SD was on the phone with Orea while Jonghyun had gone upstairs to pick up Sunye for the cruise. He was driving the car for the night and drop them off at the docks where they would board the ship.
"I'm tracking Hyun's movements now," Orea's voice came through the speakerphone. "He's heading for a cabin on the third lower deck."
Her eyes were on the large screen in front of her. Straightening her dark glasses, she was typing in complex codes to remove all traces of her surveillance from the nano tracker which was latched on to Hyun's esophagus. It would not unstick itself unless Orea typed in the right code. Once their mission was over, she can easily type the code and the nano tracker will disable itself. Once disabled, it would be absorbed into the stomach acid and give Hyun a mild case of diarrhea before it was flushed out of his body via the feces.
"You sure the tracker is totally untraceable?" SD asked. "What if he finds it?"