Chereads / Fox in an inverted world / Chapter 74 - Chapter 74: Fallen Angels (2)

Chapter 74 - Chapter 74: Fallen Angels (2)

Those present looked at the images and sank into their thoughts.


Margareth narrowed her eyes, there was not enough evidence to ensure that this attack was carried out by the Angels, but if it was a Fallen Angel, it was still uncertain.

"Absurd! Fallen Angels? Evil Gods? What is this shit ?! Seraph Gabriel, you refuse to admit that your race was against the rules and you make up this whole story!"

Alyssa was furious, she was not going to let this Seraph escape, even if these Fallen Angels exist, she was going to make sure the Angels suffer losses too.

"It is the truth, our race has always remained neutral, however, there are those of us who have been tempted by the Evil Gods ... I am very sorry for all this and I am willing to pay for all the damages and find the culprit .. . "

They exist or they do not exist ...

Is it true or is it a lie? Knowing if someone is lying is easy, Margareth like everyone here had the skills to detect lies, but when lying with the truth, it is the real challenge and as the leader of an entire race, Gabriel made use of her position for this.

This was a dilemma that Margareth was currently facing, she wanted to hit this woman but she also knew that by doing so there would be no other option but to declare war and by then thousands of people will die, likewise the search for Arthur will be more complicated.

She unfortunately she had little information about this breed and if they exist.

The existence of the Fallen Angels is changing everything, the good reputation of the Angels for thousands of years was undeniable, but they were also a race who had faith towards a foreigner, which led to the other races mistrusting them.

"Absurd! This is part of a ploy to avoid guilt! Mrs. Margareth, members of the Association, the Angels have never been one of us, we must not trust them ..."

Grinding her teeth, Alyssa again accused them, at the same time sending a mental message to Margareth ...

[Mrs. Margareth, I will declare war, our people will help you in everything and we are willing to pay and provide necessary logistical support]

The hatred between the Demons and the Angels was intense, the only reason why neither one of the two had entered the war yet, is due to the lack of reasons, however at this time the Van Panthohime had the reasons to do so...

And this was the perfect opportunity to lead to the destruction of this pesky race.

Margareth frowned and her mind processed at high speed, Gabriel already admitted that he would pay the damages and also that he would look for the person responsible, she could not force any further, otherwise, the war would be the solution.

But going to war with the Angels also means going to war with humans, the race with the largest number in the world.

Although Margareth was not afraid since she was supported by the Dragons, it does not necessarily mean that she would win the war, likewise, even if she accepts the help of the Demons, everyone knew that this annoying race was very good at backstabbing, today they can be allies and tomorrow the worst enemies.

Forcing a war would not bring benefits, many people will die, and if what Gabriel is true, this may be a ploy by the Fallen Angels to weaken both sides.

"Suppose the Fallen Angels exist, Seraphim Gabriel, this means that your race is still responsible ..."

It doesn't matter if with blacks or not, criminals were still angels, so this was still Gabriel's responsibility.


Gabriel sighed inwardly, that Margareth said these words, it means that the worst was over.

At least one war won't happen.

"I'm afraid it's true ..."


With Gabriel accepting the facts, there was no more to be said, Margareth assisted towards Damaris, who again took the lead and announced.

"Serafín Gabriel, based on her testimony and testimony of the victims, her race is the culprit of the criminal events in the Territory of the Seymur, in addition to her negligence in hiding the existence of an angelic Sub-race, the mobilization of Transcendents and the activation of World Artifacts, therefore for my right to Invoke the World Treaty, I Damaris Ness Bartholome, I demand justice in the violation of the rules and I make the demand in the search of the criminals to the Country of the Angels and the mobilization of Transcendentals in their country, likewise the Angels must pay for the damages caused in the territory of the Seymur, they must also publicly apologize to the Van Panthohime, the Seymur and royal family ness Bartholome, likewise the Angels will be temporarily banished from the Association and only when the guilty are found and is declared innocent, will regain its position, until then in order to bring the real criminals to justice, Einherjer, the army of the Celestial Slaughter, the Van Panthohime and the Seymur will have total freedom in their country, these are the conditions that our country has for you Serafín Gabriel, if you do not accept I am afraid we will have to declare war on you ... "

Damaris had no mercy, she had reached an agreement with Elizabeth and Phenelope, they had to make the Angels pay, this was her fault.

Also, make sure to immobilize them and send her troops to her country, one to search for the Fallen Angels and another to avoid raising suspicions about the search teams that were looking for Arthur, two birds in one stone.


Gabriel closed her eyes for a few seconds, these terms were very severe, with the fact of accepting troops from another country in their territory, it was a great threat, they will never know if they invited the tiger to their home.

Likewise, having Einherjer and the Celestial Slaughter army would put enormous pressure on her government, Einherjer is the most powerful person in the world, Gabriel still did not have the means to defeat a woman of her caliber even if he made use of her World artifacts or borrowing a portion of God's power, Einherjer's power rivaled even the invincible Seraphim Michael, God's right hand, not to mention the Heavenly Slaughter army, there were too many Transcendents in that army.

Adding to the Elemental Foxes and the Phoenix, the Angels would be hand-tied at the time, but still, this was better than war.

"I accepted the terms, but I must clarify that there must be a time limit for these people to remain in my country ...."

The war was the last thing and Gabriel had to avoid it, the Amaru Continent has Einherjer Top 1 in the world, Margareth Top 4 in the world, and many other powers, likewise the Demons have the Top 2 and Top 7, not to mention the World Artifacts.

Avoiding war was necessary, the current military power of the Angels was insufficient to face the Dragons, even if the humans joined this would not change the result.

It would be a bloody war in which the winners would inevitably be the opposite side.

But also if she kept Einherjer in her country for too long, she would not be good either, so she also advocated for this.

"That can be negotiated ..."

Damaris also understood so she thought it wouldn't take long to find those criminals with Einherjer searching.

"Tch! You coward!"

Alyssa snorted coldly and crossed her arms, this Seraph lacked guts, but although the war was not declared and the Demons missed an opportunity to eliminate her enemies, Alyssa rejoiced at the misfortune of her sworn enemy...

Not every day Gabriel is taken to a corner, always remaining neutral, Gabriel always looked from the side and many times she is called as a judge to mediate between conflicts between two races, but now she is the one who is being judged.

This was satisfying enough to make Alyssa happy ...

(Fallen Angel? Hehe, let's see how long that theater of yours lasts ...)

At the same time Alyssa's eyes shone, at times like these it was the demons' specialty in causing chaos and now that her enemy was in trouble, Alyssa would not hesitate to push her towards her destruction.

With Gabriel accepting the terms, a contract materialized in front of Damaris, who did not hesitate to sign, likewise, Elizabeth and Phenelope signed, and then passed to everyone present.

"Since we both agree, I request everyone present to serve as witnesses ..."

As representatives of each race, the signature of these people was necessary, since if some of the parties violated the contract, the victim would use the Association and the perpetrator would face serious consequences, such as a joint invasion.

Gabriel read the contract carefully, before signing it, and just when she left her signature, a kind of chains wrapped around it and disappeared in a fraction of a second, this was a part of the legitimacy of the contract as well as it worked as an alarm if, for some reason, Gabriel was breaking the contract.

As everyone had signed the contract she returned to Damaris and attended with satisfaction, as her demands had been accepted, there was no need to continue with this meeting, she had to go back and talk to her older sister.

"Thank you all for coming, I won't stop you anymore, this meeting formally ended ..."


That same day, hours later, Gabriel teleported back to her country, she needed to prepare for the arrival of Einherjer.

According to the contract, Gabriel had three days to prepare everything, informing people of her about this and also publicly apologizing to the Van Panthohimes and the Seymurs.

She would lose her dignity as ruler and her race would suffer a blow to her reputation, but there was no turning back.

The war could be avoided and this was enough ...

"We will have to use plan B ..."

Just as there was no longer any possibility of kidnapping Arthur, since she was sure that this child would be much more protected than even Damaris herself, they needed her backup plan, so she stared down.

In front of Gabriel was a kneeling woman and like Gabriel, she also had 6 pairs of white wings on her back, her hair is pure platinum, and her well-defined features, this woman is a beauty.

"You have 10 years to complete the Lucifer mission, this will be the payment for your failure, do not fail this time ..."

"Understood your Excellency, I will not fail again ..."

This Archangel was Lucifer, the color of her wings and hair had changed, after all from the moment Damaris's message arrived, Gabriel had concluded that she had to use the black Angels as scapegoats.

But she also could not deliver Lucifer and the seven deadly sins, these were valuable assassins who did all the dirty work, so she immediately ordered them to change their race, using the blood and power of a Cherubim as a catalyst, Lucifer and the seven deadly sins they were able to temporarily adopt the features of a White Angel, thus even a World Artifact would find nothing if it inspected their bodies.

Likewise, it did not violate the contract to capture and deliver all the Angels or black Archangel as long as they are seen, since Lucifer was not a black Archangel at this time.

Except for Einherjer and the Celestial Slaughter army, everything had gone as Gabriel had planned since no matter how much they search in their country, they will not find anything, the Black Angels had already changed their race, the time limit of 10 years of search It will end and they will have to leave their country, by then the time for Lucifer to finish her mission ...

* Shuaaa

With Lucifer disappearing, Gabriel leaned back on her throne and muttered ...

"Ten years ... For now, we will lower our heads and give in to all her demands ... When God descends into this world, everyone will have to kneel before the true Ruler ..."

Closing her eyes, Gabriel thought of the greatness of her God, likewise the one who with her mercy, will grant forgiveness to all and unite them as one ...

However, what Gabriel did not know is that Damaris and Elizabeth had their own plans for their country and that she had also been the victim of a stratagem on the part of these two powers.


Author's Note: There are many ways to overthrow a country apart from war, so don't worry Damaris and Elizabeth didn't buy the Angels story