Thong looked at Mike confused. If this was a joke, he couldn't tell from Mike's face alone. Mike seemed so serious from the tone in his voice, but he's never heard of a store or company named Eclipse before.
Thong: Eclipse? What the hell is the Eclipse?
Mike smiled, knowing that Thong had just bit onto his bait.
Mike: I'm happy you asked. Realistically, I'm not really allowed to talk about it with outsiders, but if that was the case then how the fuck are we supposed to get new lackies in?
Thong could already tell from those few lines that Mike was talking about something big. How widely known was this "Eclipse"? Thong could tell that Mike wasn't trying to confuse him with the spatial event, and the idea that so many others are involved in this group. A sense of doubt appeared in Thong as he stared at Mike.
Thong: You're not trying to recruit me into any of those weird worker unions or whatever they're called, right? This isn't some weird cult meant to praise an evil god, right?
Mike: What are you so paranoid about? I'm telling you, it's my place of work.
Thong: I've never heard of a place called Eclipse before, what the hell are you on about?
Mike: Yo, quiet down. I'll explain it to you, but if you give it away, it might raise suspicion.
Mike's words filled Thong with worry. What type of organization has to stay so secretive, that simply saying their name in public would be a danger? Is it a danger to the group or to him? The total mystery of the Eclipse filled Thong with anxiety, but he wanted to know more.
Thong: Alright, alright. You've got my interest. I'll stay quiet now. Tell me, what the hell is this Eclipse thing?
Mike smiled as he leaned back in his chair.
Mike: A battle arena.
Thong: What? You mean like a dojo or competition of some sort?
Mike: I guess it is a competition, but it's not like the usual stuff you're used to. The tournaments and things you're used to are a lot more closed-minded. They have rules restricting them, mainly for the safety of the competitors that partake in it. But the Eclipse is much more brutal. The closest I can simplify it to is a hellhole.
Thong: A hellhole? What, they have more dangerous rules and stuff?
Mike: More like barely any rules at all. All things go. Weapons, all sorts of martial arts, hell, probably even death.
Thong: D-Death?
Mike: I said probably, I've never actually seen any during my time there myself. I did hear about a death happening, but it was something nearly two years ago. Something about the old head, nothing major.
Thong: That's dangerous! How could you ever join something that crazy?!
Mike: They pay. And when I say they pay, I mean they pay a golden amount.
Thong: They pay a golden amount?
Mike: Trust me, they pay money that seems almost too good to be true. But how else do you think I can afford most of the stuff I have?
Thong: I guess that's true, you do own a nice car and even have a nice house for yourself, but do you understand how dangerous that stuff is? I mean, people are able to fight with weapons! What if someone brings a weapon or something?!
Mike: That's why winning is so highly praised. There are some freaks of nature in there that are so unimaginable, I think I'm in a movie or something when I see them.
Thong: And you fight against those types of guys?
Mike: Of course I do. I was scared out of my mind too. But when I won my first official match and saw my pay, I knew it was my calling. Why did you think I started focusing on training and getting in better shape a while back? It was all because I was training to become stronger. Strong enough to keep living my lifestyle.
Thong placed one hand on his head as he listened to his friend go on about the Eclipse. The high-risk, high-reward system seemed to be what dominated that underground group.
Mike: Obviously, the fighting ring isn't all there is to it.
Thong: There's more?
Mike: Yeah, but I don't get myself too involved in it. First of all, the Eclipse has connections to some of the wealthiest people in the country. Hell, I think people outside of the country are invested in it too. That's the main reason why so much money can be on the line. Some of the most well-known companies that you know of are part of it.
Thong: You've got to be kidding me
Mike: I wish I was. I remember seeing the CEO of a company I did a project on during class before. Seeing such a big shot standing at one of those matches makes my heart beat like crazy.
Thong's jaw hung under his mask as he stared at Mike with disbelief. He wanted to believe that everything his friend said was wrong, a lie meant to mess with him. He was hoping that Mike would smile at him and say "Just kidding" like he would after a terrible joke. But he knew that Mike was being genuine.
Mike: But that's not the end of it. The Eclipse is a wilder place than just a battle ring with few rules and popular spectators.
Thong: What else can be part of something like this?
Mike: The assassin jobs.
Thong's heart dropped at the sound of Mike's words.
Thong: N-No… Real… assassins...?
Mike looked at Thong's worried eyes, but continued on with his explanations, looking around them to ensure no one was listening.
Mike: As much as I want to ignore it, I simply can't. I can't say I ever got involved in it myself, but if there's one thing I can say for certain, it's that there is an assassin aspect to the Eclipse. I'm assuming that's how some of the higher ranked and wealthier fighters got their cash.
Thong: They… actually kill people.
Mike stared as Thong stood up, having a worried look all over his face. Thong began to slowly walk away, wanting to ignore what Mike had said. Feeling a sudden grab onto his shoulder, fear washed over Thong's body.
Mike: I guess it was a bad idea to tell you. I get it, you're not into that killing stuff, are you?
Thong: How can I be? How can you work for a place that allows that?
Mike: The ring and the assassin stuff is separate, I never got myself involved with any of those assassin jobs. To be entirely honest, that stuff scares me too, but I try my best to make do with the matches.
Thong couldn't believe that his friend, that he has known for years, works in such a dangerous profession.
Mike: If you want to ever check it out, I'm going to have a fight at the construction site downtown. That'll be around 11 pm if you want to check it out. I get it if you don't, but if you ever get asked, tell them you're there for "The Crooked Claw"
With that, Mike turned around and left, leaving Thong with a feeling of dread at his words.
Several hours passed before Thong finally decided to walk back home, Mike's words weighing heavily down on him. As he made his way home, he passed by a lonely fruit shop with a singular old lady working at the front.
Old Lady: Oh hi, Thong. Going home again from work?
Thong: Ah, hello, Beatrice. I wasn't at work today, I was just wandering around town.
Old Lady Beatrice: Is that so? Well, take care, sweetie. Your parents need you to do your best now than ever before.
Thong: Yeah, I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
Thong put his head down, staring at the ground as he walked past Beatrice's shop. Thong walked all the way home, passing by his father's dojo. He looked through one of the windows, seeing his father sweat as he continued to practice his Wing Chun. Thong ran past the dojo and returned home, going into his room and falling into his bed.
Thong's thoughts: How could he think I would ever want to watch something so brutal, so violent? Who just says that to someone?
Thong clenched his sheets in his hand, trying to push the blame onto Mike. Even with all the confusion he felt, he knew he had no one to blame but himself for prying further into such a shady group. Thong heard his mother and father return home hours later, hearing the mumbling of their chatter before eventually they both returned to their room.
Peaking out of his room, Thong slipped his shoes on once more, sneaking out of his house. He started off with a light jog before breaking into a full on run, running as fast as he could.
Thong's thoughts: He said that construction site downtown, right? I can't stop thinking about it. A reality like his isn't actually real, right? Please make whatever he shows me just be fake. There's no way a dangerous ring match like his can be real, right?
Thong ran with all his might, eventually standing in front of the construction site. While it is only worked on during the day, Thong could see people walking into the site, with a large man standing at the entrance. Thong was out of breath, but could sense that something earth shattering was going to unfold before him. Something he could never imagine he would witness for as long as he lived.