Chereads / my undertale book / Chapter 2 - i-is that a....talking flower?

Chapter 2 - i-is that a....talking flower?

warning: maybe some swearing, maybe

crystalline pov.

I opened my eyes the light that woke me up and the pain that healed not too long ago but I don't remember what happened until I sat up and remembered falling but I don't....know what from....

I look around and saw some broken pillars and a blackish room and a hallway and I see I'm on some buttercup flowers....

'I remember mom liked these kind of flowers...' I thought, I got up up slowly and noticed the blood on the flowers

'oh geez..that fall did something, thank you healing powers' I thought and continued on walking down the hallway when I was almost at the end of it I saw a big doorway with an...angel kind if that's a little weird but i continue walking

when I walked in the room I saw a....flower? what? ok not really going to question that, I walked up to it but stopped when it started...talking?!

"howdy! I'm flowey, flowey the flower!" the flow- flowey said which caught me off guard and I backed up alittle from shock and confusion 'what the hell!?' I thought

"'re new to the underground aren't cha?" flowey questioned, I didn't really trust this flower but I know I'm not new to this 'underground' mother told me about it

"golly, you must be so confused" flowey continued like he said this before again and again, better keep my guard up just in case

( before I continue this story I need to inform you about my character crystalline, she has powers but not only human powers she is half skeleton, half wizard because her mother is a powerful skeleton and her father is a very powerful wizard and they both taught her all the magic and combat they could, there's gonna be more information as you read so yeah, I'll let you continue the story now that's cleared out )

"someone ought to teach you how things work around here!" flowey continued while I came back from the shock and confusion

"I guess little old me will have to do! ready? here we go!" flowey asked, I just nodded a yes for the flower

( also forgot to tell you her soul is half monster-half human so her human half is light blue for patience and the monster half is white with a determined red on the outline, her monster half is on the left and her human half is on the right )

her soul popped out of her chest and the flower seemed a little shocked but continued "see that...heart. that is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!"

he seems to have a little trouble saying heart seeing how he looked at it, seems like he didn't know someone could have that type of soul

"your SOUL starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV" flowey said, lv...that reminds me of something but I don't...remember but I know it brings bad vibes

"what's LV stands for? why, LOVE, of course!" flowey said, this....doesn't add up none of what he says adds up first LV now LOVE this is getting a little....suspicious....

"you want some LOVE, don't you?" flowey asked, now it's getting creepy....

"don't worry, I'll share some with you!" flowey said

" down here, LOVE is shared through....little white....'friendliness pellets' " flowey said a little carefully, now I know it's getting dangerous those are safe the way he said that....

"are you ready?" flowey asked

"move around! get as many as you can!" flowey said as he tried to throw them at me but I dodged them as they flew pass and I saw a little frustration on his face but that went away

"hey buddy, you missed them, let's try again ok?" flowey asked while I have him a little bit of a glare and was ready for when he would attack me next

I dodged them again and he seemed a bit more frustrated then he was before "is this a joke? are you braindead?" flowey questioned

"RUN.INTO.THE.BULLETS!!!- friendliness pellets" flowey shouted but corrected himself at the end now I know he was trying to kill me then he threw then at me once again but I dodged it once again

he looked like he was done until he made a face...something that didn't seem natural for a flower

"yOu KnOw WhAt'S gOiNg On HeRe, DoN't YoU?" flowey asked in a distorted voice which sent chills down my spine

"YoU jUsT wAnTeD tO sEe Me SuFfEr" flowey said then the bullets surrounding me around like a circle that's when I decided to get ready to use my magic when I needed to

"DIE!" flowey shouted while laughing while the bullets were closing in on me when I was about to use my shielding magic the bullets disappeared when I looked up flowey was confused and I was confused

that was until a fireball appeared besides him then it hit him and he went....somewhere then someone came up to me but I bit a little startled and backed away from her

"what a terrible creature, torturing such a poor innocent youth" the goat lady said

"ah, do not be afraid, my child" she said caring while looking at me

( I keep forgetting this kind if important stuff so....she can also sense if the people are bad or good )

"I am toriel the caretaker of the ruins" toriel introduced herself while helping me up from the ground

"I pass through this place everyday to see if anyone has fallen down" she said while seeing if I had any injuries

"you are the first human to come down in a long time" she said as I sensed she was a good person

"come! I will guide you through the catacombs" she said as she held her hand to me, I grabbed it and we walked out of the door similar to the one I walked through to enter the room flowey attacked me

we entered a room and toriel let my hand go while I explored the room when to see another door but it didn't look as big as the other ones did, but there was a two set of stairs on each side if the room leading to it but on the bottom middle there was a red flower bed in front of it there was a star

"ms.toriel?" I asked she turned towards me and looked at me seeing she's listening

"what's this yellow star here?" I pointed to it but she seemed confused but then knew what I was talking about and asked me " do you have determination child?"

it seemed like that was important so I nodded, she seemed shocked at the answer but smiled anyway

" that a save point, for when you need it" toriel answered my question, I looked at it and touched the star and it made a noise then a voice said " the shadow of the ruins looms above, filling you with determination"

then a option popped up that said 'save' and 'return', I pressed the save button and followed her to the door where

there was another room but different not as big but not small either, on the right there were some buttons and a lever, on the center there's a door and on the left there's a sign saying something

"welcome to your new home, innocent one" toriel said, I got a little surprised at what she said but thought about it and thought it would be better this way for now

"allow me to educate you in the operation of the ruins" toriel said as she stepped on four buttons and pulled the lever down and the door opened

"the ruins are full of puzzles, ancient fusions between diversions and door keys, one must solve them to move from room to room, please adjust to the sight of them" toriel explained

( I'm gonna skip some of the scenes since I don't want you guys to read a lot we're gonna skip to the house )

"oh dear, that took longer then I thought it would" toriel said as I saw her walk out of the house as she walked down and was calling me from the phone then she noticed me

she walked over to me and asked while checking for injuries "how did you get here my child? are you hurt?" when she saw I didn't have any injuries she sighed out of relief

"come I have a surprise for you inside" toriel said as she grabbed my hand and lend me inside but i stopped her as i said "there's another star here" she smiled and said she'll wait inside

I went over to the star and touched it, "seeing such a cute, tidy house in the ruins gives you determination" then I saved

I walked into the house and toriel asked " do you smell that?" I sniffed the air and it smelled of something sweet and delicious

toriel exclaimed "surprise! it is a butterscotch cinnamon pie" that sounded delicious

"I thought we might celebrate your arrival, I want you to have a nice time living here, so I will hold off snail pie for tonight" toriel said, snail pie? that sounded....interesting to taste, apparently it seems delicious

"here I have another surprise for you" toriel said as she walked down a hallway, I followed her seeing the great decor in it

"a room of your own, I hope you like it!" she said while she rubbed my head alittle, I smiled at her but that moment ended

"is something burning? um...make yourself at home!" she said as she ran to the kitchen while I looked at the door and opened it walking inside

the room looked nice it had a bed, closet, toys,dresser, lamps and some drawings on the walls

I turned the lights off and looked at the bed, I put my shoes besides it and crawled into it feeling exhausted from the day I had and fell asleep going into my dreamland where ever it is


I make these notes at the end of chapters so I know what you guys think of and have you guys have a little break and that until you go to the next chapter

this is the longest chapter I have ever done in a long while and I finally got out of my writers block so ye