{Previously on Pregnant by my teacher...}
The person in front of me left the classroom and told me to go on in, so I walked in and saw the last thing I expected to see.... I saw a hot guy in his early twenties staring at me with intense green eyes.
I did not expect my student to be so beautiful, nor did I expect to be instantly attracted to her.
"Come on in, don't be shy." I said. {Though how I got a sentence out other than skiblurb de flarp, is beyond me...}
"Okay." She looked at me shyly with her two beautiful ocean blue eyes, underneath thick black eyelashes. {Which I thought was quite unusual, considering her hair was naturally a light blonde color.}
"What's your name?" I asked, wondering what name could possibly fit this beautiful woman.
"I'm on the roll as Elizabeth Rayne Thompson," She said. "But I would like to be called Elle."
Elle. Such a beautiful name for such an extravagant beauty, I thought.
"That's a pretty name," I said. "Where does it come from?" She looked at me as if she couldn't decide whether to tell me or not.
She must have decided to tell me, because she replied: "I'm named after my Great-grandmother. She died 2 months before I was born, and my mother wanted to honor her, so I was named after her, I guess."
She looked kind of sad, which wasn't something I'd intended, so I decided to change the subject. "Is there any way I could meet with your parents?" I asked. " I am required to talk with the parents of all of my students to help them on their career pathways before graduation."
She looked a little nervous and she sighed. "My mom is a single mom and she is really busy all the time. I'll have to check with her." She said. "Do you mind if I call my mom? I have to pick up my sister from her Girlfriend's house in an hour, and I forgot the address."
I looked at her with a kind smile on my face and I said: " Yeah, go ahead. I'm not in a hurry, and you are my last meeting of the day, so no one will be waiting on you."
I watched her leave and I thought to myself: I'm in trouble...