"Still," Adeline slurped on her thick milkshake, "I feel like vanilla is just bland." She complained. She never really liked the flavour and it was always with brownies that she tolerated it."Vanilla is fine." Xavier groaned. He heard the same whenever he chose it on their dates. His mango scented mate did not approve of his choices for vanilla.
Well, the sex won't be, he could assure her of that. There would be many flavours involved there but not plain old vanilla.
"No, it's not. Here, try mine." She held out her milkshake for him to slurp from ready to hear praises. "Try chocolate."
I like it with whip cream and preferably on you. "Alright." He gave in. Raising his arm across the table, he held her head and leaned it in. Catching his lips with hers, he sucked on them. Relishing the taste they had. He then titled her head and entered her mouth taking her tongue and sucking on it.