Alex paused and then blew out his breath to start over.
Hadn't she always been like this? Unaware and innocent of the chaotic effect her pure beauty ignited in the opposite sex.
"I think you'll find the food to your liking. You always liked French food."
Noticing the plate in front of her, she took a genuine whiff of pleasure and indulged in the creamy bouillabaisse and delicious mussels cooked in white wine.
Alex hadn't seen anyone enjoy food with such a sensual and childlike pleasure except her. All the women he'd gone out with had never been anything like her and had never turned out to be more than he'd expected.
But she... was one of a kind.
He had a tendency to forget himself and the surroundings around her. If the waiter hadn't come in at the right time, he would have been tearing into her till the sun rose and set again.