Chereads / The Divine Guardians / Chapter 2 - Slicer's Rampage

Chapter 2 - Slicer's Rampage

The following morning, news broke out concerning the attack on the outskirts of Texas. The news spread like wildfire, engulfing a field of crops within a matter of seconds. Somehow, the news grabbed the attention 0of a powerful military official. His name was General Michael Adam Peterson. His skin was brown, while his hair was devoutly white with a tint of black on the sides.

Beside him stood two of his most trusted co-workers. They were Max Dilan and Kelly Stevenson. Max was a young lad who was in his early twenties. He had blue, spikey hair and a dash of sparkling, ultramarine eyes. He was the sergeant of Peterson's army on the battlefield. Meanwhile, Kelly was a beautiful woman with long brown hair. She was second to her superior and pledged her services to the military from the fragrance of her youth.

The three watched the commercial news on Peterson's Ipad. "My name is Katelyn Snow, and we are live on the outskirts of Texas... In a little township called Yosemite. Ladies and Gentlemen, a dreadful massacre took place here last night. Somebody cut a large number of corpses. There have been numerous speculations that this was the doing of aliens. Well, then, there is only one way to find out," she said enthusiastically.

Katelyn pottered towards an older man sitting on a stoop; he twiddled his thumbs while glancing at the floor, trembling with fear. When she stood before him, he slowly raised his head and looked at her,Β 


"Good day, kind sir... could you be so kind as to inform us of what you saw yesterday?"

When the older man caught a glimpse of the camera, he swayed his head to the side.

"It was ... horrible ... I ... saw ... A man draped in black. He had dark eyes like those of that of a Devil. Without notice, he cut everybody in half within mere seconds. I've never seen such grotesque before. The gates of hell have cursed us! I say the gates of hell have cursed us! He's coming! He's coming!!!"

Taking time to digest the words uttered from his mouth, she slowly turned to face the camera, responding with a soft but calm voice. However, a peptide of words struggled to soar out of her mouth.

"I ... I ... don't know what to make of this..."

She staggered as she swallowed a hard lump. Of course, she brushed her hair and bit her lip all before finding the courage to speak further.

"And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen; I am Katelyn Snow, and we are live in Texas, and this is the Daily Web!"

From the control room, Max imploded with laughter.

"What the hell, you gotta be kidding me, aliens? Is that the best that they could come up with? I bet the next thing will be the flying Spaghetti Man. Now, this is just madness!"

Peterson shun a stern glance at him, his brows furrowed, and his lips were tightly firm.

"How do you find this funny? Several people have been slaughtered by who knows what."

"General, you can't tell me you believe in such fantasies? Aliens? I mean, that is so 1980s."

"Even so, Max, strange things have been happening as of late. There have been wild rumors about speedsters. And from the looks of things, these rumors may seem to be true."

Kelly then suggested, "General, I think it would be good for us to start a thorough investigation."

"Not a bad idea there, Ms. Stevenson. Whoever or whatever attacked those people will strike again. That is why I'll put you in charge of this task, Max."

"Wait, what!? Do you want me to bring down some random alien and bring it to the military for interrogation?" He asked, still not sure about what he said.



Oklahoma City

Bianca knocked on Pete's door. He opened it and was baffled by her choice of clothing. She had worn an overall, and when he saw this, she smiled.

"Well, what do you think? I know it's old and marked with paint drops, but it's what I got." She turned around and clutched onto the edges of her overalls.

He tucked his hands into his pockets and leaned against the door frame.

" Bianca, what brings you here?"

She gently pinched his cheeks and continued, "I came to help you organize your apartment, silly."

"What do you mean organize my apartment? Everything is breeze Bianca; you need to chillax, ok..." he arched his brows.

She pointed at the ceiling behind him, which was dripping with water. He scratched his head and replied with an ingratiating smile.

"Oh, that, heh-heh. No, that's nothing! It's something that you shouldn't bother yourself with, believe me, it's fine!" He said as he placed his hand on his chest with pride.

A small chunk of the ceiling crumbled towards the floor.

He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Ah crap!"

"Mmm-hmm!" She replied as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Why do you wanna help me so badly, huh Bianca? I can fix this apartment by myself," he responded, clenching his lips and raising his shoulders momentarily to express his indifference.

"That's because I care about you, silly," she insisted as she pinched his cheeks again.

The two worked extensively in his kitchen, painting the walls and ceiling. They trudged to his living room. Continuing to put in the much-needed effort, eventually, their muscles gave in.

After some time, they took a break. Bianca wandered off to Pete's room. A dreadful sight awaited her. His room was a pig sty, and one would say that a mere child inhabited it. His clothes were lying everywhere, and he left his dishes in the head drawer; not only that but his head drawer was coated with dust. To make matters worse, a swarm of fat cockroaches marked his greasy plates as their habitat. She covered her mouth with her hands and almost threw up.

She then strolled to his wardrobe, and an unpleasant feeling shivered down her spine. Just before she could cling to the closet, she halted. However, she finally took the initiative and opened his closet.

And would you guess a rainfall of clothes plummeted with great force? Amid the downpour, a complex object struck her with passion.

"Oh, oww! Oww, my head!"

She rubbed her head, and a golden aura bounced off a circular-like object while at it.

The glamour of the object thwarted her into a sequence of hypnosis, alluring her to the floor.

She then crouched and grabbed the object. After that, she opened her palm and glanced at the peculiar golden thing. As it turns out, it was a talisman. The edges of the amulet were embroidered with a heptagram, while a phoenix was carved in the center.

"Whoa..." She adored.

Suddenly, Pete entered his room, and to his dismay, the talisman lay firmly in her grasp. He then raised his voice at her.

"Bianca, what the hell?! What are you doing?" Without a moment's notice, he snatched the talisman from her grasp.

She pondered why he would suddenly lash out at her. It's as if he condemned her for a deed she didn't know about.

"Pete, what's wrong?" She inquired while slowly rising to her feet as her eyeballs protruded. Unfortunately, Pete's wrath had masked his better judgment.

"No one, and I mean no one, has the right to hold this talisman but me!!!"

She slowly approached him and gently held his hand. With a soft and calm tone, she apologized, "Oh...I'm so so sorry, Pete. I didn't know that it meant so much to you."

He started to cool down, releasing the frustration that was building up.

Slowly, he tucked the talisman into his pockets while she inquired.

"What is it?"

He took a deep breath and faced the wall which was behind him. He braced himself for what he was about to say. He swallowed a hard lump and closed his eyes.

"It's a talisman..." He began softly.

"Right before he died, my father entrusted it to me. He advised me that whenever a dreadful situation occurred, I may remember him with it."

"Oh, Pete, I'm so sorry."

When he turned to face her, she touched his cheeks before enveloping him tightly. After that, she stepped back and apologized once more.

"Look, I understand; I'm sorry for invading your privacy."

A smile tugged his lips; he touched her shoulders and said, "It's cool. Hey, how about we go out for dinner tonight."

"That sounds like a great idea," she replied excitedly.


Later that evening

Dallas Texas

A fleet of police vans streaked down the city with incredible speed; sirens reverberated from block to block as the masses watched with intrigue. They rushed towards the city's central section, and while doing so, the police officers were unaware of a crisis that they were yet to behold.

Slicer had cut through many cars, and to make matters worse, another fleet was yet to serve his unsatiable thirst for bloodshed. As the fleet approached him hurriedly, he stood in the middle of the road, unshaken by fear.

After that, he swung his blades in the direction of the vehicles. In doing so, he propelled a wave of air pressure projectile attacks. The projectile attacks slew the cars in half.

After causing this devasting massacre, his blades morphed back into his limbs as he marched off.

"Leaving so soon? Well, that's a shame. I thought we would have some fun!" An unidentified figure taunted.

He stiffened his brows and turned around; he then locked eyes with his mocker.

It was Max Dilan; the two glanced at one another. However, what distinguished Slicer's gaze from his was that his red pupils struck terror in the hearts of his victims. His eyes were unlike any other; they showed a growing desire for blood.

Though Max stared him down at first, eventually, he broke his gaze and quickly looked away, consenting to an expression that said, "I'm in deep shit."

He brushed his fears away with due time and continued, "I'm sorry to disturb you; you must be in a hurry," Max said.

"No, not at all. Your timing is perfect, Max Dilan."

Max's eyeballs ballooned to significant


"What the hell? I must be out of my mind. How do you know my name?"

"I have a database about every living organism in this universe. And that includes everything that I need to know about you!"

"What are you?"

"I am a being carved from the strongest metal in the universe, otherwise known as Dark Metal. I have come here to retrieve all six talismans. And now that you decided to step out of the shadows to confront me, I have no choice but to take you out."

Max clenched his fist and surmounted his fear, "Hmmm, good luck with that, buddy."

He then charged at Slicer with ferocious speed. While doing so, his eye contact turned into a light blue color. Suddenly, his invisible aura attracted metal particles from different vehicles. In turn, the particles coated his body, forming a metal armor.

Once the armor fused with his body, he struck Slicer with a hook toward the mandible. However, his attack proved to be of no value. Instead, it caused the particles around his fist to fall off.


He attempted to land another hook; in response, Slicer grabbed his wrist and landed an audacious head-butt. The force of the head butt sent the latter flying. Therefore, he collided with a building and landed on his back.

And he winced after that. He rubbed his forehead, which was throbbing red.

"Aah, man, that hurts."

Hearing footsteps, he stood up. Before he could blink, Slicer tackled him through another building. After a heinous assault, he struggled to rise to his feet, preferring to glance at the ceiling. Suddenly, Slicer initiated another attack; this time, he attempted to stomp his face. Fortunately, the latter rolled out of the way as his foot sank through the ground, carving a pothole.

"What the hell, dude? What's wrong with you? That could've been my face!" He exclaimed, aggravated.

Slicer merely chuckled and said, "Oh really, now? I guess I kinda missed a step, wouldn't you say?"

Once again, he charged, and in response, Max stretched his hand toward a nearby car. A colorless orb hovered around his hand, giving him the license to levitate the vehicle. And he did precisely that.

Slicer then analyzed the floating vehicle using his head-up display, Hud. Somebody integrated the guidance system into his neural network.

"I see; he can manipulate magnetic fields. I must remain vigilant around him, or his kinetic abilities will be a nuisance."

Max then stretched his hand towards him, ordering the car to smite him. Rather, Slicer slew the vehicle in half.

"How is this possible? How can he cut through steel?!" He exclaimed.

"As I said, I'm made from the strongest metal in the universe. Therefore, this means that I am invincible! I sustain no damage whatsoever!"

He summoned more metal particles to bind with him. He pursued after Slicer, and when he closed the gap between them, he efficiently maneuvered a dexterous somersault over him.

After a courageous somersault, a haze of conviction clouded his better judgment.

Therefore, Slicer drove the blade through his gut when his feet touched the ground. He groaned in agony as blood seeped out of his wound.

Slicer thrust the blade even more profoundly; eventually, it peered out from his back. He gasped with horror as Slicer grabbed his hair.

"Did you think that you stood a chance against me? No! You are just another fool in a list of my victims." He then pulled the blade out from his body and bode his departure.