Egypt 1332 BC:
It's hot and the Egyptian sun is shining on the pyramids, and the youngest Pharaoh takes rain over all of Egypt.
With all of his soldiers surrounding the grounds, making sure there aren't any intruders lurking around in his lands. One soldier stands out from the rest, and his name is Jabaree( which means A man known for his bravery).
He lived a happy existence, serving his Pharoah and living a happy life with his family.
His wife Na'eemah and his two children, their oldest son Husani and their daughter Safiya.
Their house was close to the Pharaohs, in case he needs to rush to his aid for anything.
Everything was how it was supposed to be, until, on one fateful day, the Pharaoh called for him in and who would have thought that this existed in this world.
He was called away from his home and family again, Will he see them again? Or will their journey end in the lifetime?