I want to hum a song so badly, maybe that will make me feel at ease. Mom is not speaking to me. She isn't yelling either. I turn to look at her and it doesn't seem like she is angry. I wondered where she was heading before she saw me in that state. I feel like asking her but I decide against it. It will be better to remain silent than get her extremely angry.
I sigh and turn to stare out of the window. I notice she is driving into the police station and I furrow my brows.
"What are we doing here?" I ask and she smiles.
"To see a friend" she replies.
I stare at her suspiciously. "Do you now have a cop as a friend?"
She shrugs. "No, but I just got myself one"
I blink. My mom is not the type to make friends so easily. She likes to be alone. Why did she suddenly have a cop friend?
"Male or Female?"
She stops the car. "Get down". I follow her into the station like a lost puppy. "Lock her up"
I furrow my brows. "Who?"
She ignores my question and moves closer to the policeman. "You don't need to ask me what she did. She is my daughter. She has been disrupting other people's peace. She needs to be locked up for a while until she gets back to her right senses"
I moved closer to her. "You are joking, right? Mom, you don't mean what you said right?"
"You mean she is your daughter?" the man asks, staring at me.
"She is my mom" I answer and he sighs.
"You have to write a statement if you want us to lock her up," he says, giving my mom a piece of paper and a pen.
I blink. "You don't mean it?"
Mom ignores me and begins to fill up the paper.
"Are you not locking her up yet?"
The policeman stands up and walks up to me.
"Are you sure she is your mother?" he whispers and I nod. "Is there any family member that can talk to your mom? She might be leaving you here for a long time"
Mom turns to look at us. "Are you still talking to her? Handcuff her immediately and lock her up in the cell"
I blink. Now I know that she is serious about it. I thought about who could speak to her. Since my dad is not around, there is no way I can get out of this. I decided to call Ariana. She is the only one who can save me here. I quickly placed a call to her.
"Elora? Are you home already? Did mom..."
"I am at the police station," I say quickly.
"What are you doing there?"
"Mom wants me to be locked up"
She groans slightly. "I am coming over there right away"
"She might be out of here before you get here"
"I am on my way already. I will call her"
I sigh. I hope she gets here before I get thrown into the cell. I thought about it quickly. I need to do something to make Mom change her mind before Ari gets here. I moved closer to her and went on my knees.
"I am sorry, Mom" I coo but she ignores me. "Don't let them lock me up, please. I will do everything you want. I will..."
"Elora?" Ari coo.
I turned to see Ari and Orion. "How did they get here so quickly?" I wonder.
Orion smirked and I stared at myself kneeling. I wanted to stand up but I knew that would get my mom angry. Ari moves closer to Mom.
"Can you forgive her this once, Mom?" Ari said.
I nod quickly. "Please, Mom"
"I think she deserves to be locked up," Orion said and Mom stared at him with a smile.
"You think she deserves to be locked up, right?" Mom asks and he nods.
"Ori?" Ari calls. "You should not speak that way"
He shrugs. "You will agree with me that she deserves more than being locked up"
He winks at Ari and she shrugs too. "I wouldn't agree less"
I blink. What is going on here?
Mom smiles. "Everyone agrees with me locking you up"
I held her hand. "Mom, don't listen to them. Please forgive me this once"
"How about being grounded?" Orion suggested and I blinked.
"That sounds like a good idea," Ari says and my mom nods.
"But I can't keep her at home. I go to work"
"She can stay with me"
"You go to work too"
"Ori can keep a watch on her"
Orion blinks rapidly. "Me?"
Ari nods. My mom stared at Ari and then at Ori. "Who is he?" she asks.
"A friend" Ari answers.
"A friend?". Ari nods. "Where does he stay?"
"He stays with Ari" I answer quickly and Ari glares.
"Maybe you should lock her up" she answers and I chuckle.
"I am sorry" I mutter.
"Does he really, stay with you?"
Ari nods. "He has amnesia and does not remember anything about his family except me. His family suggests he stays with me until he gets his memory back"
My mom nods. "I trust you, Ari. But do you think it will be right to keep both of them together?"
Ari nods. "He is the best person to keep an eye on her"
"What does he do?"
"You won't believe it. He is good at a lot of things, Mom. He is an artist, he sings, he..."
"I guess he has a lot of talent," Mom says, and Ari nods.
"Does your dad know about this?"
"No, I want him to return before I tell him about it"
"Is he married yet"
Ari chuckles. "No"
"I wish I could just marry her off to him" Mom mutters.
"You think they will make a nice couple too, right?" Ari asks with a smile.
"Never" Orion mutters.
"Like I want to marry you too" I mutter too.
"Do you think I should convince your father to marry her off to him? She will be better off with a stranger"
I blink and Ari smiles. "Dad will not agree with that"
"Then does he prefer her to be troublesome? She can't even keep a decent job"
I roll my eyes but say nothing.
"I guess you guys have settled the issue," the policeman said.
Mom stood up. "Ari, take her home. I do not want to see her or I might be tempted to bring her back here". She picks up the statement she has written. "Can you keep this here? I am sure she will be back here soon"
I stand up quickly and take the paper from her, tearing it apart. "I don't think keeping it is a good idea"
She sighs. "You better stay out of trouble. If Ariana or Ori lay any complaints to me about your insolence attitude, I will send you off to Africa"
I chuckle. "Does that mean I have not been grounded?"
She scoffs. "You are grounded until I say otherwise. You are not allowed to leave your room, either"
"Mom! Am I not going to eat?"
"I will bring in your food," Orion says and I glare at him.
"I think that is a good idea," Mom says.
"You can't agree with that!"
"Then do you want to remain here? It won't take long to write out a new statement. And trust me. I have a lot to write against you"
I sigh. "I agree with it"
Mom picks her bag up. "Ari, I will get in touch with you"
After she left I turned to face Ari with puppy eyes.
"You won't ground me, will you?". She ignores me and walks out. "Ari, you won't..."
"She will ground you. And I will be glad to watch you, face hell" Orion whispers to me with a smirk and I blink.
I keep ranting to Ari about how I do not want to stay with Orion in the house.
"It is worse than being in the cell," I say.
"Then do you want to go back to the cell?"
"No? That is not what I mean. I am just saying that it is not proper to leave a man and a woman in the house alone"
She chuckles. "This is not your first time being alone with him. Why do you suddenly care about that"
I groan. "I do not care about it. I just don't like his face"
Ari smiles. "He doesn't like your face either"
I frown. "Should you not be supporting me?"
"Because you are my sister?"
I nodded. "Exactly"
She smiles. "I want what is best for you and you being grounded is the best"
"But I can't stay with him. He is a psychopath. He talks to himself. Have you not noticed"
She chuckles. "Do you know you both have a lot in common?"
I furrow my brows. "What?"
"Psychopathic attitude"
I frown. "I do not have a similar attitude to him. How can you compare me to him, huh?" I rant but Ari ignores me, going upstairs.
I wanted to follow her but Orion held my hand. "Do you always rant?"
I blinked. "How dare you..."
He pulled me closer to him and held me by my waist. "Stop talking so much and listen," he says and I blink.