Dj: There's going to be some very bloody moments in this part of the story so keep in mind that you have been warned.
Murgah: Do you really have to say it like that?
Dj: Yeah? Why was there something wrong with the way that I said it?
Murgah: No... never mind. Let's get back to the story, shall we?
Midnight: Yay It's my turn to narrate.
Midnight POV
Slowly stepping backward I disappear Into the shadows. Watching and waiting for when I can attack. I'm the element of surprise, Nobody expects a 5'8 foot tall male with huge wings that look like the night sky when it's at its peak. While I was watching I noticed that Murgah was looking for me.
" Midnight?" He blinks for a moment before having to pull himself together to block a sudden onslaught of attacks. His sword seems to almost appear out of nowhere.
' I GOT THIS!?" He shouts in almost what seems to be a question as he holds his sword up in all its glory pulling back as she blocked a surprise attack from a demon behind him. That's when he began his sword fight with a demon. Feeling slightly surprised seeing that the smaller demon can handle Murgah's attack pretty well.
I smile to myself before throwing myself into the fight. summoning shadow figures to help with the onslaught of demons while I get into a fistfight with one particularly strong one. Only for a moment That's when Stacy comes in she's half-wolf. She began to strike down demons left and right cutting them down with their own blood causing them to explode internally. Only to move on to the next one leaving a crimson trail behind her.
Feeling sluggish and gradually becoming exhausted feeling like this will never end. Breathing heavily I look over at where I last saw murgah. Becoming distracted While I watch him his forehead glistening with sweat his black hair covering his eyes almost his skin becoming flushed bringing color to his pale skin. His slanted deep-set eyes glowed green on his left eye and gold on his right. My eyes move to his full lips as a small smile forms on them he stabs the demon cutting it down.
Smiling softly to myself when I finally get back to the fight I use my feathers as a weapon to cut down the demons. Stopping when I hear Murgah's voice suddenly calling my name sounding panicked as he makes his way towards me only then do I realize that my wings have disappeared and instead of me cutting down the demons I only then realized that there was a knife plunged into my side. Looking down at the knife I stare almost in shock as I slowly wrap my fingers around the hilt and pull It out wincing before I throw it at the demon that stabbed me killing it.
As my eyesight gradually darkens my last conscious thought was when I felt Murgahs arms wrapped around me before I hit the ground.
' Ah, he smells nice...'
My eyes meet his for a split second before I lose consciousness. For a moment I thought He was saying something important. I couldn't tell with all the ringing in my head.