I was laying in my bed reminiscing on my past, its incredible how problems and challenges can change you as a person. When I was younger my mother had been with quite a few guys but none of them were any good for her, then she met my stepfather, at first everything seemed on the high, but one night he went to the pub with some mates, and arrived back in the early hours of the morning. He just went ballistic, furniture went everywhere, my mom tried to calm him down but she ended up getting hit. It started a cycle of vicious abuse, and when mom had locked herself somewhere I would become his next victim. This continued for 5 months before eventually one of the neighbours discovered the situation and called the police, my so called stepfather was arrested and sentenced to 12 years in prison. My mother unfortunately did not recover from the abuse she received and I came home one day from school to find her dead on the bathroom floor.
Now I was an orphan and a homeless child, I lived in a community children's home, it was around this time that I became DeadManX, I wanted something to do when my mind was in a dark place. So I set up a chat room and met a few people, we then decided to make a information chat room, which we then called The Library. As the Library grew in fame it started attracting the attention of dark web users, so to get extra income we created a more up to date and unhackable Library. As we grew we started hiring people to join us. Hence the Dead X group was founded, but then one day a family wanted to adopt me, I was slightly surprised, since most families were looking for young children, last I checked a 16yrd was not on anyone's list. I accepted and joined them, As time went on and I started to go back to school and prepared to go to college, I had less time to spend on The Library so I sent a notice of temporary leave, and signed off.
It wasn't easy during those 4 years, everyday felt like a burden, but I was glad I got through it, like mum always use to say "Good things come to those wait" and they certainly did, I now have a wonderful family, and a great little sister. I am glad I had The Library, it kept me going.