Hi, my name is Endo. I am an Galian. In this world Galia was the biggest country you could imagine. It was so hug, that half of all landmass on this Earth was conquered by the Galia.
But one day an Event happened. We do not know what happened, but the big Eldia fell in a 69 year long war now referred to as "The war that broke the world to pieces" .
After this war the country was split and Galia was just a tiny fracture of it's former self. Another country rose to the top its name is Rulus.
Since the day Rulus came to rule, the Galians was enslaved. We work for the Rulans in big factories with huge chimneys. The Rulus gave us a Place to live. They created small citys which are completely cornered by a huge concrete wall with razor fence on top so we don't climb over them. They call those citys "Stables". There are only 4 exits, every one with a gate and some Rulans to guard them.
The Rulans don't treat us humane. Every time they move into our city we all have to bow our heads into the mud of the streets and can only stand up if they are allowed to. Only Merchants and people the Rulans need to talk to are allowed to keep standing while the Rulans pass.
I am just a student, who still goes to school. My Friends are all Galians as well. Today is the first day after the holidays, let's see how things will go.