This is not going to end well, Sunye inwardly winced. But she kept calm and faked a smirk as she walked towards Kibum with SD by her side.
"So," Kibum began. "You two want to play poker with me."
He was eyeing Sunye from head to toe and snorted. To him, she looked like a cheap hooker who would probably spread her legs for anyone in sight. She did not let her anger show and played her part as a doormat beside SD.
"Who are you?" he asked SD.
"Heo Shawn," he replied. "And this is my partner, Kim Minhee."
He flashes the fake ID's at them. For their own safety, they were using false names. Then again, Sunye realized. I don't even know SD's real name.
She glanced at him. They had known each other for eight years and she never asked him his real name. Suddenly, she felt a little awkward and guilty. Sure, she did not really like the guy but they did work side by side. Surely, he had a name.