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Silver Diety

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Chapter 1 - Pine and Sebastian

It was only a game, they were just playing tag, they never expected it to turn out the way it did.

"S-Sebastien! Wait u-up!" a ravenette called out while a blonde ran in front of her. As the blonde twisted around the raven-haired child looked behind the blonde watching as the shadows seemed to move on their own.

"S-Sebastien! L-look out!" the raven-haired girl yelled seeing a figure behind the boy.

"What?" Sebastien muttered right as he ran into something, spinning around he fell only to be caught by large calloused hands, freezing he looked up to see who had caught him coming face to face with a silver-haired blacked eyed male.

"L-let go of h-him!" the raven-haired girl called out from where she was standing in front of them.

Looking up the silver-haired male seemed surprised to see the second child, gently letting go of the blonde male the silver-haired stranger stood up to his full height and the blonde scrambled backward towards his raven-haired friend.

"Who are you?!" the blonde-haired boy demanded after positioning himself in front of the girl.

"Now, I think I should be the one asking the questions here, not you two." the silver-haired male laughed. "But I shall indulge you, my name is Silver, now who might you two be? And why are you out here alone without someone watching you?"

"I-I'm P-Pine, th-this is S-Sebastien, Mister S-silver. A-and as for why w-we're here a-alone, w-well um, th-that we can't t-tell you." The ravenette said bowing at the waist only to be elbowed in the ribs by her blonde friend.

"I told you, you don't need to bow to people Pine!" he said, pushing her to stand up.

"S-sorry, S-Sebastien," she said cringing backward.

"I'm not gonna hit you, Pine." Sebastien sighed, as the raven-haired girl cringed again, stammering a 'Sorry'.

The silver-haired male watched as the two children sorted out the problem that seemed to revolve around the little girl. It was the curiosity born from watching these two children interact that led him to do and say what he did next.

"I know I don't know you that well but would you two like to get out of these woods and into some warm clothes?" internally facepalming at what he said he forced himself to keep a smile on his face. He watched as the little boy turned and looked at the girl as though she was his master.

"Pine? Do you think we should go?" Sebastien asked once he had turned enough to see her face.

"Y-yes, I'm g-getting a g-good f-feeling a-about th-this." She said stuttering her way through the sentence. She watched as Sebastien then turned around and agreed to follow the man.

"Ok, then follow me," he said as he turned around and started walking off into the woods. 

Slowly the two kids started to follow him, they walked through the woods until they eventually came to a stop where the trees started to thin out and signs of civilization were showing. 

"P-pardon me s-sir b-but wh-where are we?" the raven-haired girl asked looking up at the man.

"You don't have to be so afraid, and we are, well we're at my home, you see that brick house over there, yeah, that's where I live. Now come on you two." Once again the two children started to follow the strange man to the place he called home. Walking in the front door the two children were greeted by the sight of couches and recliner chairs scattered across the room, all of them filled by someone. 

"You guys stop staring, you're making them nervous." the silver-haired man said as the little girl cringed and hid behind her blonde friend.

"Sorry boss." the group of people collectively said as they turned their attention elsewhere.

"This way you two, my fiance will dress you, and I'll find some clothes for you." the silver-haired male said, pointing to the little girl then to the boy. Walking up the stairs he noticed that the little girl seemed to have become much more rigid the second they had entered a room with more people, shaking his head he continued walking up the stairs and into his study where he found his fiance laying her head on his desk seemingly asleep.

"Ruby, are you awake?" he called from the entryway, watching as she shot up in her seat and looked around finding him, she stood up and started to head towards him only to freeze when she caught sight of the two children behind his legs. 

"Who are they, Silver?" she asked, attempting to make her presence seem less threatening to not frighten the children, who were currently very on edge if their rigid stances said anything.

"I found them wandering alone in the woods, with no one around and so I brought them here, although they won't tell me why they were alone, they told me their names. The little girl's name is Pine apparently, and the boy is supposedly named Sebastien," he said walking forward to embrace the tall and regal female standing next to his desk.

"So I'm assuming that there is something you wanted me to do with them if you brought them to me?" she asked after letting go of him.

"Yes, could you please bathe and dress Pine, she seems awfully dirty," he said nodding his head towards her.

"That is no problem, and you are helping him, correct?" Ruby asked, pointing to Sebastien, smiling when Silver nodded his head yes.

"Ok then, come now little one," she said reaching her hand out for Pine to take it, and after a moment's hesitation, she did leaving Sebastien to watch her walk off with the female, once she was out of sight the silver-haired man looked down at him and nodded at him and started walking towards his room, listening to make sure that the boy was following him. After bathing and dressing the boy they both walked back to his office, stuck waiting for the two females to return. After about four minutes of waiting the little boy stood up and walked to the door just in time for the little girl to walk in followed by Ruby.

"Did she do anything to you?" Sebastien demanded inspecting every inch of his now clean best friend/sister, letting out a relieved sigh when she shook her head 'No'.

"Good," he said as he slightly shifted his stance just enough to be positioned protectively in front of her. After a few minutes of silence, the silver-haired man stood up and walked towards the two kids coming to a stop two feet in front of them, crouching down as to be level with them he started to speak.

"Ruby and I, are going to have to take you back to your parents so they don't get worried, so in order to do that we are going to have to know where you came from," he said, searching their faces for anything, he was startled to find pure unadulterated fear on the little girls face and a seething look of hate coming from the boy.

"We are NOT going back to those people and you can not make us." the little boy said venom dripping from his every word, startled Silver's eyes widened slightly.

"A-and why don't you want to go back to them? They are probably very worried right now you know that right?" he said, attempting to calm the situation down.

"Those jerks don't care about us enough to be worried about where we are," Sebastien said hate filling his voice. Stunned into silence the two adults wondered what exactly happened with their parents that could fill a child's voice with so much hate that it almost sounded as though they wanted to kill them.

"I-I'm confused, what do you mean by that?" Ruby asked, tripping over her words.