I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, we still had a few hours to go on the jet and I have a bit of a headache.
I get up and grab my mini bag and get out from the seat trying my best not to wake up Zion and head towards the bathroom.
I use the toilet first then I turn the faucet on, feeling the cold water run on my hands, I wash my face and brush my teeth.
Looking in the mirror I look good. Per usual. My dark skin was smooth except for the small scar on my cheek and my textured hair was braided back into frizzy corn rolls all the way to my neck, I definitely wasn't going to be signing up to model anytime soon but I was good enough on the eyes.
Opening the door to the bathroom I slowly head back to my seat being stealthy and silent no one hears me as I take my seat near Zion.
He nearly scared the crap out of me when he yawned, he didn't open his eyes though so I assumed he wanted more sleep.
I reached into my bag feeling around in there until I felt the softcover of my book I pulled it out it was titled 'RESTORE ME' By Tahereh Mafi, It was probably my 15th time reading this book, the cover had some wear and tear and I had to use some tape to keep a few pages from falling out but it was my favorite book, I decided to start from where I left off I was such a sucker for these books.
It was about an hour and a half later that everyone decided to get up and clean themselves so they could look their best while representing our platoon, heck even Zion styled his hair a little bit, after they woke up we sat down and the skinny lady appeared and gave us the food we asked for I asked for french toast, pancakes, bacon and two cups of apple juice. Zion asked for a protein bar and some French toast.
Such a weirdo.
I inhaled the most delicious breakfast I've had in a while, those butler machines can't even compare to the food I just ate, I take ibuprofen and I'm ready to go.
"We're landing and someone is supposed to pick us up and drive us to the main base, everyone stay on guard until we reach our Point A!" Zion says to the group.
"Yes, Sir!" All the snipers say as we buckle up.
About 10 or 15 minutes later we're in a black bulletproof SUV there are 2 SUVs with us in front leading, with the other in the back which carries our luggage.
We took our guns with us inside the SUV in case anything happened. We're quite famous and not in a good way.
"We're almost there," The driver says, he's a bigger-built person with a beard, suit, and pitch-black sunglasses. It's what my squad would call a typical henchman, I'd say underpaid taxi driver but they digress...
There's an occasional bump and dip in the road and an occasional swerve at most but it's nothing we're not used to.
It used to be a pain driving with Avery she was a sheltered kid before the world went crazy so when she decided she wanted to join us, every single time we were to get into a truck and go onto the roads it would just be throw up everywhere it was horrible but she's gotten better.
The SUV came to a halt in front of the all too similar building that I've grown to hate and love, the SUV in front signals our driver to follow his suit and halt, our driver opened the SUV door for us as we all took our time dreading having to walk into that wretched building.
Slinging my gun in its case across my shoulder as I stretch hearing a few bones make a nice sound of relief from being stretched again, stretching my arms out I look over at my team, Zion's telling them to bring everyone's bag to where we will temporarily staying, Avery and Dave are stretching their legs and arms, Bob's cracking his knuckles and prepping his legs like he's about to run a marathon.
"You guys finished stretching?" Zion says as he does a few quick stretches.
"Yep," I say
"let's get this test over with," Dave replies.
"let's go." Zion takes the lead and we follow after him.