed . his voice loud and commanding with a whip in his hands "just..a..a drop..of water ..m..master " .the woman cowered away from his frightening presence .

" do you wish for your death slave ?" he asked and the woman lost her voice and whimpered . AZAR sensing how intimidated the woman was picked her up by her neck and dangled her on air like another trophy won .soon enough the woman started struggling to free herself from his grasp and breathe air. the woman struggled for losing air while trying to fight for her slipping life." air or water what do you need "AZAR asked .

" a...a...air master" she said and AZAR threw her violently on the floor." get up and walk on !" he commanded and walked away leaving the woman to scramble to her feet and join the line . and the slaves walked miles .... miles and miles and miles each dropping dead on the way.

those who dropped dead were cowards and Azar either burnt thier bodies or left them to rot in open air. that was the limit to Azar's graciousness. those still alive continued to walk with watching the freeborn's sit on donkeys carmels and exquisite horses and rested in well made tents.

vengeance was what fuelled Amorie's journey.what made her continue the torturous and never ending forty days journey without food and water. hatred for her condition and vengeance against those that have hurt and broken her one way or another.

they walked on and on and on...sailed oceans , walked across rivers , crossed mountains until thier feets got scaled, burnt , poked , wounded , hurt , torn into , pierced and pricked but the Masters cared not .

Amorie had almost had enough ...the beatings , the humiliation , the assaults , it was too much to bear ..on the day when she considered giving up did Azar Tamir announce " slaves welcome to MERDA beyond the seven seas . "

the joy on the faces of the surviving slaves could not be compared. they made it ...the journey is ended.

but for Amorie ...she felt that her journey was just about to begin .

MERDA... somehow this name brought goosebumps to Amorie's pale skin called with dust and dirt. she took in the beauty of the land . it's neat road full of happy youngsters, it's wide and thick walls meant to protect it's people ... it was truly a sight to behold and it captivated Amoriecompletely.

even the winds sensed her foreign presence as they caressed her dirty body and unwashed red hair....

her hair was one of the reasons her father both hated and feared her . it was fiery red ...the colour of blood . it made her stand out wherever she went because people would gather around her to gossip about how odd it looked . when Amorie was a child she used to hide her hair under scarfs ...but Iger got angry with her one day and burnt all her scarfs to ashes.

Amorie was a beauty to behold ...despite the oddness of her red hair. men still wanted to lay with her or gaze upon her rare beauty . she had the beauty worthy of being a goddess . she was truly an attraction. a sinful attraction . a gaze upon her beauty made men sin unwilling.

she was tall...fair of skin red as blood complimenting her small plump lips and eyes green as the tropical forest . her beauty made her father's wives compete .

" you are standing on Omar Zaphar's land .state your desire or die pitifully.." armed men said as they surrounded them . thier eyes showed a readiness to kill without sparing anyone . " Greetings brothers. I bring the great Zaphar slaves from the land of Arabia. I am the slave owner Azar Tamir . " Azar said and stepped aside . the man in charge of the armed men made hand gestures and had Azar checked from the hair of his head to the sole of his feet.

his calculating eyes scanned the slaves until it landed on Amorie . " she she an Arabian slave ? " he asked pointing towards Amorie whose heart stopped beating . Azar's eyes followed her direction and his lips curved into an evil smirk .

" she is the prized one amongst all slaves . worthy of the great Zaphars household ...she is a dancer as well as she is beautiful . if you want general can borrow her for the night ....for a hundred and fifty gold coins. " Azar shamelessly bargained ...making bile to rise in Amorie's throat. her heart beat was uncontrollable . she closed her eyes and prayed to the heavens. all her mother's dreams , hopes and aspirations of her will turn to dust if she was deflowered. everything will be over .

without any warning Azar was lifted up the ground and held by the scarf tied to his neck . it was a sight to behold. the great Azar finally pleading for his miserable life." you should know Azar that slaves that go into the Masters household must be as pure as the lottus . were you planning on selling a used slave to our great Zaphar ?" the general asked

" let this servant go this once and I promise this servant will never make this mistake again for the rest of his life . " Azar pleased ..folding his hands before the general . it brought a secret smile to Amorie's tired lips and acted as a soothing gel for her hurting heart . to hear the great Azar pleading for his life was worth the wounds on her feet.

thumph ! Azar landed on the floor violently the same way he had thrown the slave woman who asked for water.

" I want the other woman in front without paying a dime . that is penance for your crime Azar " the general said mockingly. knowing that Azar would have no choice but to let go of the slave for free . he has lost a hundred and fifty gold coins. and bruised his ego too. "yes general slave ! the general has chosen you thank his graciousness. !" Azar bellowed in an attempt to restore his broken image before the slaves . the one chosen was the lady who had asked for water from Azar . the one who had pleaded for her life .Iger could feel the woman's happiness as she knelt down and kissed the generals feet .

" it is getting late general ... permit us to head to the slave camp I have to sell this slaves off tomorrow." Azar said and ran off desperately.

they got to the slave camp late...and we're served little food. Azar gave them permission to wash off the caked dirt on thier bodies and hair. being neat got them Better offers from the richer classes of people. after taking care of the wounds on her feet and taken care of her skin... Amorie sat on the cold hard floor and thought about her home.

as uncaring as her father had been Amorie loved him still a child she used to long for his attention , and compete with her other siblings for his love...but the Lord never liked her ... he called her" the witch " anytime he saw her and always had an odd habit of throwing things at her , or beating her till she became unconscious. as Amorie closed her eyes she thought back to a day ...a day she would never forget

† †. †. †. †. †. †. †. †

that day the young Amorie was seen chasing grasshoppers around ...she felt powerful Everytime she instilled fear in those small helpless creatures.she laughed as they saw her and ran . when she felt someone grasp her by her hair and drag it. she screamed . She was thrown violently in front of her mother. " your daughter is a thief. !" the older wife accused .. pointing her wrinkled finger at Iger ." my daughter is not a thief . she is just a child . ! " Iger defended her young daughter .. trying to protect her against the vultures gathered to tear her down .

" explain to me what she was doing in my farmland !" the older wife accused " Amorie must have gotten lost . she loves chasing the hoppers ." Iger defended again. and this infuriated the older wife further as she pointed to the Lord and said in a loud voice. " what shame have you married into this household Abu.! first you married a courtesan and we said nothing ...she gave birth to a child whose father we aren't sure of ! . now Today she talks back to her older wife without respect. "

when the Lord said nothing the older wife started shedding crocodile tears as she ran to the Lord's feet and said with folded hands " have mercy on me Abu ! give me justice otherwise you will lose face amongst your slaves , your wives and all your children . punish this woman and her daughter. !"

that day Amorie watched her mother being beaten to unconsciousness ! .

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" Get up slaves !" AZAR roared like an angry lion.. whipping every slave in sight ... Amorie stood up quickly rushing to get away from Azar's whipping. " now listen slaves ... your master's are coming to buy you ... anyone who doesn't get sold will be auctioned to the brothels..." he ordered and walked away... leaving them at the mercy of other slave master's..." move it " they bellowed .. beating them as though they were beating horses...under scrutiny .... Amorie cleaned herself up and made herself presentable to be bought by people of richer status.

the slave trading classes of people came .... looking down on the slaves with disgusted faces... displaying thier money.. they would point at any slave they liked like they were buying life stock. some were they for the sarcastic pleasure of seeing other lowly humans in chains ... knowing they were better off as free borns ....many people pointed at her...but Azar kept denying thier requests ...he was keeping her for the bigger catch.

she was a sight to behold that Even bound in chains , covered in dust and unwashed her...she could still see the lust for her body in the eyes of free born men. Azar saw it too and turned her into a public spectacle....with people paying to catch a glimpse of her or touch her blood red hair... morning came and went afternoon came and was going ...the anxiety in Amorie heart grew ...she didn't want to be a brothel girl... selling her body to lust filled men for a chance at survival...she would chose death over that type of life style .

her apprehension grew as she watched the hundredth person that requested for her being turned down.... what does Azar want with her. ? she asked angrily.

soon in her moment of lost hope the royal Horn sounded . " hail and women ... freeborn's and slaves....thy mistress...the wife to be of the great king Zarphar... the nation's mother is here. prepare yourselves " . the royal announcer stated... before a royal carriage halted in front of the trading shade .

six women wearing white came out and held the veil open for the royal bride to grace the lowly humans with her exquisite presence..

the royal bride was a beauty to behold....she was anything above exquisite that people stopped and stared...bowing to her and kissing her blemish free hands adoringly. she wore complete white dress with jewelries made of pure gold on her neck and adorning her slim ,well shaped ,womanly features .her face perfectly shaped with plump lips and desert brown Raven black and shinning under the sun adorning her ten fingers ...her pose told the world of the value of her birth as a royal...a princess ... going to be an empires future Queen.

" Hartashe ! " she called out ... voice like a clear Arabian ocean. " royal bride " an elderly woman answered ... falling at her mistresses feet . " I do not have time to waste ...tell the slave owner's I need a slave with good looks and ability to dance , sing and entertain " she said lazily she doesn't want to worry about anything and have wrinkles in her face.

immediately Hartashe rushed to harken to her mistresses order..." listen ...the royal bride wants a slave clear of skin and pleasing to the well as have the ability to entertain the mistress with dance , songs and all ... " she announced...and rushed back to stand by her mistresses side.

" I have what you seek ...royal bride. " Azar said dragging Amorie in front of the princess for scrutiny... the princess looked her over and said " red hair ...I don't like her." those words broke Amorie's heart . At once Azar rushed to her rescue ." no my princess...she is a gift....she can dance and sing and entertain anyone you will enjoy her royal bride. I heard your marriage to the great Lord is soon...well my queen to be ...her hair can bring recognition to you....the first queen to own a slave with red hair. " Azar said and the princesses eyes sparkled." how much is she worth " she asked. " four hundred gold coins " Azar answered shocking all by such a heavy price for a common slave.

" well then AZAR.. four hundred gold coins it is...and if she doesn't measure up to her worth then I will search for you till the ends of the Earth and have your head on a silver platter ..." the princess said with an equally evil smile on her lips. " deal ?" she offered. but azars love of wealth will not let him think things through. greedily he answered.

" deal..royal bride."

after the payment...she got into another carriage with the other slaves ...non spoke a word or acknowledged the others was like being controlled. the atmosphere was suffocating for her as she had to keep her eyes down all the time.

..." slave ... welcome to the great Zarphars household.thank your gods that they have favored you. " Hartashe said immediately the carriage dropped. for the first Amorie dared to look up and became amazed. the palace was unlike anything she has seen in all her years of existing. it was huge and exquisitely designed .... covered in gold, silver, diamonds , rubies , emeralds, sapphires and all precious was imposing and tall... standing proud and strong....the great Zarphars home.

truly Amorie thanked the gods for favouring her. looking around...the palace was heavily guarded ...why wouldn't it be ....with all the golds it had .

" come down and cover your face ...slave.. no man is to set eyes on you before your initiation " hatashe ordered handing over a white veil. " white represents absolute purity. every slave girl serving the great Zarphar and his bride most be as pure as the lottus . " she said and Amorie nodded . covering her hair as well as her face they got down from the carria okge. she followed beside hatashe.

" who is the dainty little thing " a guard called out to hatashe in a joking voice ..." mind the way your eyes wander or it may be plucked out soon enough " hatashe retorted in a not so joking manner ... making the guard to gulp and ll to his duty.

they turned corners .... corners after corners until they arrived in front of a door. " go in and rest ..." looking at her dirty body and unwashed hair unimpressed she added " and give good care to your body and especially the hair...I do not want you appearing like this before the royal not come out until she demands your presence...ring the bell if you need the services of other maids.... goodbye . " hatashe ended with a bow.

Amorie entered the room and what she saw amazed her....the room was large , moderately designed with fine sand .... there were many sleeping spaces for it's was designed to fit many people. finding a spot for herself...she laid down.

for the first time in many years she was laying on something warm and comfortable... she was used to laying on the cold hard floor. Azar would never let his slaves feel comfortable except of course those he had use of his slave mistress Parnelle. she used to pity Parnell.... when she was chosen to bed Azar...all slaves would stay up hearing her screaming voice at night ....hear her begging for mercy and pleading for a chance to be handled with humanity....but Azar would never give her that....he breed her like an animal.... without concern for her feelings. they would stay up counting the deep wounds and bite marks on Parnelle's body..... Parnell said that he would hit her ...not because she did anything wrong but he enjoyed her pain....he took immense pleasure in watching her bleed and cry . it made Amorie hate the thoughts of men touching her....she would never give a man that control over her life...slave or not.

but the only good thing that Parnelle enjoyed was that he gave her a special treatment....he would give her soothing creams to numb the pains ....he also got her a nice ,soft and warm bedding to lay on. even if Parnelle enjoyed those things ....but Amorie could see that she wasn't happy....she would give anything to stay away from Azar.

" that is my spot .... slave ! " a voice woke her up. a lady her age glared her up...." sorry....I was tired ....I didn't know. " " are you new here ?" the lady asked and Amorie nodded. " you can take the spot by the left's better than other spots " the lady said and Amorie stood up to go. " I need the wash room " she asked. " we do not have washrooms to our name....we bathe by the shore side.....come I will take you there...but you have to be from the village go there to fish too " she nodded and they left by the backdoor...they walked until they came to a large expanse of water.

Amorie took off her clothes and went into the water...the water was warm and the gentle caress of a young lover. she washed up her body ... taking great care to removed the caked dust on the sole of her feet . then she proceeded to washing her hair.... remembering her mother . Iger used to take great pride in washing her daughter's blood red hair....she would wash it lovingly and kiss it it was the most fascinating thing in the world. " hurry up ... the men are coming." her partner raised the warning cry and at one Amorie rinsed her hair and rushed out of the water. her partner gasped when she beheld her. " you....your are a beautiful woman. stay away from the Zarphar or else you might entice him to your bed. you are very beautiful and even surpassed the royal bride herself....she will be very jealous " her partner said making Amorie to blush. she quickly put on her clothes and they ran back to the palace .

hatashe sent the official slave gown to her and told her to put it on at all times...they also decided a date for her initiation ritual.... hatashe wrote it in a scroll and said " the date of your entrance into the Zarphar household will be the day after tomorrow. now make your existence as unnoticeable as possible. do not leave the room ...all work and pleasure will be given to you as you deserve.goodbye " at the end of the scroll Amorie could imagine Hatashe bow slightly before walking off with the air of immense pride.

what made Hatashe the favourite one of other slaves ? was it because she was elderly ? " Hatashe's hands were the motherly hands that cared for the great Zarphar when he was still a child. she played the role of his mother... and that is why all decisions in the palace are taken by her ...any slave that offends Hatashe offends the great Zarphar.... and anyone that offends Zarphar is worthy of death" they explained...if she was that important why did she need to bow before the royal bride and follow her orders .

" that's the hierarchy....a freeborn will always be above the slaves...a royal birth will always be chosen over a slave born.... even though that slave is favoured ...she will never be above her masters. that is hatashe's case...she is favoured but she will always be a slave ....a slave is always a slave forever "

and Amorie's heart sank ....a slave truly is a slave forever. but doesn't the king have the right to free hatashe from her duties as a slave .... doesn't he have a heart of gratitude towards the woman that cared for him ?

" the king freed hatashe a long time ago....but love made her a slave once again."

love ? did love make Hatashe a slave ...can love be so cruel. ?

" thiers was a cruel love...the love between a king and his slave.... sleep slave ....the story is not mine to say and it is dark time goes on you will come to know of the love story between the great king Omar Abeer and his slave mistress Hatashe . the walls do not keep secrets "

her partner stated and turned away ... leaving Amorie with an imagination of what hatashe's story could be.... love made her a slave once again ? how ? and why ?

amorie was sure to find out soon enough