Chereads / Incarnation of Magic / Chapter 7 - Students of Magic

Chapter 7 - Students of Magic

The room was big and strange, very strange, it was kind of going up and at the top you could see everything down here, I had never seen anything like it. I adjusted my uniform and sat on the bench directly in front of the blackboard.

Kulian went up the steps to the upper benches, his group went with him.Chuck sat a few benches behind me with his team.I stayed in the front row and my group stayed with me.

I smiled when I saw my father enter with the king and the other dukes, I still couldn't believe what they told us. However, this incredible architectural work leaves no room for doubt.

And I was excited, a lot more than when I had my first time.That boy, by the way, was very good, at least in that respect the weaker serve something.

The King was sitting in the chair, in front of everyone, at that moment I could only think of what such a man was like, being honest I cannot contain the curiosity of knowing what an ancient monster has to offer between four walls.

— First of all, give up your lives, the strongest will stand out and others will sink in despair.You three, what does magic mean to you?

Chuck was named as the first — Magic is the ability to control and really reign, not just over men, but over lands, mountains, oceans and skies.

When it was over, Chuck sat down and kulian was next — Magic is the ability to discover the truth about everything, where we came from, where we are going and why we are here.

After the King looked at me, I stood up, like Chuck, before continuing I wondered for a moment what magic was until I said what I really believed — Magic is the supreme desire, above all pleasure, above any gluttony and it is above any greed or pride.

I sat down and waited for the King's response, I turned my attention to the members of my team, my brother Roger was stamping his foot until he stood still, but the others were a little euphoric, often changing positions.

— As you can hear, magic is exactly what they say, the ability to control is to shape the magic particles developed thousands of years ago, not only gave humanity the opportunity to rule the skies and the seas, but also to go beyond to the stars who rule our skies, planets bowed down to the world of wizards and entire civilizations trembled before the most powerful wizards that ever existed.

The King paused, hoped it wasn't a dramatic pause, it's too cliché and I hate it in books, but I couldn't help smiling from ear to ear, even the best fantasy books couldn't describe the unreal in real.

*I think I already took a good break for the effect* — The divisions between magicians are called circles ranging from the first to the seventh, to be practical I can say that a magician from the first circle could affect an area of ​​up to five square meters with a single spell, but that area is just the area of ​​concentration and depending on the spell, the same could be like fire is to expand to ten meters or more ....

— What can mages from the seventh circles do?

The King suddenly stopped and looked at who asked the question, Alex was the one who asked the question and she was on my side

— Hahahaha, good question good question, well, I was in the pseudo sixth circle at my peak, and it took me hundreds of years, I went through a lot to get to that level. They say that a wizard in the seventh circle can destroy small planets.

I looked at Alex and she was making a silly expression, Roger was laughing looking at me, I just shook my head and paid attention again.But I destroyed small planets .... it's impossible

— There is a big difference in the hierarchy of wizards, wizards start as apprentices until they become official wizards, each circle in turn and divided into sub-levels which are: Advanced, Elite and pseudo. There is a division of social origin between the mages of the first and second circles: There are the Nobles of the first circle, the common and the wandering, the Nobles are the strongest, endowed with superior abilities than the other two. Wandering mages are those who evolved with a deficit in their magical psyche. And ordinary mages are those who are in the middle of the hierarchy. Finally, there are the magicians' titles, the first and second magicians are called Lords, the third and fourth magicians are called rulers and the fifth circle magicians are called Overlord.

Interesting, the society of wizards seems more complex than you might think. It really seems like a world apart from ours, so many divisions and specifications in an organization shows how organized and systematized magicians are.

— The difference between a noble magician from the first circle and a common magician from the first circle, is present in the weaknesses that one has and the other does not, such as: Low physical power on the part of the common magicians, low number of spells and low control of the magic particles .

*So your differences are not to be found in simple power, but in the structures of your capabilities.*

—Telling a little about the world they live in, our world is called the world of mages or simply mage. The world of wizards is divided on the Western Continent, us, and the Eastern Continent which is located after the Ocean of the abyssal monsters. At first the secret to becoming a mage was controlled by the great sects and clans, but that is for the Eastern Continent. The secret to becoming a mage on the Western Continent was controlled by large families and schools of magic. However, the time of these organizations came to an end after the end of the Second World War, when Eastern sects and clans fell to forge the creation of dynasties and in the West the fall of families and schools of magic initiated the Kingdoms.

*Only Kingdoms and Dynasties? and empires, how did they arise?*

— Now I am going to show you this book, in it is written the nature of the magic particles, some tips and the main thing: the meditation mantra. It is also noted an alert, never talk about your mantra with others, never!

— You will have your own mantras, but it will not be this. Follow me.

The King walked out of the room, although the instructions are very short, I feel a bit of clarification with everything, but I feel a little pressured by so much information, could magic also be the hammer that hangs over the heads of humans? ?


I stopped the elevator on the third floor, where the students' rooms are. The floor was divided into zones ranging from beginners to pseudo-mage, at first there does not seem to be much difference between the sub levels, but there is a very big difference, first that apprentices at the beginning can cast only three level zero spells, the advanced apprentices can throw six, elite apprentices can throw nine and pseudo magician can throw twelve.

— You will be surprised, stay strong

I pressed one of the buttons, The elevator could not only move vertically, but it could also move horizontally.

When the elevator stopped after five minutes, I pulled the railing and got out, when I turned around to see that everyone looked scared as if they had to face death, except the Dukes of course.

The Dukes left first and the students left after a while.The complex was full of secrets, far more than anyone could have imagined. There were other inputs and outputs as well, and there were other areas for assessing the aptitude of apprentices.

— I'll show you your rooms, follow me.

The area we were in was the best for apprentices, it has a high rate of magic particles that I will increase in the future.

I stopped in front of the first door on the right, pushed the door and entered in front of everyone, the room itself gave an air of solitude, right next to me there was a bed, behind the bed there was a desk. On the other side was a bookshelf about the basics of alchemy, magic, good theories to be read is a little bit about a magician's equipment and weapons.

— Behind this door there is a small laboratory, do not touch the equipment and next to it there is a bathroom.

I went to the desk to open the drawer, pulled out the two keys and went back to the group, pushed the keys towards Paola.

— The room is yours.

I went to the other side and gave the room to Kulian, the next room I gave to Chuck and so it was successively until every student had his room.

After delivering the rooms to everyone — There is a canteen, just follow this corridor and fold when you reach the end. With the exception of Chuck, Kulian and Paola, everyone should meet me there in two hours.

After giving everyone a room, I went back to the elevator with the dukes and the kids, down to the twelfth floor.

The twelfth had no division, for those who came for the first time they might find it empty with only a few small buildings and shops closed. But for many years this was a fair with hundreds of stalls and the owners of these stores and unique buildings were some mages and pseudo mage who had to pay rent.

I looked at the wonderful building, it reached the ceiling and was fourteen meters high and covered a good area.

— Children, here is your future.

The building was divided, the first two floors were the mission area and the third was the treasury, the treasury had many Relics, they were not the most powerful, but it is not possible to assess the power of a Relic based on its level.

I entered the building followed by the others, the interior was huge, the walls full of pictures that were once covered with missions. In the center was where you delivered the chosen mission and registered your name.

I went to the center and entered the inside area, I looked at the wall and I took one of the keys and I went back to the rest of the group, we went to the other side and we entered the door, we started up the stairs.

The second floor had nothing on the walls, just a small bar and lots of tables and chairs, this was the place where mages could meet with apprentices and assign them missions, even other wealthy apprentices did it, in restricted terms only teachers could talk to their apprentices privately and could not send their students on private assignments.

We ignored it and continued up the stairs, the top floor was the third, I used the key to unlock the lock and we entered. The third was divided, in the left area we had organic and herbal things and in the right we had paper and metal things

We walked to the end, we entered the right corridor, right at the end, on the last shelf — And here we are, in total there are different mantras that add up to thousands all over the world, but just like relics, mantras have their divisions, we were considered super extravagant because we offer a second-degree mantra for early learners, those who are viewing are fourth-degree mantras personally transcribed by magicians of the third circle.

I took the vial of blood and draw the diagram right in front of the bookcase. Kulian took a few steps back when he saw the blood float in the air.

After unlocking the lock, I bent down and pulled out the last four books, the last one I wrote myself, the other three were written by the ancestors of these brats.

— Here, kulian, you will have the wind rose mantra. Paola, you will have the mantra Heavens and Earth is last you Chuck, you will have the mantra of numbers

*Numbers? It sounds complicated, but what's difficult is also very profitable depending on how you do it.*

After delivering the book to each of the three, asking the Dukes to carry the books above, the books above were all of the same type, the World Mantra of the Supreme Magi.

After delivering the books, I looked at Lians, I thought a little, I shook my head and crouched, I pulled the book written by my old friend the Song of the Lonely Mountain.

— Lians right? Hand this book over to Miriam, I hope I won't be disappointed.


The King after delivering the meditation books and delivering the rooms to each of the students, he also gave access to the canteen, it was a spacious place full of tables and chairs, the pantry and kitchen had a considerable space and the pantry was full with meats, chicken and fish, all of the best quality.

The strangest thing is that it had another pantry, but the King said it was food designed to improve the apprentices' physique, but it could only be prepared by pseudo mages.

Finally, I secretly gave the book to Mirian, I cannot say that I was not upset about not having three and a half circles in my family, but Mirian's talent was subject to change and the mantra written by the ancestor will be no different from the others .

After the farewell, the King instructed them to try to enter the meditative state of their respective mantras and we returned to the Royal Hall. I had noticed that the King was carrying another book, but I did not know for whom, considering the current situation, if I and the other Dukes use any mantra it will be that of our respective ancestors.

— Let's go to my laboratory, it's time for you to have an advance in your powers is to reach the second level of Fire and in the future until the third.

We went to the ancestor's laboratory, he told what happened to Ace and Darcy, I could only shake my head and extend my finger, Drake was simply the quickest to extend before the King even finished the sentence.

In the end my last memory was to feel nothing but the darkness covering my mind is a strong push throwing me inside.


Drake has been at the first level for more than nine years and his base is extremely firm, Lucas is always working on military and development strategies and because he uses a bow and arrow next to a musket, his physical training is the weakest of the four Dukes. Lians use double swords and therefore their coordination must be the best, so their training, while not focusing on attack power, is still extremely difficult.

— They must reach the first elite level, but Drake must be able to reach the second in this single blow.