Why hello there my fellow mortals. Please know that all the character, story line and everything in this book is 100% original ideas. Though it may seem not like it, I apologize if there are any misspell word, or incorrect grammar since English is not my first language . Also, if anyone might wonder why I type like a letter, I usually speak like this. Hence, I shall present you something that we will use in this novel series;
- There are three kingdoms that will be introduce in this novel,
• Halcyon
• Zephyr
• Meraki
- Kadota is used when someone mentioned the pass live
- Ukiyo is the name of their paradise
Therefore, I shall say this;
you can keep your opinion yourself. If you want to throw hand on me, it's okay its not I can defend myself. If there any discomfort (other than lgbtq people in this series) such as racism, usage of slurs and anything like that please notify me. Thus, let the story begin.