Chereads / Harry Potter and the Blood of Kings / Chapter 9 - Three Slytherins

Chapter 9 - Three Slytherins

"and lastly in first place and the winner of the House Cup, Slytherin, with an outstanding four hundred and seventy points." Dumbledore announced. Sitting next to him Eleanor clapped politely.

Sitting back down he tucked himself in as the food magically appeared.

"Don't you think you overdid it a bit I mean usually you don't use all those fancy words?" Eleanor asked.

"I have to keep a bit of mystery around myself. Seeing them look at me as if I'm mad is quite entertaining too."

She giggled at that "So Slytherin won, my house really is the best isn't it."

A grandfatherly chuckle left Dumbledore's lips from her left Professor McGonagall spoke up "Lady Eleanor would you like to try some of the salmon it's delicious."

Turning to look at her Eleanor smiled and said in a grateful tone "Yes please".

While she was serving her Professor McGonagall asked "So what were you planning to do the next few years before you come to Hogwarts?"

Sighing Eleanor leaned back "Well I'm not sure yet, but I was thinking of traveling a bit or enrolling in a muggle school."

The Professor looked at her in surprise "Realy, a muggle school?"

"Yes, from what I've heard they learn all sorts of stuff. For example yesterday I was talking to this girl named Mary Kent and she told me all about the muggle world. Did you know they have this thing called a computer" she kept rambling about different muggle inventions and how amazing they were and all through her one-sided conversation Professor McGonagall was listening to her with a smile on her face.

What they didn't notice was Professor Snape watching and listening from further down the table. His lips formed a slight smile as he watched Eleanor, he felt a kind of fatherly protection towards her.

When Desert was served Eleanor closed her eyes and tried to remember which two seventh years Slytherins were prefects finding the memory she looked through it there she found two names and faces: Aryan Selwyn, 17, 5.7 feet, shoulder-length brown hair, green eyes, Arabella Yaxley, 18, 5.9 feet, hip-length black hair, brown eyes.

Looking over at the Slytherin table she used her enhanced eyesight to find the two prefects she found them about a minute later, they weren't sitting too far away from each other so taping Dumbledore's shoulder she told him she would join the Slytherins now.

As soon as she stood up a lot of eyes were fixed on her, not bothered by them she moved around the other teachers greeting the few she knew.

As soon as she reached the Slytherin table she didn't waste any time and walked straight to the closest of the two she was looking for which was Arabella Yaxley.

She had her hair tied up in a loose bun and wore her uniform neatly.

Noticing Eleanor approaching her she turned and asked, "Yes?"

Curtsying Elanor introduced herself "Greetings Arabella Yaxley of the most ancient and noble house of Yaxley, my name is Elanor Black heiress to the most ancient and noble house of Black. I came over to introduce myself and congratulate you on your win of the house Cup."

Standing up Arabella curtsied back and said "Well it is an honor to meet you heiress Black and I thank you for your kind words. Would you like to join us for dessert?"

"Oh yes, I would love to."

Arabella and the girl next to moved over to give her some space. Climbing over the bench Eleanor sat down. Turning to the other girl she stretched out her hand "Eleanor Black"

The other girl shook Eleanor's hand and said in a cheery voice "The name's Erika Shaw, but you can just call me Erika." A smile bloomed on Eleanor's face "Sure, but then you have to call me Eleanor."

A smile also appeared on Erika's face at that "So Eleanor your and heiress, how is it knowing you'll inherit everything that house Black owns. I won't know what it's like because I have a younger brother and he'll inherit the Lordship and it's the same for Bella, she has an older brother who'll be lord someday." She said excitedly.

"Well it's hard to explain, I mean it surely has its perks but I also have the eyes of the whole of magic Britain on me so" Eleanor sighed.

"Yeah sure but from what I've heard you have enough gold to buy almost every shop in Diagon Alley. You don't have to worry about anything how amazing is that." Erika said her eyes shining.

"Erika I think you've hassled her enough let her ask some questions," Arabella said interrupting their conversation.

"Well, I do actually have some questions. For example, what were you planning to do after Hogwarts?"

From her right, Erika enthusiastically answered, "I'll join my father at the daily prophet he's he the owner you know."

"I didn't actually I'll have to meet him someday. What about you Arabella?"

Clenching her jaw she answered venomously "I will be joining my father in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement." it seemed hard to get the word father out between her lips.

Frowning Eleanor looked at her worriedly reaching out her hand she grabbed Arabella's "If there's anything you need my doors will always be open to you."

Suddenly two hands grabbed Arabella's shoulders looking up Eleanor saw it was Aryan Selwyn seventh year prefect of Slytherin house.

"Oh come on Bella cheer up the world's not gonna end." Finally noticing Eleanor he greeted her "Ah hello the names Aryan Selwyn but you can call me Ari. What brings you to our Table young Lady?" he seemed to have a loud and cheery composition completely different from Arabella who was always stonefaced much like Professor McGonagall.

"I just wanted to see what my future house looks like and meet some people."

He suddenly laughed and said, "I couldn't help but notice that you were talking about what we would be doing after school."

"Yes that's right 100 points," said Erika in her ever cheery voice.

"For your information, I'll be joining the Department of Magical Transportation knowing when and where you're going at all times and after my birthday I'll join Wizingemot as the representative of house Selwyn."

Sticking out her tung Erika said, "That sounds so boring just sitting around with all those old men."

Ruffling her hair he said "Well these old men as you call them are some of the most powerful people in the country. So it's better to get acquainted with them."

Looking at Eleanor, Arabella asked, "Lady Eleanor would you like some cake?"

"Oh yes thank you, but please just call me Eleanor," she said while accepting the piece.

"Sure, but then you must call me Bella as everyone does," she said smiling slightly.

The next half hour was filled with talks of magic and school.

Falling into bed Eleanor thought about the talk she had with Bella from what it sounded like her father didn't treat her well. She would have to look into that, Eleanor was sure she would visit the three seventh years when she had the chance.

But before she could think on it any further she dozed off to sleep.

Waking up early as she always did, she did the same routine as she did yesterday and the day before, removing her claws, standing up, getting dressed in the blue robe, praying, and then reading till food was ready.

When Dumbledore came down he didn't disturb her as always.

When it was almost time for breakfast she left for the dining hall with Dumbledore.

As they were eating Dumbledore asked, "So you said you know where you're going but how will you get there?"

Sighing Eleanor replied "I don't actually know" she pondered for a bit and then asked, "Who's Lord Black right now?"

"That would be Cygnus Black but no one has heard from him in years." A flash of realization hit him "You want to take the inheritance test so that through the family magi he can feal you and send a house-elf to get you, that genius. The only question now is how do you want to get to Gringotts, by train or by flue?"

"I'll probably go by flue it's faster."

Taking a sip of his tea Dumbledore looked over the students "Good, I think you can do it yourself, right."

"Hm" is all she said before getting up and leaving to pack.

Reaching Dumbledore's office she started packing, luckily she only had two things to take, her wand and the grimoire. When Dumbledore arrived she was ready to go.

"Weren't you planning to say goodbye?" he said chuckling.

"Of course I was, I just wanted everything ready to go."

"Well then you forgot some things didn't you," he said while handing her the book she had been reading and the pile of Robes he had accioed to himself.

"You're giving me them?" she asked incredulously.

"Yes you haven't finished reading it have you, and when you're done you can just give it back."

He said giving her a grandfatherly smile.

Then suddenly the door to the office burst open and the teachers came in. At the front was Professor McGonagall with Professors Snape and Babbling behind her.

"Ah, here they are," Dumbledore said chuckling slightly.

Stepping forward Eleanor curtsied and said "Professors Snape, McGonagall, Babbling I will be taking my leave."

Bowing Snape replied, "I hope we see each other in the near future Lady Black."

The same went for McGonagall "Have a safe journey my Lady"

And lastly Babbling "Lady Black I look forward to seeing you in Hogwarts again."

Looking down Eleanor noticed on top of the pile of clothes there was a small bag.

Lifting up she asked, "Dumbledore what's this?"

"A Mokeskin pouch,"

Her eyes widened at this 'aren't these really expensive?' she thought to herself.

Giving Dumbledore a big smile and said "Thank you, Headmaster it's greatly appreciated."

Walking up to the fireplace she grabbed a handful of flue powder stepped into the fireplace turned and curtsied. Throwing the powder at her feat she said loud and clearly "the leaky cauldron". A large tung of fire enveloped her before she felt like she was pulled into a very small point below her. From Dumbledore's memories, Eleanor noted that she should feel dizzy but she didn't feel a thing. Looking around Eleanor saw that she was flying past many fireplaces noticing she was nearing one Eleanor closed her eyes and waited.