Chapter 23 - Warden Zar'un

"The kids are assimilating well." Spoke Major General Zahckrael. "Infantry PT is going well, and I've gotten a hawk that told me that Zand has arrived with all of his troops to our campsite. We're retrofitting the tanks and assigning tank crews.

It's not enough men." I responded. "Only 18. And kids too. I still don't get why you bothered coming here for them. It won't do much good.

"There's another reason we haven't told you yet for fear of one of our hawks getting intercepted. We're also to meet here with the 22nd infantry. I'm well aware they used to run supplies to Citadel, but now with the front extending further to Ba-Sing-Se, this site should be safe enough for convoys to move freely. And given the humiliation the 22nd faced at the hands of a few gang members last year, I'm sure it'll be good for them to go back to real combat. Maybe then they'll remember how to fight like soldiers and not drunken idiots."

"So you're less so here for the kids, and more-so here for a rendezvous with the real reinforcements."

"I wouldn't put it like that. The men, well, boys you've provided us with will prove more than helpful for the war effort, but you're right. 18 children are not enough to do any good. If we can assimilate the 22nd into the 15th armored, a fully operational 5th corps might just be enough to shift the tide of the war."

"5th corps?"

"Well. Our 2 divisions will be combining. That's too many men for a single division. We'll be reformed into the 5th corps."

"And I assume the change in status comes along with a promotion for whoever's in charge. Lieutenant General is the next step I believe?"

"It is."

"Well. I suppose congratulations are in order." He's lying to me. It wasn't to risky to send a hawk to me. He sent a hawk to the 22nd and they're even closer to Ba-Sing-Se. I wasn't sure if the slight was intentional or not, but I wouldn't have him use my city to launch a new offensive only to leave Citadel in the dust to die without any aid. I spoke up. "Citadel would be glad to accommodate the 22nd as well. They are due to arrive…"


"Tomorrow. And you're leaving with my students and my garrison. I admit, I'll feel rather defenseless here all alone."

"You still have your shield."

The slums. "I've heard the reports from Ba-Sing-Se. Maybe the Earth Kingdom isn't as morally superior as we'd expected. Riot breaking, executions, brain washing?"

"The latter of which is just rumors. We have no evidence, but when we do take the city, we will investigate all these rumors down to their roots. And then, you'll have all the men you'll need."

"And when will that be? A week from now? A month? A year? 10? You're 5th corps will be attacking Ba-Sing-Se from the East. The North front is still abandoned since the Water Tribe attack. It hasn't been reinforced in months. What's to stop the Earth Kingdom from breaking out from the north, circling your men, and taking Citadel. You'll be trapped and tens of thousands will die. Is that what we want?"

"What are you asking for?" So no more subtlety. Good.

"I want 500 men to remain in the city. I want new defensive weapons. Catapults, trebuchets, cannons. However many you can spare. It's a long way to Ba-Sing-Se and you'll speed up your journey significantly by leaving some of your equipment with me. Citadel will stand strong as a defensive foundation to your offensive. Ba-Sing-Se will fall, and the Fire Nation will emerge victorious."

Zahckrael smiled. "And the Fire Nation will emerge victorious." He echoed, imagining the medals he'd win from his victory. Me. I imagined something else. I imagined a city 20 times the size of Citadel. One with impenetrable walls and a beacon of power. I imagined who would run that city after successfully fostering an invasion against said city from one of his own. That's what I imagined. My imagination was less-vivid than his however as it took him a while to respond.

"Yes." He said. "I accept. You'll have your men and two days from now, we'll be out of your hair. I'll have my captains pick out your garrison right now and we'll gather your equipment."

The worst men and the worst equipment I imagined. I didn't bother me. I've seen men like Zahckrael before. His offensive will fail. He'll die, hopefully before all of his men do, and I'll be ready to recover from his failure, hopefully after he put a nice hole or two in the wall.