Chapter 7 - New friend

Samoul sits down on a bench near the roses in the garden. Pulling out a lunchbox he made he begins to eat.

"Samoul" he hears looking up to see who it was

Lucifer becomes red from Samouls staring unlike his normal emotionless personality that was described in the plot.

"Is there something you need" Samoul asks a confused look on his face

"No" Lucifer answers sitting down beside Samoul going back to his emotionless expression. Samoul shrugged and goes back to eating not noticing the stares of the male lead.

Samoul finishes his lunch as the bell goes off. He gives Lucifer a small wave of goodbye before he walks to his classroom sitting in an empty seat. A girl with short brown hair and soft green eyes sits next to him.

"Hi my name is Amy, what's yours?" she says with a bright smile. Samouls ignores her thinking she's talking to someone else.

"Hello? I'm talking to you" Amy says, waving her hands in front of Samoul as she notices that he isn't answering

Samoul is shaken since no other plot character usually interacted with him when he was following the system.

"I'm Samoul," he says tensely a bit unsure what to say

"It's nice to meet you Samoul. I hope we can become good friends," Amy says with another bright smile. Samoul and Amy have small talk for the next few minutes before the teacher comes in.

'There wasn't an Amy mentioned in the plot so she must just be a mob character, but I'm glad I made a friend. I haven't had one ever since meeting the system since all the characters I played were small and died every soon or are villains with rude personalities. So it's good I made a friend' Samoul thinks as a small smile forms on his face.

This was quickly noticed by his new friend. Ripping a piece of paper Amy writes what are you smiling about. Pushing it to Samoul.

Nothing I'm just glad we're friends Samoul writes back a smile warming his face. This makes Amy blush and quickly after a big smile appears on her face as they both go back to listening to the teacher.