Adaline brushed her teeth as the first thing in the morning. Given that she was living with people that could smell anything from miles away the first thing that she always did was brush her teeth.
Her eyes moved to the other hand where the ring was as her right hand was brushing her teeth.
Actually her eyes always remained in the ring. It had become like a body part but still something that she would never get over with.
It was passing under the light of the bathroom and she could not help but sigh.
This was the best feeling in the world.
She had woken up to an empty bed but before that maybe a few hours ago, Xavier had woken her up as they had fallen asleep in her bedroom. He had to go and work through his entire morning so that he could free some time for her in the evening.
They were going to go around for a long walk just talking or walking together and have dinner and because of this he had to make sure that his schedule was free.