17th JAN,2017; 4.3O P.M.
Shiv lied! He knew that Dhruv was going to stay in the station longer than that night, but he also couldn't afford his mother interfering in his work. So he tried his best to convince Ashwini that Dhruv was just brought in for interrogation and will be left as soon as it was over. Even after that Ashwini took a little more time to settle down and go back home. It was a relief for everyone; a shouting mother was the last thing they wanted to add to that over-ornate day.
Before Shiv could get back to his cabin and try solving Dhruv's clue, he was occupied by Vijay. It was finally getting difficult for him to conduct interviews with so many people. Shiv left the work of solving clues to Keshav and got ready to conduct some interviews. Vijay and Shiv talked to more than 20 people in the next 3 hours, but luck wasn't on their side. None of Shiv's neighbors had any important information for them; none of them saw Dhruv or Pooja ever at Shiv's house. Shiv talked to the neighbor who found the body, the only information he shared was about how he saw the front door open for an awful lot of time and when he called standing outside no one answered and how the smell was making him sick and as he opened the door and found Vikram lying on the floor in the pool of blood. Details of the scene did nothing but just make Shiv go through more pain and anger. Even after spending three continuous hours questioning his neighbors, Shiv got nothing, and that's when Vijay entered the room with a little ray of hope!
Vijay found out from the building's watchman that Pooja visited Vikram on 16th January, the watchman then identified Dhruv saying that he visited Vikram on 13th January. Shiv was curious to know how did he remembered them so clearly with their names, and that's when he started bragging about his good memory and how these were the only two people who visited Shiv's place in the last two months. Shiv figured out that the watchman knew their names so clearly because they had to write it in the register and also say whom they were visiting while they entered the building from the front gate. From what watchmen said, it was quite clear that Pooja was the last person to visit Vikram the day he was murdered and the entry in the register made it clear that she met him near the time of his murder. She entered the building at 7.02 P.M. and left within an hour or so and from their early analysis, forensic concluded that he was murdered between the times of 7.30 to 9.30 P.M. With everything they were getting, all the fingers pointed at Pooja. But Shiv still wanted to hear the girl's side. As soon as he was done with the watchman he went out to talk to Pooja, but before he could go to her, Subhash and Bhosle approached him. They both had something for him!
The first information Shiv received was from Subhash. According to him, Vikram's call record showed that he was talking to someone a few hours before his death and that it was the last call he made that day, and the number was registered in the name of Mohan Mahajan, who was Pooja's father. And something that also came up from phone records was that they both had a total of 21 calls in the last weeks, which was a sign that Dhruv's theory was slowly proving itself true. Subhash went forward with saying that he even completed checking Vikram's phone and with that, it was proven that Vikram was blackmailing Pooja with those pictures but he never mentioned what he wanted in return at the bargain apart from his relationship. Shiv cross-referenced the incident Dhruv talked about and the call logs, and it turned out true, the call was made, with that Shiv was convinced, Dhruv isn't lying! There was enough in the plate already with a lot of proof pointing towards Pooja and Bhosle added one more item to it.
He was supposed to check the CCTV footage of the day, especially footage between the time slot of 7 to 11 P.M. and he had found what they needed. He took Shiv to the camera room and showed him the footage, the footage clearly showed Pooja entering the house at 7.08 P.M. after coming out of the elevator and then coming out of the house at 8.12 P.M. and on seeing it Shiv said,
Rathod: Well seems like he got our murderer! Is there anything else to it? Just to get all my doubts sorted!
Bhosle: Well I checked all the footage from 7 to 11 and this girl is entering the house and leaving the house apart from that it's just your neighbors coming and going out of their flats and there are nearly 2 blank spots, I mean footage is missing twice in this 4 hrs. I checked with the watchman as he was the one in charge of it and it's nothing but power cut according to him, first footage goes missing at 8.14 and from that to 8.32 and the next is at 10.40 to 10.58 and as I said it's due to power cut. No electricity, no running cameras, so no footage! But don't worry we have our killer!
Rathod: Why is she walking weird in the footage of her leaving the house?
Bhosle: Not only walking weird but also crying. Look carefully, sir! I feel both talked about those pictures, she tried to get her way out of it, both argued, got into a scuffle, Vikram beats Pooja, she hits him back but as Vikram is overpowering her she gets the spanner she brought with her in her bag, I mean look at the footage she has a bag with her. As soon as she gets the chance she hits him on the back of his head, he falls, she hits him 4 to 5 times more in anger and she panics after seeing him dead, she doesn't know what to do, she throws the spanner out the window and gets out of the house and runs. And she panicked about everyone finding out she killed Vikram, she comes to us so that she can point the target on Dhruv!
Subhash: Very good work Bhosle! (Leans forward to Bhosle's ear and in low voice) But it's Saheb's son, asshole! Show a little empathy!
Rathod: I can hear you Subhash! Don't worry, I won't be offended. He is just doing his job! And well done Bhosle! I agree with your theory completely but I think the reason she is walking weird is not a fight.
Bhosle: Then what sir?
Rathod: I think I know what the reason is, but I would like to confirm it from her. Subhash, get the girl to the interrogation room. I think it's time we talk!