I stand up after hitting my head hard on a rock "LILLY!?", I stare my sisters body Boned and bloody completely mulatied , "oh god lilly please wake up, " I hug her body Crying scared to death a chuckle smooth but definatly sending chills up my spine" Jenny poor jenny you abandoned her of course shes not alive! Its been over 100 years" i cover my ears, in pure fear "but you can join her~ float with her maybe~?" i realize what this is. The Clown's blue eyes lay on me like its clawing through my soul, "so what do you say?" he holds out his gloved hand with a smile growing wider with teeth as sharp as a sharks tooth maybe even sharper. I notice its eyes changing to a yellow like it was expecting me to say yes, I Glare with a spiteful look, i pull away and scream "NO!" i yell loosing my balence, "to bad you wont have a choice soon witch!" i fall into another pit and wake up gasping for air, i was back in to that stupid fucking ballroom! i get up rubbing my head, I Rush out quickly planning on never coming back
Goodbye my sweet home